"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Oh isolated server PVP…I am still haunted by the Lock and Mage duo that wrecked everyone or the multi-boxing shaman…*shudder.

It would be hard to bring back that kind of community but maybe they can get half way back to it.

A delay with no rational reason. Literally the only thing it does is dump on LFR players because they are LFR players.

It isn’t really any less absurd than suggesting delaying Mythic an entire raid tier.


If I am running LFR with a family member or guild mate the bond is already formed. I do not have experience from meeting anyone from my server to form a bond through LFR. I view it as an easy avenue to get gear for an alt.

The fact you met someone is great, but how often does that happen? What can blizz do to make LFR feel like a community where players not only queue but remember seeing people from that server or your own for that matter, and form a bond to want to play with those strangers again or maybe say that guy/girl was “toxic” and ruined the experience to avoid that person in any future lfr?

What if the reason they gave was to try and get the LFR type players to maybe try a normal raid first? Try and bring back the server community as it was back in Vanilla, BC and Wotlk.

I am mainly referring to players who only do LFR because the convenience of seeing the story/raid and feel that is good enough, not wanting to become a better wow player.

LFR did nothing but cause elitist like you to cry and keep wanting it removed.

OH Look! Something I hate and don’t have to use but I sure as hell don’t want anyone else using it either! It must be removed!


Maybe Blizzard could make an raid just for the server nothing fancy but be rewarding to all involved,a special event.That way it could have an impact on the community.

Why should I wait till the story is passed beyond to see that story? If LFR is designed for me to see the story then delaying it is pointless.

This would drive more people away from the game. Its a lot like that “Make the world feel bigger” angle they use to try and remove portals and flying. You cant force the community back to Wrath and Vanilla and taking things away, or intentionally delaying them, will only make it worse.


I think its hard to pick on just one thing, because there are a few issues across-the-board that I think are making it harder to make friends and form communities organically in the game;

One is a lack of downtime. Every week I’m on a hamster wheel of limited-time, trivial tasks I need to complete to maximise my loot intake. Stopping to chat to strangers isn’t necessary, and slows you down as you work on your deadlines.

In group activities, you rarely have downtime where conversations can start. Travel time is negligible or non existent, and then the activity is either too easy to require set up or conversation, or its on a timer.

The second thing that hinders socialising is transience of people. Encounters with people in the world are already brief for reasons mentioned above, and then they also literally vanish before your eyes as soon as the group disbands or a queue pops. Once that happens you’re unlikely to see them again.

In group content it’s very easy to replace group members, so there’s no need to be patient when things aren’t going as planned. When poop hits the fan, overcoming the challenge together is an opportunity to form friendships. But because people are disposable, and we all have our deadlines, it’s much more efficient to just bail.

Lastly, I feel like there’s a lack of long term goals for us to work on together. Something that would have you interact with people on multiple occasions over a longer period of time. There’s no large scale world events, no gruelling war-effort with a big payoff at the end. I’m not aware of any long quest chains that require much cooperation. It feels like everything is delivered in bite-sized chunks, and I can be pretty self sufficient with my week-to-week chores.

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There is no evidence at all that I am aware of that the type of person who only does LFR now and didn’t raid before LFR could be enticed to raid higher difficulties because their option was removed/delayed.

People who want to improve and do higher difficulties likely do exactly that.

And like I said in a previous post. I personally don’t feel losing things like LFR and LFD would be worth an, at best, slim chance of getting back the nebulous concept of server community.


Essentially getting rid of CRZ and make LFD/LFR server only? This would work but they would need to shut down a few low pops and merge them with other low pops.

Or leave it like it is and have a raid you can queue into but only takes the server into account?

I don’t think they will.but Blizzard could create something that is only server related.

There are two sides to this coin though. I remember, generally if not specifics, numerous groups that were just awful due to the difficulty of replacing people, especially in Classic.

Many times we stuck with someone(s) that was a jerk or almost completely inept because it took far too long and was too much of a headache to replace them or start over. Or just couldn’t kick them because they were the leader. Instead of building friendships it resulted in a very negative experience and finishing, if we could, only resulted in relief.

It really could go either way, although I rarely really socialize with strangers so don’t tend to make friends through grouping with random people.

For me LFD and then group finder were godsends. A massive improvement to the game.

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I am not saying you should or have to wait for LFR. Right now you wait 1 week for the first wing of LFR, and so on getting a new wing each week. What is the difference between waiting a week and then another compared to getting LFR say 1 month after release?

How would delaying LFR in an attempt to maybe see if they try a normal raid drive people away and make things worse? Nothing is taken away, you deal with LFR delays as it is right now.

No, they probably won’t. I think it would be a good start if they tried a server only event/raid/world bosses (like the Dragons in Vanilla).

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I don’t know why people hate on LFR, It was one of the reasons i stuck with WoW, I was finally able to see end game story and encounters without needing to spend month gearing up for it.

I missed out on Naxx and all TBC because I was too busy pvping and could not get my gear high enough to switch to pve.

But then again, the nature of gearing up and raiding has changed too, so maybe it’s time for LFR to evolve.

Yes, classic dungeons typically would take 3 hours out of my day haha. But I made friends there too.

However I dont think its simply being able to replace people that makes people ditch groups quickly, its also the fact that we have a laundry list of other stuff to get done and a time limit to do it. Everything is geared to pressure us into completing things fast.

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I am not saying to get rid of LFD/LFR, they are tools that a lot of players use and its got benefits. I am just trying to see how can you have those systems and get a sense of community back as well. Like Pyromor said maybe a server wide event type raid or something.

Well there a pipe dream if I ever heard 1.

There are a lot of chores right now. Too many for me personally although I know the response is that I don’t have to do them.

But yeah back in Classic I would make sure I had at least 4 hours before even starting to try to do one dungeon because of all the things that could go wrong. I have no interest whatsoever to go back to the way things were.

However, I am very happy that people are finally getting a legitimate option for going back if that is what they prefer. I just don’t understand the appeal.

3 weeks per wing. Purely arithmetic.

Making people who want to do LFR wait an extra month or 2 before releasing it is going to drive them away from the game. Just like raiders unsub at the drop of a hat until the next raid comes out, why do you think people who do LFR would want to sit on their hands and do nothing, or join guilds full of people trying to force them to do something they don’t want to do?

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