"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I have no friends from my early days of WoW anymore.

But the friends I made in it’s latter years are ones I’ve taken outside of WoW.

We have more social tools than ever before-the “Community” aspect was less about a Community and more about seeing famillair faces in a Crowd you frequently interacted with.

Which I guess to some made things seem Homey, but I like how I Can effectively play the game and not have to rely on otheres so much to do basic tasks. I can be more autonomous and more discerning in who I choose to spend my time with and not have to settle for second rate people out of sheer necessity.

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This would cause more harm to a community on those server then it worth because server already have their identity ,cip, the server I’m on merger with another, then for months there was a power play being fought out. It wasn’t a pleasant experience,the tug of war cost was alot of folks leaving to other servers and the population rounded out the same before the merger.Did it help no.

If they do this I will quit on the spot, no questions asked. Period.

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I don’t really remember needing to commit to a schedule back in Wrath when I was new to the game if I wanted to do things like raid

Lol OP … I agree fully.
Get … rid … of … LFR … please.

It’s not that I hate LFR, I just think it’s lazy and lame content like warfronts or Islands. :woman_shrugging:

Providing incentives for good behavior or helping new players would be more effective than taking content away.

It’s 2019 and there are a ton of high quality games out there. You’re just going to chase people off.


its good you weren’t around in BC or you would have gotten only kara done.


Normal and Heroic require no guild or schedules to engage in. There are LFG pugs going all the time. I know though, you get rejected because you can’t grind 1-2 hours a week to get better gear.

LFR is for lazy gamer’s there ain’t no other way to slice it.

It is has been a stain on this game for years and no I don’t care that people want AFK content, it just doesn’t make sense from a design stand point.

At least make that content harder like it was in MoP. I don’t think it makes for compelling game play to let people destroy your most time intensive and resource intensive content in LFR form.

Too funny. This kinda proves the disconnect that the devs have with the game. In order to bring the community concept back blizz would have to; kill CRZ, limit AH use, fix professions and nuke raid/dungeon finder…none of which is going to happen and they know it.

I doubt that. Personally I wish I played BC because it sounds a lot more engaging then what we have right now in my honest opinion.

I started playing after watching The Guild all the way through 3x. Legitly thought the garrison was a guild hall.

And since anybody in your party can go to your garrison, it kinda is guild hall lol

Anybody can walk acrpss my property…does not mean they live there.

But aren’t LFG pugs part of the problem with a dwindling community?

I was talking about a mythic raiding community, not easy mode normal and heroic.

Hell no Wrath imo had the very best pugging community in all expansions.


I joined back around mid-Cata. I clearly remember it being before LFD because my guild had a party for it - our schedules were just too off to make playing together as a guild work. Plus, I was a new player and that guild was all my friends. I gotta tell you, it didn’t kill the community. This community you speak of was dead a long time ago and is abusive to players with disabilities. I have always been kicked for revealing that I have a disability when I do one thing wrong when not in LFD/LFR. If it gets removed, then I will simply never ever raid or run a dungeon again. You want community again? Get people to stop being sh*ts and realize that nobody is perfect.


If players are grinding 1-2 hours per week for better gear, wouldn’t they outgear Normal and possibly Heroic, before they even set foot inside those raids? Completely removing their motivation to want to raid in the first place?

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With this post i’ll comment,Since time is important part of our society ,to say that you’ll get more from "time Intensive ". Normal and heroic for a beginner does take more time than LFR ,far more time.Forcing people to be funneled to only those choices can’t be very productive for those that are busy in every day life.It’s ok if you are a hard core raider even those just don’t jump into a raid they set it up way in advance <so more time is needed.Which is more consuming ?

If you really want to sling it out then you should remove LFG and do it the old way recruit raiders in trade chat again and see how it works at 3 a.m in the morning or when there’s no one there to form a group.8 hours on dragonsoul will be just lovely on sunday night when the sisters leave the raid because they found out who healed the best.


What does this have to do with what I said?

I said nothing of the sort.

Good to see after I was gone the LFR vitriol is still continuing.

I enjoy the impotent rage.

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