"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Yeah i don’t think it’s as simple as saying, “remove x and the community will be fixed”. Also not a fan of the chores either :slight_smile:

In my opnion ,Blizzard did that totally wrong by letting people have to wait for LFR till the raiders finish.It doesn’t make sense.

Nah, there will be a surge in signups to try it and then people will remember that everyone back then was screaming for the kind of WoW we have now. Dungeon finder, better UI, each spec viable, more open world content, transmogs, flying, smaller zones, more flight points, account-wide features, and so on.

People forget what a buggy and difficult mess vanilla truly was. Reality is going to hit hard when all the modernizations are gone. I expect Classic to split the WoW community and be the final nail in its coffin.

What do LFR raiders do the week it isn’t open? How do you know it will drive them away from the game? Players sub and unsub all the time for a variety of reasons. No one said they had to sit on their hands or join a guild.

Why does the guild have to be full of people forcing them to do something they don’t want to do? Why can’t it just be a guild where players hang out and do WFs or IEs, WQs, old content, transmog runs, mount runs, pet battles, group together for LFR/LFD?

Blizz opened a Pandora’s box that they can not close now. It has become basically a solo-play game now and much less of a community- based MMO. However, they could be creative and give players an incentive to group. People will do anything for an incentive, like tediously grinding for months for re-skinned race.

At this point, there needs to be a very clear incentive to group and get back to early community-aspects of the game. You can solo your way to a level 400 ilvl right now. What those incentives should be? I dunno, they don’t pay me the big bucks to come up with those things.

Players without content are more likely to unsub. Why do you think that doesn’t apply to those people who do lfr?

You want these people to have nothing to do for several weeks because you think it will make them join a guild where others like you are waiting to push them into raiding. That’s what you said, making them wait several more weeks will give them more time/opportunity to raid.

Why would anyone join a guild to do pet battles?


Because you stated this:

Why are you so concerned about players who don’t want to play as you do? Why does it bother you so much, that there are players who don’t care enough about their status in a video game, to improve? Instead of thinking of ways to get us to play like you and with you, ask us why we don’t want to be your friends and apart of the community you want to exist. Ask us why we don’t want to raid Normal+. Ask us why we don’t want the community you revere so much, to ever return.

Quite a few of us, are in those types of guilds right now. Much of the complaints on this thread, have been from players complaining that we’re not raiding with the guilds we have chosen to be in. That we use LFR to see endgame content, and not our guilds. That we would rather pug, than to commit to a raid team, in order to see endgame content.

And this is what i mean by content being trivialized for the sake of convenience. This is never a good thing for anyone no matter where you stand.

Because mmorpgs were and always have been a social game.

Keep the queue bake it into normal , because giving people something for nothing constantly is never good idea not in a made up world or the real one.

They removed the loot from LFR in WOD and people complained, I dont understand and i most likely never will why people believe they should get stuff for no effort other than pushing a button

I am in a guild that has almost daily events. Tmog contests, trivia, normal raid runs, there’s even usually a movie night on discord thrown in there. This is player-run community and is usually not sustainable in most guilds. Blizz needs to provide more incentive for community, since this now a mostly solo game for most people.

damn people fall for the most common sunday bait thread… :joy: when it wasnt even sunday.

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Why not? There is plenty of non-trivial content. And it is harder than ever.

It is a multiplayer game. If, when and how much you socialize and with who are options.

I still don’t think it would work and would just end up shutting a bunch of people out, queue or no.

So there is an extremely easy version that anybody can do if they don’t fit with the regular difficulties? So what? I don’t care if people are playing and progressing on an easier level than me.

Because participation trophys suck and that is what wow has become and its not harder maybe mythic is but lfr to hc is easier than old normal mode. Mind you loot raining from the sky allows you out gear crap super fast.

No it is not i can see everything this game has to offer with the push of a button and not speak a single word.

No person is equal its a hard fact to swallow but its true. The skill ceiling being higher will ether make people try harder or they won’t. But it also wont make players like myself quit because the game would have stuff worth doing.

I get it, people pay for the game they should be able to see all content, and they can, they just have to put in effort like everyone if they wish to really see it.

It really doesn’t bother me that people have an easy option. Sorry.

And you can also socialize to your heart’s content and push challenging content with a consistent group if you wish. I don’t see how one hurts the other.

The harder stuff isn’t worth doing because the easier stuff exists? That doesn’t make the tiniest bit of sense to me.


Beauty of opinions i guess, think we are done thank you for the conversation and being decent about it not like some others.

Personally think the damage is done. The only hope for community at this point is Classic. Too many quality of life things have made it into the game and there would be outrage if they were removed.

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You’re welcome!

But yeah I’ve seen these discussions dozens of times. There isn’t even really a possible compromise. A lot of it seems really binary.

I really hope Classic is what a lot of people on your side of the fence hope it will be.

I don’t have the slightest interest in going back to that.

Everything anyone gets in the game from doing content is a participation trophy. Stop pretending that other people who you despise because they aren’t hardcore jerks don’t deserve rewards for what they do. They pay the bills that your content costs to develop.

It is indeed a multiplayer game. If you think the purpose of the game is to force other people to play with you exactly how you want them to be forced to in this entirely trivial videogame, the problem is you.

The game has stuff worth doing for you. No problem, you got yours. But daddy blizzard, take away those people’s content, because I don’t want them to have anything to do. Then they’ll HAVE TO play with me.

Are you also like this in real life, or just in the game?


If we want community back, why not allow us all to be part of one big community?

  • Kill the current concept of servers
  • Allow guilding cross-realms.
  • Allow mythic raids cross-realm.
  • Shard out only parts of the game that are very densely populated
  • Figure out how to make a combined Auction House work in a combined community.

My guild has had players run most of the expansion in our heroic raid team that were on different servers. They felt like a part of the guild, we just couldn’t give them potions and gold and guild leaders had to battletag friend them to invite.

The forced separation of the players based on an arbitrary choice of a way to login is kinda a weak point these days.

Though have a server that kind of resets itself back to 0 would be interesting too. I think someone else mentioned something similar to having people having to relevel and actually need each other to do certain things would build communities. Imagine having to clear all content to progress to the next level of content.

Servers based upon different ways to play the game would be more interesting than current servers. Innovate new ways to play the game with different rules.

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The game is already dead, removing LFR wont fix it.

Jumping ship early is the answer, just like what Ghostcrawler did.

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Well not many people nowadays have time to make friends in WoW and commit to online schedules.

If there was little to do for the massive amounts of casuals in this game, they wouldn’t join guilds, they still wouldn’t meet guild schedules, they would simply walk away when they couldn’t progress any further.