"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I’m not the OP. Probably didn’t notice but I’m not a Void Elf.

Do I need to explain my point? Seriously?

What point?

They can’t make a socialist game with effectively no base difficulty at all and expect there to be a community. They also can’t have CRZ and so much convenience for PUGging Group content and expect there to be a community.

Effectively, there is no way there can be group content. There’s barely incentive to join a guild.


Just like Hunter want to pretend their class takes effort. There is a reason why its the starter class

Was that meant for me? Because you messed up on quoting :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Only reason I can think of is for Mythic raiding. Outside of that…not really much.

Mobile banking I guess. Guild banks. Um, shroud of cooperation?


Can say for sure the “Community” feature definitely did not help. They couldn’t even be bothered to give us new tabard designs

So there is no purpose or value in socializing in a community nor to join a guild,hmm…doesn’t sound right :thinking:

There isn’t an argument any more than there is a discussion. The developers made a decision they promoted and have kept in game since before 2014. The decision was made.

GamesBeat: Are people playing differently since the start of the Warlords expansion?

Hazzikostas: We’re seeing more people than ever before doing organized [large group dungeon] raiding, which is really cool and a testament to some of the conveniences and benefits of things like cross-server raiding in current-tier content, flexible group size, the premade group finder, and the more-accessible normal difficulty.

GamesBeat: Are people playing differently since the start of the Warlords expansion?

Hazzikostas: We’re seeing more people than ever before doing organized [large group dungeon] raiding, which is really cool and a testament to some of the conveniences and benefits of things like cross-server raiding in current-tier content, flexible group size, the premade group finder, and the more-accessible normal difficulty.

World of Warcraft lead designer on why 7M players stuck around — and why 3M left - Venture Beat, 2015

Are people playing differently since the start of the Warlords expansion?

Hazzikostas: We’re seeing more people than ever before doing raiding, which is really cool and a testament to some of the conveniences.

A significantly larger percentage of the player base, compared to any prior expansion, is actually going in with a premade group and experiencing our raid content.

WoW was obviously not doing “Just fine before LFR” if more people were experiencing their raid content in part via LFR.

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Via- by way of…<<There you go

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And I’d say it was a bad one in my personal opinion. It’s a bandaid on the overall issue of why people weren’t joining in raids. And it certainly hasn’t really helped the sub count since it’s been on decline since Cata.

Are there many other reasons as to why this is? Yes. I’d be foolish of me to refute that point. But the bread and butter content for WoW has always been the raids.

I still stand by my opinion that if they wanted to have a difficulty that has a queue instead of having to sit for a long period of time and get groups together that would have been fine. But, I don’t think it’s okay to flatout remove core mechanics of a fight and make the raid so easy that you can pretty much auto attack afk and make it to the end.

For one ,that practice is very frowned on by everyone, to do so would be a kick.I’ve seen those that have tried that thinking no one would notice ,even raids ,warfronts ,of afkers bring they’re alts in.People get wise so It doesn’t work now

I used to sit in Shattrath and help people PUG Shadow Labyrinth to get them their Karazhan key (locks were very valuable in Shadow Labyrinth due to the amount of Crowd Control we brought.) I did it often enough that I made friends with an awful lot of people. Then I helped their friends and we became friends.

Then we ran Karazhan together. We made jokes, we laughed. It was fun. I still play with 2 or 3 of them.

Clicking the eyeball for group finder/raid finder/dungeon finder is impersonal. There’s no unique communities on servers because the game is constantly balancing shards to keep everything populated.

So I have no idea what you are going on about. But to answer your sarcasm, no, there’s very little incentive if all you want to do is run some tank n’ spanks in LFR, never participate in Mythic dungeons, or organized PVP.

I think most people who play WoW now want to log in for an hour or two, maybe farm old content, maybe do an LFR wing, and not really have to think too deeply about anything. Maybe watch a quick stream and oooo and ahhh at Method or MDI or high rank arena.

Those people don’t need communities, they don’t need guilds. They don’t even need to build a group. They can just queue. They don’t need voice chat, they don’t need discord. They don’t need to farm pots other than if they feel like selling them.

And from that perspective, the developers are doing a very good job.

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I mean I did it all throughout Legion and not once was I kicked. And the fact that it’s actually a thing in all those aspects of the game cements that there’s a crowd that clearly doesn’t find enjoyment in it. Now where it really doesn’t fly and rarely happens with nobody noticing is through the Group Finder. Because everyone knows that they’ll get caught and tossed out.

Or perhaps ,they never realize there is a social network needed to socialize or they do too much of it they just want to do it and be done with it.It called the human factor.
Question is may i ask ,why did you click the eye when to could have gone to trade chat or general chat to find people to do the dungeons?

That’s what I’m doing though. The LFR instant gratification, entitled crowd has shaped this game in to a circus. It is affecting my game.

Do you think things like warfronts, islands, Titanforging, and 3 button specs would be in the game if the devs thought the majority of the player base had some kind of intelligence and drive to get better?

It’s funny that you don’t like the current game, because the content is designed for players like you.


As of now, that’ll be pretty hard to do especially in group content that requires you to do an action as a team.I’ve seen afkers’ on practice dummies and hide in the caves ,even far to the walls etc. they try very hard but the map can’t hide your movement,lol.Raids as well on auto fellow ,even had one to fellow me off a cliff,nice to have slow fall.

People having fun their own way that doesn’t hurt the experience of people who enjoy the other way.

The horror.