"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

So many people insist they want community, yet so rarely does it seem like anyone here looks at a fellow poster here and says “I want you in my community.”


Adding guild halls would be a nice start.

Then improve the guild recruitment system, so when a player shows interest in joining a guild, through the guild recruitment system, it sends in game mail to the guild master and co-guild masters. Then if there’s someone on besides the GM the player can be invited to the guild.

Create some content for guilds to compete in. Heads up Mythic+ dungeon runs of two or more guilds. Darkmoon Faire cage brawls. Guild fishing torments. Guild cross continent runs on foot or land mount. So how do you get guilds to compete in these things you ask? Why for gold! We bet your guild 10,000 gold that they we can beat your sorry butts!


People who do LFR are people who also raid normal plus and people who do not raid anything else at all.

The first group is already part of a ‘raiding community’, then second group isn’t likely to become part of a ‘raiding community’. So removing LFR does nothing.

However, given how absolutely clueless that blizzard team is I can actually see them removing LFR without considering the above. Those guys aren’t making the game better, they are systematically destroying the game that others before them built up. I have to wonder how much longer they can fool the people above them into letting them keep their jobs.


Give it a rest on trying to get LFR removed from the game.


How do you feel on removing cross server raiding? I would be for that.


Yes the actually think that

“Make the game friendlier to community by making it harder to interact and find community, I am very intelligent.”


Yes, because alienating the majority of players who simply don’t have time to make regular commitments to a guild and that’s the only way they can do group play is a GREAT idea.


Please be less hateful/dumb.

A rise of community does not require that other play options be removed. If your communities can not survive those options then they are weak and those pariticipating in / leading them need to take a good hard look at how they are doing so.


You have a unhealthy obsession with controlling other people’s playtime.

I’ll stick to this very radical mindset. Let the Devs do what they feel is best. Shocking I know. They only built a MMO that has lasted 14+ years and been pretty successful aside from constant whining from armchair developers, about how all that Blizzard can do is trash and “ruin” the game.

What really ruins the game is the faulty logic and rhetoric that is vomitted on to these forums, again, and again, and again, and again. Seriously if you hate this game that much, do the community a favor and leave.



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I love you too. <3

For someone who used to be a Green Poster, you seem to be quite angry at Blizzard lately. What was the straw that broke the camels back for you?

There are quite a lot of people who believe that once the LFG tool was created, it killed server communities, because you didn’t need to be social, know the people you played with on your server, or have to join a guild. They believe server and community identity became irrelevant and poor behavior could be hidden behind anonymity after that.


Wait why not put our regular hearthstone , our garrison hearth stone and our Legion Dalaran all on a shared cool down while they are at it .

THat way we will be force to go to our community and find a mage to send us every where .

LFR and LFG alone didn’t ruin server communities but they sure didn’t help.


The idea that the driving force behind LFR participation is that it’s easy conveys a fundamental misunderstanding of its popularity and the varied player cohorts who use it.

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How? Most people who belong to guilds don’t travel with their guild. The majority of guild members in most guilds are not raiders.

All 2 of them?

  1. They need to make it easier to find like-minded players.
  2. They need to make all social gaming rewarding.
  3. Players have to need one another in a variety of ways.

I can see these are things that are important to you, but how would removing them have any effect on “community” outside of giving advantages to raiders?