"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Remember that this thread is about community. I don’t disagree that people are enjoying LFR, I’m just saying that LFR and all cross realm queue systems take away from community. Stay on topic here.

Edit - The point being that since you never experienced the community before LFR, I don’t think you’re qualified to compare today’s community to what it was 10 years ago.

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So in your mind Lfr doesn’t have a purpose or value?

Dude you are saying the same thing over and over lol. Please just stop, you rebuttals are the same cliche answers that every other LFR defender gives.

Let me ask you this. Do you think these developers can’t make a mistake? Because they have done so and admitted it many times over the years.

Can you just stop and look at the big picture even though you haven’t played the game with LFR and think, hmm maybe LFR is causing some the social issues in the game?

These devs have made plenty of mistakes over the years and just because you like it doesn’t mean it is good for the game.

How about Warfronts, do you think that content is good for the game? Because it is pretty much the game as LFR.

Absolute joke of an assertion.
I have been playing video games of every sort since they were created in the 1970s, friend. Probably as old or older than most of your parents here.
I have plenty of gaming experience.
I just dont devote my time to trying to destroy someone elses game because of my own misery with mine as some do on this forum.

more jokes?
WoW is an OLD game built on a dinosaur engine that is coming quickly to its final breath. Theyve done wonders with it and all but its been milked for far more time and $$$ than they ever could have hoped for.
OF COURSE there are better games out there…and MOST of the reason for that is BAD CONTENT and DINOSAUR game engine as well as controlling behavior (missing your master loot yet?) and micromanaging from on high.
LFR has NOTHING to do with any of it. Human behavior and poor business decisions is the root.


Deflect deflect deflect lol. Um I am posting on an alt just like you silly.

I think it’s compltetly unnecessary and reinforces lazy and apathetic gamers. People will take the path of least resistance, in this case it’s LFR. In Wrath, 10 man Normal was the path of least resistance, so it was the most popular.

I think in an mmorpg you should have to work to get better as a player along with getting better gear/stats to tackle end game. Not just do solo catch up mechanics, then click a button and AFK to kill the end boss of an expansion without talking to anyone along the way.

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Ever play ESO?
Its more of a solo game with friends as its been described by many.
How old is ESO again?
‘always’ is bunk.
These MMOs have group content and generally LoTS of SOLO content for players who dont like group content.
Blizzard didnt create human nature that often wants to play a game and be left alone.

People don’t want to pay $15 a month for an Action RPG

and yet they have and DO.
Ive been playing solo since BfA began…both in WoW and in ESO and FF14.
thats FOUR $15 subs I had going at different points to play my SOLO game in each.
Are you sure you know what youre talking about?

and…thats their CHOICE.
IF they WANTED to come impress your guildies with their low IO scores and beg to be admitted in so they could run raids with you, Im sure they would.
LFR allows them to NOT waste their time doing all that and just go raid instead.

Really got to wonder about the underlying motivations in the LFR hate.
Lots of obsessing with how other people want to play their own game in here.

An blizzard thinks differently, as does much of the player base.
Who are you and I to question that.

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uh…those are generally account wide achievements, no?

As are yours the same as every hater who comes by here.
As you say…‘just stop’.

Human nature is the problem. Sorry.
Its absolutely AMAZING that you can sit here straight faced and blame a GAME for how human beings behave. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::roll_eyes:
I think its more mommy and daddy raising their kids wrong than it is blizzard adding in some extra raiding option.
You DO realize how absurd you sound with this, correct?

So the purpose of normal raiding is to teach the players to better themselves but this would also cause people with handicap to feel inferior and would have leave or not try at all.To force people to do your level of experience is totally wrong,thus causing a seperation in a community .
So that will mean,You don’t want certain people to progress.Lfr wasn’t made for hard core raiders doing normal,heroic or mythic content it was for those that needed a way to play the game at their level,that is a purpose not a liability.


My “hate” as you call it isn’t really for LFR itself, but for the culture LFR breeds. Everyone feels entitled to everything for free and when they don’t get it, they throw a fit. People don’t want to work for rewards, they just want to be handed everything.

We get content like warfronts that are designed to not be lost as long as you have 3-4 out of 20 people trying. We get island expeditions in their current state because anything more than killing and looting is too complex for the LFR crowd. We get dumbed down 3-4 button specs because having to learn a rotation is too hard for the LFR crowd.

LFR’s popularity has forced the devs to make mindless content imo, and the game doesn’t feel anywhere near as rewarding or fulfilling as it once did.

oh, didnt ya know…handicapped people like my nephew arent relevant here. They need to step up their game and get into Mythic+ so they can be screamed at by the pros till their kicked from the raid and the group.
At least thats how we all know it’d turn out if the haters had their way here.

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you mean the culture that says ‘we dont need your raiding guild to give us permission to play’ :thinking:

you do realize that absurd argument applies to EVERY difficulty below the absolute maximum, correct?
Mythic+ can levy the EXACT accusation against normal players, etc.

Not a real argument.
LFR players put the time in and play the game and they get rewarded for it.

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Oh…the devs and the rest of the team dont need LFR to put us to sleep, friend.
The SOLO content in BfA is a snoozefest outside of the Drustvar witch storyline. Cant very well blame THAT crap on LFR, now can we.

Blizzards current formula for game making consists of 'go there, fight half the island getting there, fight the other half when you get there, kill X, then fight it all again on your way back…ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz"

From my experience in raiding,Lfr culture( if one can say it is) wasn’t bad to all .It was the hardcore raiders that had breed this bad behavior and oh boy have I’ve seen it from raging kids tempers to foul language .


I just think the devs are handcuffed with the LFR crowd. I think of how cool a solo world quest would be if it was the difficulty of a mage tower boss, with increased rewards. Then I think, they can never do this because these forums would just be flooded with crying from the entitled LFR crowd saying it’s too hard.

I have to agree that in my personal experience the more serious and “hardcore” the player (whether they’re as good as they think or not) the more toxic and angry they are. Obviously there are plenty of exceptions, but I have a much better experience in most cases with the players who are just playing the game (in lack of a better way of putting it).

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Its all about the benjamins, baby.
Either they cater to as many players as possible…or just start shutting down servers.
I think we all know which is best for the survival of retail and soon, classic.

I doubt theyd waste their time crying as much as just not raiding at all.
Which, just admit it as someone else already did, that that is the real goal here. Raiding USE to be a badge of honor. Now it drops out of a box of cracker jacks and that drives some people crazy in here. They obsess about it INSTEAD of just going and enjoying their own game.
Misery loves company, for certain.