"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

You realize that by trying to make the game for everyone they have essentially made a game for nobody. All of us get a small piece but nobody gets the game they want.

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Well itā€™s a good thing my issue isnā€™t solely lfr then. I made a thread long ago putting out all of my feelings on why BFA is terrible.

And let me just state this. You keep bringing up LFR and only LFR. Iā€™m talking about ALL difficulties when it comes to raiding. My request is to tone down the amount of difficulties from 4 because thatā€™s just too many in my eyes.

The thing is I was part of that sort when I played back in Wrath. I joined a guild for ICC but that fizzled out after a few months seeing that we never got past the plague quarter on normal mode. But for the majority of the expansion that I played I joined groups in Trade Chat. And like I said before it was random groups that then turned into familiar faces.

Server community was a thing as well as guilds. But the difference between what we have now and what we had was the fact that the same people were being put in front of me. And eventually that led me to say ā€œhelloā€ and make some fun small talk until we ran into each other again. With the current group finder you will pug with someone and then more than likely never see them again. Meaning that if someone was a jerk, then they just hop into the next group and annoy the crap out of them with no repercussions.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Could you be on your own and not join a guild in Wrath of the Lich King. Yes. Yes you could. But that didnā€™t change the fact that if you wanted to partake in group content, you had to play and communicate with the people on your realm.

If people want to run solo, then thatā€™s fine. But whatā€™s not fine is when we constantly have to tune down the difficulty to compensate for said type of player.

Iā€™m gonna put my tinfoil hat on here but I do believe thatā€™s part of the reason why Warfronts and Island Expos are so easy right now. And donā€™t even get me started on the fact that you canā€™t premade warfronts with your guild. Theyā€™re looking to make sure that itā€™s hard for someone to lose these things and get upset over it. But for me personally, what feels great to me is overcoming what I perceive to be a challenge.

Back then, I communicated with the realm and gave it my all and tried to clear the raids. Did I? No. I never finished ICC because all the groups fell apart after Rotgut in the Plague Quarter. But never did I once think that it was unfair that I didnā€™t get to see the entire raid. And thatā€™s also why when I look back on the Lich King encounter during my noob days, I hold him to a much higher respect. Because it didnā€™t spoon feed me the encounter but asked me to rise to it.

Iā€™m unsubbed right now just like you. But my reasons are because the game doesnā€™t ask for me to go on an adventure. It just asks me to keep my hands and feet in the ride at all times.

EDIT: Sorry for the late response. Had to go to the physical realm (the store)

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No, you are correct.
When I started paying in Legion I got my one warrior up to 940+ ilvl and was just about to start hitting up ā€˜realā€™ raiding groups for a membership card.
I noticed MY attitude was getting more and more lousy over time because I was taking EVERYTHING about this VIDEO GAME way too seriously (sound familiar to anyone in this thread?).

The more serious I was taking this VIDEO GAME, like golf, the worse my attitude was getting and my tolerance to other players honest mistakes.
I remember thinking some really nasty things about a few people who just made small mistakes that I felt they could have avoided.
WOWā€¦all that for a VIDEO GAME!

The last straw was being in the very last raid of Legion and some foul mouthed kid exploded on a couple players who had warned us they were new to that raid failed to jump fast enough and were killed. We were left short on DPS and so we decided to just wipe and do it again.

On the way back a really nice player was explaining to the newbies exactly what they needed to do, but this little foul mouthed 11 year old starts screaming profanities in the chat box at them till I finally blew my top and said some thing to the spoiled brat that I figured would get me silenced (never did).

That was it for me. I stopped doing LFR, stopped trying to progress entirely, because with my own bad attitude being caused by taking the game too seriously I figured that mouthy vermin in the raid there would eventually be me.
And we see the same behavior on this forum by some, just less profanity since we know that would get someone suspended.
But calling me ā€˜stupidā€™ is just a symptom of the behavior itself that some of these guildies have that many of US would prefer to avoid.
So LFR it is.

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This whole post can be summarized as:

ā€œI had one bad social interaction so I would rather have no interactions, than one bad oneā€


okā€¦and LFR has been mentioned over and over again by FAR more than myself. so why do you feel the need to pretend that its just me bringing it up?

Most games have different settings for difficulty. Its not a problem.
If you like it harder then PLAY the ones you prefer.
Dont try to remove someone elses fun because you dont play that way.
if I thought like some in here pet battles would have been removed a long time ago.
How about we just let everyone play their own gameā€¦LFR or otherwise.

okā€¦and we are way past those days. The game evolved and itā€™ll be long dead, the last server shut down, well before LFR and other conveniences are removed.

And againā€¦and Im not sure why this is such a complex pointā€¦the problems are because of human nature, NOT LFRā€¦or any other part of this game.
nasty people are nasty people coming in. I can attest to that by my own ill behavior when I was in Legion trying to get to where I could do the real raiding thing.
I have a short temper and a very aggressive personality. Not a good mix for competitive gaming in a group where HUMANS can make mistakes.
I KNOW MY limitations.
And I KNOW that you dont really want ME in your guilds or raiding with you.
Blizzard did you all a huge favor with LFR by keeping ME busy therein and out of your hair.

So what are you sayingā€¦that YOU cant just CHOOSE to play the harder content?

That may be, I dont know. What I do know is BfA sucks for solo content so it makes sense that itā€™d suck for group content as well.
This has more to do with Activsion and blizzard making crap content than it does a few extra raid options, Id say.

