"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I did LFR in Legion too. I stand by my statement. Especially with the Desolate Host one. That one was shocking to see. Call me an elitist all you want but that doesn’t counter that point at all.

I’m not one to treat bad players like complete tater tots that are incapable of making some form of improvement. You don’t need to set the bar way high but you shouldn’t also put it on the floor either. Mechanics should matter on each fight. Even if they only want to present 1-3 per engagement.

I personally don’t understand the idea that a player is bad, will forever will be bad and can never improve.

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A lot of new players coming into the game? LOL!!!

There are new players coming into the game though.

The new players you see now are people on spring break and maybe in this forum as well ,Only thing I got to say is “HI,welcome back to WoW” but i know they’ll be gone in 2 weeks.

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I dont really care what you stand by, youre wrong.
Many players in LFR arent that great and never will be.
The ones who are good are generally helpful to those who arent.

I stand by my comment a well…YOU go play YOUR game and STOP OBSESSING yourself about everyone elses

yeah…figures that you cant understand that someone may have had a frikkin stroke. I mean, its all about you, isnt it.
I mean…who do those disabled people think they are playing YOUR game. :roll_eyes:

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No you lol.


LFR gets players into an easy version of raiding so they can get their feet wet. It doesnt trap ANYONE who WANTS to move on to higher raiding.
Stop wasting my time with this kind of joke excuse.

then dont LFR. pretty simple.
No one wants you there, Im sure.
Play your game, leave others to play theirs, and stop obsessing about it.


Thats as asinine as saying I cant have an opinion about president Lincoln because I wasnt alive then.:roll_eyes:
do better

See above.
I find it ‘super insulting’ that YOU think YOU should have the authority and power to remove part of this game that MY DISABLED NEPHEW plays because he CANT play anything harder than LFR.
Go play YOUR game and stop obsessing about how others play theirs.!!!

You sir are Troll hate to say it!

YOU are the troll and YOU are the reason why so many refuse to get into raiding or a guild. Your self interested attitude speaks volumes for us all in here.

I’m not obsessing over anything. You veered the conversation towards LFR when again, my point was towards all difficulties. Also what I stated was an opinion and so are you. Unless backed up with 100% fact and can be looked up and have actual numbers or WoW statistics to back it up, everything you say is an opinion as well. Like for a fact, there is no Desolate Host in the Desolate Host encounter. Which is pretty horrendous in my opinion.

Players can improve.

Making this about disabled people doesn’t really help your argument. Again, the stance I have is that there should be some form of learning curve or mechanic that keeps people engaged and LFR doesn’t really do any of that. For the most part you could auto attack AFK through LFR and complete it.

Before LFR the game was doing just fine. If we want to have a queue, then that’s fine. But we shouldn’t just completely remove mechanics and core parts of each boss fight.

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With this, I can tell people on this thread it is true.My bro is one that played this game for years had a stroke ,he use to do raids and Bg’s and now is barely hanging on trying to do dailies .He wanted to play but is struggling to do little things.Lfr would be there when he’s ready to try it.



Its all relative to max level. If youre having some internal issues with ANY difficulties then it doesnt matter if Im sticking to the actual topic of the thread here. LFR is clearly part of your argument.

I dont need to back up the statement that says YOU go play YOUR game and let others alone to play theirs. Sorry but theres nothing to back up there. Just do it and you’ll be much happier with life and the game.

youre not the authority to make that call, now are you?
No…some players CANNOT improve because their physical conditions dont allow for it.
Stop pretending to be a PhD here.

Sorry to disappoint but its always been about the disabled and anyone else who cannot for whatever reason get past LFR. Even if its just a time constraint thing.

yeah…you just prove over and over again that you dont actually LFR. I did. I know this is utter crap. The players who do play LFR in general ARENT AFKing a win, friend. and it doesnt matter how many times you and your brethren in here try to claim otherwise.
I played LFR. I know this AFK nonsense is just that.

Now, if youre talking a kill squad of max ilvl players from mythic+ one shotting their way thru LFR, sure. But you cant be seriously expecting anyone here to buy the crap line that THAT is whats going on.
It isnt.
AND…if it were, the answer is simple…GET OUT of LFR and go do the mythic thing and stop complaining about other players game choices.

Before blizzard and activision started destroying this game it was doing just fine. LFR had nothing to do with its downfall. Crap content did.

What is ‘we’?
Shouldnt you NOT even be in LFR since you hate it so much?
And if you arent, then stop obsessing about and go play your own game.

yeah…some of these people absolutely disgust me in here.
Its bad enough that they rail on about other players crying on this forum about this or that. But the hypocrisy gets pretty thick watching THEM crying about LFR, as if they need to worry themselves sick about it.

They need to focus on their game and leave other players alone to play theirs. Not that I expect it to happen.

Frankly listening to them pushes me to the point that I actually crack a smile thinking about their Master Loot being taken from them.


10-years-of-world-of-warcraft-an-interview-with-ion-hazzikostas - PC Gamer
PCG: Has there been any notable shifts in the way both Blizzard and the community approach the series, since you joined in 2008?

IH: Yeah. There hasn’t necessarily been a clear cut point where things suddenly changed, it’s just a series of gradual changes among our community but also among us, as we respond and listen. Part of having a game which has run for ten consecutive years is that your fans and your players lives are changing, and you need to evolve with them. A lot of players who first adopted WoW in 2004 were students then, but now they have families and careers. Maybe previously they liked to stay up raiding, but now they’re trying to fit in 60 to 90 minutes after the kids go to bed, trying to keep in touch with this passion of theirs.

At the same time we don’t want to make the game exclusively like that, because new players are coming in all the time: people who are looking to be the best, to climb to the top of an arena ladder in PvP or to be the best raiders in the world. What we’ve seen over the years is a continuing broadening of our reach and focus. We’re not trying to focus on one play style versus another, but trying to focus on all playstyles.

If you like collecting, getting mounts and pets, then you can build a whole experience around doing that. If you just want to log on and see to the end of the story, you can hop into the raid finder and experience content which, seven or eight years ago, you’d need to organise 25 to 40 friends and dedicated blocks of time over the course of weeks and months to see. Now if you feel like it you can get the story payoff there. Really it’s about accessibility wherever possible

From a developer interview in 2014 - seriously get over LFR already. They are not going to make WoW exclusively for the raider crowd; that ship sailed.


There was a lot of reason the master loot was taken out,one reason they were some that doing ninja tell people they were getting loot just to finish ,then robbing those people and disappear. I’ve even been a victim in one raid when the tank got a intellect staff drop and level higher one of the same ,gave it to his wife which hurried out of the raid.Why would a tank need a intellect staff?

one of the very few things that earns my respect for some of the staff, at least.

Dont get me wrong, it wasnt nice of Blizzard to remove ML.
I just get sick of these LFR haters and something inside deep down giggles a bit after being in threads like this knowing they lost something they needed.
But I really dont feel that way. I think ML should be restored even though it never once affected anything about my game.

Well then it’s a good thing that’s not at all my argument.

I can understand it does work out well in most raid groups just some soured the whole of it.

Ya because lfr= community

Another person using words they don’t know the meaning of.

If they want to put emphasis on community, they should never have introduced guild leveling in Cata which murdered guilds for nearly 2 years, or introduced CRZ

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having a real hard time understanding why youre in the thread then given its OP here.