"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Does the free weekend mean forum posting too? I mean it would make sense but on the other hand Sunday threads will be even more…Sunday.


Where do these ideas come from?

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Destroys professions and guts master looter, yet wants to put emphasis on communities.



They did, it’s called Classic.


The people that complain about LFR would never invite the people actually using LFR into their groups anyway. Why do y’all care?


I guess it’s like how the people wearing rainbow-tinted goggles of excitement leave not too far into a new WoW expansion when the honeymoon period ends and they find it isn’t as fun as they hoped it would be.


Restoring community steps:

1). Limit the ridiculous amount of titanforge.

2). Add tier sets back to raids.

3). Abandon forced personal loot, bring back ML.

4). Stop making guilds pointless, which would mean steps 1-3 and bringing back guild perks.

5). Either put the work in to make CRZ reliable and predictable or abandon it altogether. What we have now is a dumb confusing mess of constantly disappearing players and well… everything.

6). Stop killing professions. Make every profession worthwhile to at least the person with the profession, if not to the AH.


So do you just lie in wait here on the forums, waiting for any opportunity to say LFR is bad?


wouldn’t removing LFR just alienate a huge chunk of the community that is either, not skilled enough or too nervous to do proper organized group content?

removing LFR isn’t suddenly going to boost normal and up raid participation since the people that regularly do LFR are not raiders.


An accurate comparison.

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Well, we all know there’s only one way to fix this.

Remove more portals.


How about more Guild Perks, like have group will travel. That would make guilds grow again.


Because of you I tickle my grandbabies toes call them toebeans.
Just had to throw that in there.

Plus I like lfr.


The devs are jumping the gun. They should see how the classic community evolves over the first 3-4 patches. The classic supporters always play up the sense of community that existed in vanilla. We’ll see.

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On my end, I don’t do raiding outside of LFR because it’s too physically painful for my arms. Removing LFR wouldn’t make me do Normal+ Raiding, it would kill a bit of my desire to play the game.

Which is a term meant for cats/dogs/etc… not the other thing you mentioned.

So my grand daughter is a thing?:angry:

I think a good start is to remove sharding and cross realm.

So the people I see out in the world are people I can interact with on a full level, trading, recruiting, etc.

Alot of my early wow friendships came about because I saw the same person in multiple places constantly and we’d start a dialogue, before long we’d start talking before going out and doing things to play together.

That doesn’t happen often any more, as anyone you see out on the world your not likely to ever see again.


That’s the most anti community thing you could do. It’s not just anti community it’s anti gamer. We need more cross realm raiding especially for mythic raiding

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Lets get a chant going.

one big realm. one big REALM! one BIG REALM!! ONE BIG REEEALM!!

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I think, if we really want to bring back community, we can stop being so mean and harsh toward each other, and stop going out of our way to exclude everyone as much as possible by means of things like Raiderio.