"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Agreed absolutely. ML being removed was pointless and spiteful and clearly just to drag out the time it takes for guild to gear up.
Frankly If I had been a real raider, I think ML removal would have been my last straw instead of the portal removal crap recently.

Everything youve said in here is your OPINION.
Get real.
IF the game were failing over LFR itā€™d have been removed long ago
Give it a rest.
Just because you hate LFR it has NO bearing on it being harmful to the game.
Frankly the attitudes by some in here is FAR more detrimental to the health of this game than LFR ever could be.

I could understand if it were the last straw.
I stopped playing over the latest round of portal removals. Last straw and all.
But it was because of crap like paying $120 for two character boosts then having the hunter I just paid $60 to boost have its pet nerfed into dust. Nothing like buying a car with AC and an auto trans, then once its delivered you find out its a manual with no AC.
Blizzards incessant nerfing to all things fun in this game killed it for me. The portals were the last straw.
So theoretically I could envision a player quitting over LFR being removed if that were the final nail in the coffin.

Lastly, your statement is just a tad that side of absurd.
Just because someone quits over having a feature they ENJOY PLAYING doesnt mean an MMO isnt for them.
Whatā€¦is this the standard LFR haters official handbook mantra or something?
pleaseā€¦just stop saying it because youre not convincing usā€¦or yourselfā€¦that its true.
We can love an MMO and quit because a big part of why we love it is ripped out of it.
Good lordā€¦ :roll_eyes:

If they are serious (which i donā€™t think they are) i would do something like this.

2 phase roll out.

1# Remove Crz and sharding and make content that encourages server participation. Ie Wintergrasp (warfronts made like wintergrasp would have been amazing, winning faction gets access to the zone and WBā€™s) or on a larger scale Opening the Gates of Ahnā€™Qiraj.

2# If Blizzard do not want to remove LFR make LFR and LFD server only , If Blizzard keeps argument runes put them in normal mode and above. If Blizzard wish to remove some modes due to Ilvl bloat but want to keep LFR bake it into Normal mode raiding. (there are to many modes, id even say get rid of mythic if they want to keep LFR as is and go back to normal and HC)

Blizz should take a gamble with something imo, what do they really have to lose at this point.

a huge number of paying customers they cant afford to lose? :thinking:

When i read all your posts all i hear is a player who wants to play single player open world game with the option to opt into multi which goes against everything a true MMORPG is.

You are entitled to your opinions just like everyone else.

When I read my posts I see a person who isnt obsessing how others choose to play their games.
And you are entitled to your opinion right up till it affects OUR game play.

and last I checked it takes a GROUP of players to LFR

sure thing

I donā€™t think a single player option would work in this in wow.Maybe theyā€™re trying to suggest a private server option .

Why is your opinion more valid than anyone elseā€™s? You come in here telling everyone they are wrong but have nothing to back it up. You love LFR and not working for anything in game, thatā€™s fine. But donā€™t tell me and others they are wrong for having a different opinion.

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Iā€™ve read all his post iā€™m done conversing with him there is no point i miss the old ignore feature of forums.

going for irony, are we?
the LFR haters have been insisting THEY are right and everyone else is wrong from the start, pal. Give it up.

And wrong. I hate this entire game now thanks to BFA and activisions controlling crap.

And as I saidā€¦you can have your opinion UNTIL it affects other players game. At that point they are within their right to call you out on it. Sorry but thats how the world works.
you want LFR removed? then you WILL be cornered on the point. Doesnt matter if you try to hide behind ā€˜everyone has an opinionā€™ line.
You dont get to tell me that I cant drive one of my cars then act like its ā€˜just your opinionā€™.
Noā€¦when you are trying to have an effect on MY existence you will have to deal with MY reaction.

But why are you here still? You said no more LFR for you and that you are quitting the game. Get out of here you stinking toxic troll!!!

The ban is worth it, to call out morons like you! You are a bitter old man that is why this game sucks now, but this community is filled with crappy players just like you.

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says the toxic one :roll_eyes:

Keep trolling a hole

Sorry but if youre going to post you WILL be responded to.

Actually I think itā€™s a good argument seeing that weā€™ve had boss encounters that completely take out mechanics. The main one I point to being the Desolate Hostā€¦without a Desolate Hostā€¦

With each raid thereā€™s 1 maybe 2 bosses that give people trouble. And even if it does cause a wipe people just get up in arms and make posts about wanting nerfs. Last one being Gā€™huun. People couldnā€™t brute force their way through it with determination stacks and they werenā€™t interested in running orbs. So they came to the forums.

KJ was even worse. Most of the fight was just standing in swirls and people had a hard enough time doing that and again, came to forums wanting nerfs.

Most players that do LFR would prefer the bosses to not even fight back. For the most part, the boss encounters are just glorified target dummies.

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nasty, hateful post and somehow its the OTHER guy whoā€™s the problem
Find a mirror, Iā€™d say.
YOU are the reason no one wants to join your guilds and prefers LFR.

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As much flare this thread has gotten,that one sure is trolling.indeed.

Dudeā€¦please. I played LFR exclusively in Legion. You DONT know what youre talking about. I saw a number of wipes over stupid mistakes. It had nothing to do with it being a cake walk. Some players just arent that good and some NEVER WILL be because of one thing or another.
Stop playing the elitist here and just let people play their own game. Stop obsessing about their game. Go play your own.
it really is that simple.