"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

But it should…

I would argue that:
-the removal of 40m raiding(and even 25m raiding at the top end);
-Allowing realm transfers;
-Allowing faction changes;
-the addition of Arenas to PvP;
All had more of a negative impact on community and server integration than the addition of LFR/LFG. And really, the bigger issue for now would be, how do you reverse the effect of these changes across ~180 small to nearly empty servers in NA alone?

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Highly customizable housing. World events/bosses/etc that would drop crafting mats and items for housing. Could have these all over the old world to get people into those areas again. Old raids/dungeons that scaled to lvl which drop mats and items for housing. The potential content that could be created for housing alone is huge.


Correct. This will be challenging to do. I have “community” with my guild. I have zero community with my server and the people on it.


Without forced interactions like looking for raid and group, this game would just become more and more segregated like todays grade and high schools where elitist snots live to buff their fantasy ego off those they see as subclass players.

Think for a moment, just how did we arrive at this system to begin with?


Uh, we have that now, but we’ve managed to cut everyone else off as well. And please, do not call LFR/LFG “interactions”. They aren’t. You may as well be playing with 4-24 NPCs most of the time.


I think they are referring to Classic. Blizzard will never put their many Genies back in their bottles to return current WoW to a great game. They don’t even seem to know the difference between a chore and doing things for fun in a game anymore. Almost everything in BFA feels like a chore. Reason I sit at lvl 111. Just not interested in playing.

I want the FUN back in WoW. Just too far gone to ever recover.

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This common response comes from a place of fear. Accept the fact that people WILL enjoy Classic. It’s not going to overtake the current iteration of the game so you don’t have to worry about it. We get it, you like this version more. That’s fine. But people are going to enjoy and stick with Classic as well.


Ignoring the suggestion to remove LFR.

What is necessary for community is content which creates a need to form stable groups with other players.

If players have no reason to organize themselves, they won’t.
If a piece of content can be successfully PuGed or queued for you aren’t going to see players making an effort to form their own groups and communities dedicated to the activity.

Currently, all WoW really has in that department holding things together are high level Arena and M+ dungeons (Small group affairs) and Mythic raiding.

The reason the sense of community is so weak in the game today is the fact that you don’t need a persistent group of other players to accomplish most things.

Any random Joe off the street will do just fine in most cases. Which has it’s downsides. Most endeavors in the game feel like joining the lobby in an FPS. Players are transient, temporary, and rather ephemeral. Most activities just feel like you’re jumping from one lobby to the next chewing through players you don’t connect with, you’re likely never to see again, and likely be unable to recognize if you ever happen to meet a second time.

Players need activities to organize themselves around. This must be necessary and not simply an optional choice. Otherwise, such organization and the forming
of communities won’t occur on any significant scale.


It’s much more fun and productive than looking for group or guild. Unless the highlight of World Of Warcraft is listening to some looser talk stupid to a girl for a couple of hours while a baby cries in the background and five other tools chew on lays potato chips…

Ya, that’s interaction at Wows best! I’ll take LFR or group any day over that alternative :wink:


Dead weight*

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LFR/LFG/LFD did not remove community from Wow. It did make it so that guilds were no longer gatekeepers to the content. People could separate the social aspect of the game from participating in the content. You can now choose who you want to socialize with, instead of being forced to tolerate bad behaviour just to see the content.

If you want to encourage the social community in Wow, there are perfectly good examples already present in game. Look to the ‘niche RP’ players who create and host events, contests, and promote social interaction between players.

Social community is something that is only present voluntarily, thinking it can be forced is the idea of the socially inept.


I kinda of agree and disagree with this statement. While, I feel like Some players require this, I don’t think we can All players require this.

We also have to look at Guilds and how we as players define them.

This is completely acedotal–

But guilds and guild leadership has taken a course of higher guild roster number some how equates to success.

It doesn’t.

What I’ve systemically have been seeing is guilds that refuse to define exactly what their guilds aim to do. You can’t build a community if you’re trying to cater to everyone.

Point in case:

About 4 months ago I joined an Alliance guild. Now, when I was tossed out a general invite via PM, I wasn’t guilded on the character in question and I’m always looking for Like Minded Players that Play in My Time Frame.

What I got was yet another guild that “Claims” they are doing everything, but yet only is looking for more bodies to fill their raid rosters.

To which, I’m not even interested in.

So I questioned:

What happened to the guilds that tried to produce and organize a community with specifics in mind?

The problem isn’t so simple. To Foster a community, you need more than just bodies. You need bodies that are of the like mind.


I agree CRZ helps nothing. I wish it didn’t exist. Connect some more realms and trash CRZ.


The CRZ thing is self explanatory, lol. It’s jank. You’ve gotta be able to see that.

The professions thing is easy to explain, if you’ve played the game in past expansions were professional were actually relevant. There was actually a time when players advertised services in trade chat, and/or you added other players to your friends list because they had professions/plans/whatever that you and them agreed on a certain price for repeat business. That was the heart and soul of professions. It got people talking to each other, interacting with each other and it was cool to actually advertise your services. This is a no brainier.

1-4 promote stability and community by making guilds something you love and love to be a part of, players tended to act more decently as to not see their guild’s name be dragged through the mud. You may laugh but this was true absolutely. Now? What point is there to being in a guild? With Blizz disincentivizing raiding as much as they have (wf/TF, removal of tier, making gearing far more aggravating and wasting loot someone could use with forced PL garbage) it’s impacted guilds. How could it have not?!

BFA has done so much damage to guilds it’s unreal. You can’t talk about improving the community aspect and not have a discussion about guilds. Guilds were the OG communities of this game, followed by the community of your specific server.

And guess what? Server community is never coming back.

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“we are listening”…lol.


I mean, this sort of assume the only purpose of guilds is to raid?

It’s really not.

Does this hurt Raiding Guild Specifically? Yeah.

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It’s the side of guilds that’s been hit the hardest from all of the BFA antisocial changes. My mistake, I should have clarified :slight_smile: I assumed in the context of the conversation, it was a given.

I’m glad we can agree BFA has hurt raiding guilds though, I hope Blizz stops making changes without thinking of the consequences and helps us out a bit.

Not really-- in the context of the thread as a whole, we’re talking about Communities as a whole.

Raiding communities are only type. But I get where you’re coming from.

I can’t discuss one without including all–

And that’s where, even outside of the raiding, there is huge lack of social gatherings.

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What type of community did you have in mind in game?

Sadly, with all the cross server technology server communities will never be a thing anymore. Blizz has decided to do away with that for good.