"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"


Ooooooor you could let the people that enjoy making groups and talking to each other keep doing it and leave the people that want to queue, do LFR and not necessarily socialize alone.


Cross realming was a good idea ,but it come with a price ,even server mergers .One it did families and friends closer to play the game,but it also seperated the community that these people did have a connection.No longer were you raiding with people you trusted, but total strangers and families would go off to play by themselves even not get involved with those they use to.What would you do with that raid on wedsday night when half the raid didn’t show up because they were busy on another realm 's raid etc.then are raid locked.

Mergers had a big impacted on communities as the two realm clashed over who would be the best and had the say so,even flagging to get people banned for no real important reasons.This caused people to leave for other crossed realm servers.<this was a mess.

A not so thinly veiled anti lfr thread. And look at the bites lol. well played op, well played. Community back in wow lmao. Depending on the realm you played on I guess, but don’t remember this so called wonderful community people are speaking of. There were just as many a holes back then, as there are now. Removing content wont change it either, regardless if its lfr, or anything else the addicts can think of lol. This game is right at 15 years old, and people don’t want to accept the fact that people move on with their lives, and videogames are the last things are their minds nowadays. But go ahead, and continue to blame this, or that lol. Blame Trump if you want to lol.

So i have question what if blizzard made normal queue-able and removed lfr would you be cool with that?


What of Blizzard made LFR server only but still in game like it is now would you be cool with that?

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Not as long as there are profession quest chains and things like this tied to them. I do not want to be subject to elitists in order to progress in herbalism, ect.
If they untie those things from the raids in previous expansions, and stop attaching them, then, I wouldn’t care.
otherwise, No.

You basically said give me all these benefits then ill join a community, giggles

Community in a mobile generation era ?? :rofl::rofl:

Blizzard you can’t fix society :-1: , you try controlling it and it will hit you back.

Classic is coming, have fun with your experiment :+1:

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I hate raiding. I’ve not liked it since I first set foot in MC in 2005.

LFR gives me the chance to experience the story for myself then go back to busting heads in PvP.

To say it’s purely for lazy players is, at best, arrogance on your part.


there was almost nothing you couldn’t skip in vanilla unless you were end game raider. You could progress the way you wanted.

Completion OCD is on the end user.

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Normal is likely too difficult to throw 25 random players of vastly different gear and ability together and expect the group to succeed. But the ability to queue really is one of, if not the most, important aspect of LFR.

Regardless of how much some people hate the idea there are a sizable amount of people that simply reject applying and being accepted to groups based on someone else’s criteria. The queue for content like LFD and LFR is a feature a lot of people really like even if the content behind the queue generally has to be a lot easier.

Unless Blizzard does super mega servers that would simply kill LFR. There wouldn’t be enough people.

I’m very against CRZ but I don’t understand why people have issues with cross server grouping.

Honestly people keep trying to come up with “solutions” that conveniently kill LFR and claim they are trying to “help”. It isn’t necessary. LFR serves a purpose and I think it is a good thing.


Only incentive to join a guild is Mythic Raiding? That’s a rather narrow view of the game. RP realms form guilds for RP purposes. Some people form PVP guilds.

Look at my guild. Do you think it was formed to do raids? No, our love of pet collecting/pet battles brought us together and many others after that. We are very social people and try to be as friendly as possible.

We actually have a raid team that raids 1 day a week for fun. We do a variety of things together. Some get together and hop into LFR or dungeons.

It’s not all about Mythic raiding when it comes to guilds.


Bottom line, friend.
PLAY YOUR GAME and leave others alone to play theirs.
Stop obsessing about everyone else.


BM hunter is ‘fun’ but its only because of the pet.
Then I tried MM and its FAR more fun to play because theres more to do with it.

BM hunter is an easy spec to play. So what?
No one here is required to play it if they dont want to.
And they should just play their own game and leave others to play theirs.

You mean like the elitism where people are kept from raiding because they dont meet the guildies standards?
And they cant meet those standards until they get some raid time in?
Fact is that RAIDERS are the reason why LFR was needed.
Had they been out actively recruiting ANYONE who WANTED to raid and then working with ALL of them, being nicer to them. teaching them, spending time with them, putting in the effort to help them become good at the game, then LFR most likely wouldnt have been a thing.

But even with LFR we see the snobbery going on in here.
How many “IO sucks” type threads around this forum in the last year? How many complaints that someone was booted from a raid or a guild or simply denied access entirely because they aint ‘good enough’ ?

guildies brought the LFR thing on themselves.

But then, as I said, some players CANT get better, regardless of what you choose to believe. There ARE disabled players playing this game.
And then those folks who dont have the time for ‘real’ raiding that LFR is perfect for.
This isnt your game. This is OUR game. and so it needs to cater to more than just one type of player.


Invalid response. System failure. smoke rises from the tower

I paid my 15 bucks per month. Anyone else paying is irrelevant because I paid MY share so I get to make the rules!

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I’m aware of all of this. But RP and PvP do not require guilds to partake in it. With Mythic raiding it’s server locked until the top 100 of both factions complete the raid. Therefore it is necessary to join a guild.


Sorry, last I checked your name wasnt on the bill I paid.
And were you going for irony?
Its the LFR haters in here who seem to think THEY should be catered to and it should be removed so others cant use it.

And I Like how you left out the POINT of my statement, son

and so it needs to cater to more than just one type of player.

You need to turn off your sarcasm filter. It’s waaaay too high. I was agreeing with you and poking at the other side of the argument.

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