This whole topic can be summarized as:

ā€œI know it doesnt affect my game, but I cant help myself but obsess about other players game to the point that I post about it for hours on endā€

As a side note, had you read ALL of my posts around this forum on my many characters youā€™d find that its been FAR more than ā€˜oneā€™ bad interaction.
The one I mentioned was the last straw, just as I believe i stated pretty clearlyā€¦

Donā€™t get me wrong ,Iā€™ve seen some of nicest raiders in raids but they like very rare.Most of the ones donā€™t mind those that are willing to do their very best ,donā€™t scream,called foul language thatā€™s how I found patience in the raids I make. I watched as bad raiders divided and do more harm to this community than good,yet in balance, those good ones just make me want to keep trying even when those would block or hinder by those that would hold a person back.
Do those bad raiders have a purpose for this behavior Iā€™m sure they do but is it good enough to split the community of wow ,yes it is.


And yet the game goes on. new players coming in all the time.
Had BFA been the hit it COULD and SHOULD have been, subs would have been higher and these discussions and observations would be far different.

This game isnt failing because of LFR, etc.
Its failing because Blizzard devs have to let Activision bean counters call the shots.

A loaded statement in my opinion. Yeah subs were higher before, but by the end of Mists 100 million accounts had been created and only 6-7 million were still there. It is entirely possible that if LFD and LFR were in much earlier the game would have avoided some of the churn in the earlier years and peaked much higher. Maybe not. But It is near impossible to base any conclusions off sub numbers alone.

That isnā€™t exactly a meaningful statement for people that didnā€™t care or even notice a community outside of guilds and friends like me. And yes Iā€™ve played since December 2004. Have the 10 year statue yada yada.

Disagree. Again community hasnā€™t ever been a relevant concept to me and Iā€™ve largely felt that QoL additions improve the game and make it more fun.

This game has always had a wide audience. A focus on raiding and socializing has likely been a small part of the game for many, many players.

Iā€™ve almost never socialized with strangers outside the bare minimum of ā€œLFG Dire Maul Westā€ before we got the far superior LFD and Group Finder.

Removing options now would not suddenly get me socializing when I wouldnā€™t otherwise.

Iā€™m not saying you are wrong for enjoying the game the way you did/do, but there are very different viewpoints out there, whether you consider them ā€œtrue MMO playersā€ or not.

I would agree with an assertion, and it is a shame, that there doesnā€™t appear to be a viable solution where all viewpoints win.


This has also assuredly not been my experience. Some of my worst experiences with other players were in Classic, despite claims that black lists kept that sort of thing in check. I certainly never noticed the jerks struggling.

But by and large most people have been polite in the last 14.5 years, with the vast majority mostly being silent :stuck_out_tongue:


I have raided with a guildie for nearly 3 expansions who i hold in the highest regard as a player and friend and never once, have i heard him speak.

He is an amazingly fast typer and one of the most social people i know.

You never really had to chat per say but you did have to engage with other people and thats what makes a Mmorpgā€™s great , i donā€™t get how people want wow to be single player open world game with the option to opt into multi.

Because youā€™re replying to me about it. If youā€™re referring to others then thatā€™s my mistake for not picking that up if you typed it out that way.

To answer that last statement screams for me to sound obsessed with everyone elses playstyle which I am not. Iā€™m making comments on the overall state of why the game is where itā€™s at and why the community is acting a certain way from my perspective.

But thatā€™s the thing though. I donā€™t want to separate myself from other players at all. If you have a short fuse and are aggressive then thatā€™s fine. Iā€™ve seen players like that back in the day and even some of the most angry players to have ever played have made some of the most impactful moments in the games history. Like this one for instance.

I would have killed to be in this guys raid group. I find this stuff hilarious. Putting some grit in WoW isnā€™t really a bad thing. Because when you serve me a bowl of pasty frosting that gets stuck to the roof of my mouth I just get sick.

Not at all. Iā€™m saying that grouped content should be made for players that want to be a part of the team and work with said players to complete a goal. And one that actually requires teamwork and not just beating up NPCs that donā€™t even really fight back.

My thing is to observe and see what went wrong overall. The new content is bad, but at the same time the content weā€™ve been doing has taken a turn for the worse in my eyes.

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I didnt quit over it. If people quit due to the removal of LFR (which i donā€™t think they will ever remove) id say to them, well maybe MMORPā€™S are not for you.

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Itā€™s part of the reason I quit.

I think they all took a slice out of communities even LFD which i love.

Do you have proof of this? Or is it your opinion?

I actually have quit too , but master looter has nothing to do with it.

WoW in my eyes is not a mmorpg anymore its single player open world game with option to opt into multi. And i agree with the 4 modes being way to much 2 was fine in eyes its when the game was at its best for me.

For me it just had to do with the fact that we went 10 weeks with our warrior being stuck with a 370 weapon because it never dropped for him in M+ and all the Taloc weapon drops (even for our HPal and tank that showed up on his warrior alt 1 time) couldnā€™t be traded or given to him. It sucks seeing teammates suffer with little to no way of helping them. It sucks even more to have loot go down the drain and not be traded to someone who could benefit from it.

I agree with everything else youā€™re saying.

yeah thatā€™s crappy loot design, they never needed to get rid of ML iā€™ve played since 08 and ive seen 1 item get ninjaā€™d ever onyxiaā€™s reins in wrath.

Fair enough.
Much of this discussion has revolved around group content and LFR.

Actually the OP here was this.

So Id say that LFR is pretty much the topic here overall and thus my own mentioning of it as much as a I have.

And thats exactly what LFR is. Players who dont have the desire or time to gather up a group who want to work for the team temporarily and see some raiding content.
As far as ā€˜dont even really fight backā€™ā€¦come on guyā€¦stop with that lame nonsense. For low skill players LFR is MORE than sufficient to cause a wipe or two.
This is barely an argument and entirely not a good one.