"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I mean regardless, that’s still a big problem if players would rather afk than do the raid. They had to put in a patch to kick afkers in warfronts because it got too bad.

Yes, exactly this.

Just your opinion. I see a lot of really lame “opinions” about those people who do LFR by people who seem to be really antisocial, who can’t bear to share pixels with other players, then turn around and accuse those players of wanting to play solo.

I’ll give you a hint: lots of non-casual players are leaving BfA right now because there is nothing to do when they’re not raiding, nothing to fill their time.

Guilds my characters belong to now have no officers who have logged in since mid-January, with a message up about getting ready ror “the upcoming raid”.

And yet the haters want even more content removed, as though somehow reverting to server-only play would not just make all realms equally dead as doornails.


You can’t force community back into a game filled with people that claim to want community yet they themselves don’t practice what they preach.


I don’t. I haven’t once. I am in a guild. There was no eye in BC.

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well. like any human being with a mindset on the easiest way to get something done is to cheat they’ll do ,we have this happen many times in wow warfronts ,dungeon ,raids farming,even the use a PTR was used for cheating exploites.

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You’re right it doesn’t. Which is why there is no community in wow.

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Oh read that wrong,had my hands full there sorry.

Nor can you have community in a game dominated by convenience in forming groups and anonynimity. If face pulling constantly in a dungeon or queueing for island expeditions and kicking people who won’t go farm rares has no impact on your reputation who cares anyway?


LOL,want a acme portal for the community. :grin:

It is my opinion. You’re 100% correct on that. And I believe myself to be far from wanting to be antisocial in the game. I was a GM of a guild myself. Which means all I had to do was be social with everyone.

And actually we’re seeing the complete opposite of what was going on in WoD. We have a lot of content to do. Players just find it monotonous and tedious. Warfronts and Island Expos are pretty much built with the most simplistic mindset similar to LFR. Where it’s almost impossible to fail. Minus PvP Island Expos which even then is still pretty damn boring.

And at this point regarding the realm only thing, damage is done. Server choice doesn’t matter anymore unless you’re looking to Mythic Raid. They should find a way to make both guilds and server choice matter again.

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So if you remove content people like, they will automatically move to content that no one likes or find engaging or rewarding?

Wanting removal of content that will result in fewer players is not healthy for the game. Wanting removal of all cross-realm play (as others have suggested) is highly antisocial.

Absolutely, but this goes both ways now when it comes to creating a sense of a ‘‘community’’. Let’s not kid ourselves, we aren’t living in a time where people in WoW all want to communicate, get along, have fun, and work as a community.

The design of a game holds at the very least 50% of the weight, the rest has to come from the actual players.

Cross realm play is inherently antisocial. Merging servers so that there were active populations would accomplish the same thing as realm crossing. It would kill LFR, but guess what, normal is puggable. You just might have to do mechanics and talk to people to group.


Exactly and the majority of wow players obviously want anonymity and no reason to socialize. Which is why it’s designed this way going back the Cataclysm.

If it wasn’t what else could be driving design decisions? Why are other games single player games with some RPG characteristics? Because that’s what people want. I can’t argue that. Just because I think it’s poor and lazy design just means I am part of a vocal minority on these forums.

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What we’re doing right now isn’t healthy for the game either.

I disagree. Because when it was server only, that meant that we had to interact with each other and work together to complete goals. When you put the same name in front of someone they’ll eventually recognize the player. And for me personally created a “Oh hey it’s Couile!” moment and we’ll say hello to one another.

When it’s cross realm I’m playing with the player only what…once? And I never see them again. That’s more antisocial than realm play. But like I said, the damage is done. And there’s no going back.

What I do in LFR as a tank: run around like a headless chicken act like I don’t know what’s going on, give the boss to the MT for 80% of the fight, stand in place doing nothing sometimes, applaud the team and tell them how good we all did after each fight.

There’s a reason, some but not all,people are leaving even in guild right now ,some are waiting for the catch up in 8.2 and some are waiting for new content to arrive ,if it is any good.

As for haters show up to want to remove more stuff because this is their time since there is little of defense to not have it done.

There’s a big difference between haters and people who view cross realm and lfr as problems that prevent a community from being developed.

Just as an aside, your posts aren’t super clear either way.

Try that if I was raid lead LOL :rofl: