"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I guess my bad then, but Im sure you realize that we cant hear voice tone in here. If you are being sarcastic maybe indicate that a bit better? Otherwise we can only respond to what we read.

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I used to enjoy raiding and pvp quite a bit, however, I don’t do either one very often anymore due to my physical limitations and wouldn’t want to burden other players with my poor reaction times. I did dungeons until my eyeballs hurt so bad that I couldn’t stand the thought of doing that sort of thing again - I stopped everything pretty much except for questing. I don’t even do the quests that require me to go into a dungeon to get the achievements for my professions.

As far as building a community - everything seems to be pointing in the opposite direction with the changes that have been recently made in-game.

I was in a pet battles guild for years. People do not understand how much theorycrafting, class stacking and min/max gameplay exists in pet battling. I would dare say that often times, pet battles rival pvp in what players are willing to do in order to be at the top of their game.

So happy to see this post.


This GC talking about raiding and dungeons in cata. The bottom line is that we want Heroics and raids to be challenging, and ultimately, we don’t want to give undergeared or unorganized groups a near guaranteed chance of success, because then the content will feel absolutely trivial for players in appropriate gear who communicate, cooperate, and strategize.

Like myself i think a lot of players who want the removal of LFR want to go back to a time when Raiding felt highly rewarding, its why i think 2 modes is still the best version of the game.

If people want to keep the queue then at least add some bite to the content and i agree it might be to hard for some but if they really want to raid even in queued normal version they will get better.

I still think its had a negative effect on communities same as LFD, sharding, CRZ, even cross faction transfer and server transfer.

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I have a question on this statement. What reward is this? Does this reward have value that all the community would share or just a few?

That statement makes it clear they had a choice of keeping less difficulties and excluding a ton of players or expanding the number of difficulties and including a wider selection.

GC clearly disliked the really easy mode stuff but ultimately they clearly decided that queued content needed to be quite easy and that it was worth keeping queued content despite the lack of difficulty.

If people enjoy it I don’t see the issue.

Personally I don’t understand the reverence placed on server communities. Back in Classic I never even noticed a server community existed.

My community has always been guilds and friends. Everyone else was just random other people regardless if the pool was from one server or multiple servers.

I can’t imagine ever agreeing that things I consider useful like LFD and LFR should be removed in an attempt to bring back something as nebulous, and for me non-existent, as server communites.

I do think CRZ is awful though.

I really don’t think many would get better. The whole thing would be a cluster of frustration and anger from people on opposite sides of gear and skill.


Best solution in my mind is just make LFR a raid tier behind. That way ppl can still see the content and it would encourage people to try harder modes since the final raid wouldn’t be available on LFR for maybe like 3-4 months.

They’ve already destroyed their game. Just play Classic if you want emphasis of community in WoW.

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I’ve seen this sort of suggestion before and all it really does is punish LFR players for being LFR players.

I don’t see how it could possibly accomplish anything positive. All evidence points to people that only do LFR not raiding at all before LFR existed.

Taking it away for months would be unlikely to change that.


Im at work i’ll quickly answer. I got aotc on jaina 2nd week it came out and had zero desire to see mythic this time around why? The time investment does not = the reward when i can just do it on HC or normal or Lfr (in my case HC) because its the same. So what i get a title and mount if im lucky on Mythic, the gear is the same its just got a different tint.

There is no real reward other than challenge for doing harder content in game anymore.

And on reward for everybody i most certainly do not believe in participation trophy’s.

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So in essence ,the wow community is split into variety of different sections ,each having there own particle purposes and values so what would make wow community better in regards to it’s difference ?

I’m sorry, “pecking order?”

Allow me to burst the bubble you have around yourself that makes you think you’re in any way superior to another person because you play a computer game better. Of all the ways I can think of to judge myself against someone else in life, that may be the most ridiculous of them all.

Again, I haven’t walked in a single LFR this xpac and don’t intend to. I am, however, capable of arguing for other people to have things that benefit them but not necessarily me. It’s called empathy.


Interesting speech, but In the very post you responded to, you called me out first before descending into some nonsensical rant.

And it does make me superior to you in a way, It makes me better at the video game that we are talking about, in the board devoted to talking about it.

I’m not interested in your off-topic rants about empathy, your own self esteem, or how old people will invade the industry and “show us younglin’s how to play.” Sorry.

This one word is so lacking in this world ( and in the forums) it like it is lost in a vacuum of space screaming to be heard ,yet no one is wanting to listen to even know if the person they seen moments ago is there at all.

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Community would be awesome. Unfortunately they’d have to remove so many quality of life features I don’t think it will ever truly happen.

I think things like lfg and xrealm tech has harmed it a ton. Before if you were looking for a group and then did something shady you’d get a bad rap on your server. All of a sudden groups wouldn’t want you. If you did well people would request your help.

It created accountability (not imposed by blizzard which is good) and people got to know each other. Something that is non existent now. You may have a few friends but it’s not a server wide thing.

Still lfg and cross realm has been a quality of life thing… I’d probably prefer if they just closed/merged dead servers instead personally. Not for everyone though.

So your saying we have lost our camaraderie that holds the community together when Crz and Lfr were put in the game. Couldn’t Lfr also form bonds as well ?

How does it punish LFR players? The idea behind LFR was for everyone to be able to see the story and get into the raid scene. All this idea does is delay it for them.

How do you propose LFR form a bond? You queue in, kill stuff, maybe get gear. The odds of seeing someone from that group is very unlikely. What could be done to change that and bring back an LFR Community?

Total server isolation is what made vanilla communities, with transfers and group finder all that went away. You used to pvp the same people, have grudges and a reputation. If you took advantage of peoples kindness you quickly found yourself isolated, word got around. I don’t see how they could ever bring that back with the system they have now.

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But if it is your family or guild mate would that be the same as forming a bond through Lfr? Or even a complete strange (which I did meet )on your realm or another?