"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

So your assertion is that if people knew each other then they’d talk nicer?
yeah, I got a few neighbors here Id like to introduce you to.
Familiarity doesnt breed cordiality with many. The old saying says it breeds contempt. Theres a reason that saying exists. Ask my family about it sometime. I think they invented the saying.

I dont believe for a single second that CRZ is the ‘cause’ of the nastiness.
I ran dungeons day after day after day in Legion and 99% of the players were fantastic people. Its that 1% who are vile, foul mouthed vermin and Im not naive enough to think that they arent coming from the server Im playing on as much as any other.

FAct is I dont know ANY of you, nor do you know me. We are ALL anonymous here even with screen names. I can swap over to another account right now and youd never know if it were me or someone else.

That 1% of nasties would be there with CRZ or not. I saw it in dungeons and raids…and i saw it just out questing in the world with players who were on my server.
I saw it from the opposing faction.
And I saw it from my own faction…the traitors.

PEOPLE are sometimes nasty and horrible and the mechanics of this game being changed wont change that unpleasant reality.



Did you play in BC/Wrath? You wanted a good reputation on your server so you could get in to groups. It was pretty easy to get blacklisted if you ninja’d, consistently left raid groups early, or if you were a jerk and not fun to play with.

I remember the character names of people who were blacklisted on my server 10 years ago. I remember the names of people who led successful Ulduar and ICC pugs every week. You have none of this now with all the queue systems and cross realm.

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WOW. Do you even read what you respond to?
I said I PLAYED LEGION LFR…ALL of the raids in it. Pay attention please.
Or are you actually silly enough to be suggesting that since I stopped after that point that magically my brain went blank and i dont know a single thing about LFR now :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sorry but I played plenty of LFR in Legion.
You know…that expansion right before the current one.
So i know that its perfectly fine and I also know you need to just go play YOUR game and leave everyone else to play there own.

Again…your own raiding history seems to be somewhat lacking.
Is there a reason for that?


This isn’t an indictment of LFR. This is case and point of the Raiding Community failing to communicate with and outreach to new players. This is 100% on players like yourself.


No i did not. I started in Legion about two years ago. I ran TONS of dungeons and LFR.
I ran as DPS, heals and Tank in both many, many times.

That said, we are in a different game than it was then.
Im guessing a lot of players here will enjoy classic when it goes live to get away from some of the hate the have for retail, not that I blame them with some of the crap being pulled recently by blizzard.

What the game was then…what the player base was then…is long past.
Removing LFR isnt going to bring back the glory days, sorry to say. Many of those players have moved on and so the game HAS to accomodate TODAYS player base if its going to survive.

its great that things were supposedly so cordial back then. Id never have played the game early on just for the mere waste of time leveling and finding groups to run with used to be. Obviously many enjoyed it, but trying to force THAT version of the game on todays players probably isnt going to help this game endure for long. And those servers wont pay for themselves.

Better that the game not be what you want…or i want…so that the majority who play it can at least find some aspect of it that they enjoy and want to continue doing.

Man what MMOs have you played before Legion? I wonder? You have zero experience with the older versions of the game, you really don’t know what it was like back before this CRZ tech was put into place.

I can’t wait for Classic, because I can finally play an actual MMO again and players like yourself can wallow in your LFR land devoid of any social contact plodding your way through this mind numbingly boring content.

MMOs were built on player interactions, it is what drew so many people to the genre. It wasn’t the fantastic lore and or amazing story telling that kept WoW going all these years, it was social aspects of the game.

I’m done arguing with people like you, players like yourself have made me hate retail WoW with a passion anymore. My sub runs out in a few months after almost 14 years of playing and I’m kind of glad.

You guys talk about how we are chasing everyone away, but that is exactly what a lot of solo type players have done over the years. Every time us old timers try to strike up a conversation about how the community aspects of the game are suffering we are basically told to F off because the issues we raise are relevant to the conversation.

As a MMO player I have never felt so marginalized by a company and the it’s player base than what is going on in current WoW.

I hate what it has turned into and I can’t wait for people to eat crow, when that janky 14 year old game with zero QoL features destroys retail in player base numbers, because it will.

So you never played the game when we had community but you’re going to post here and tell people why they are wrong. Seems legit.


And there ya go.
if they put 50% of the effort into RECRUITING and BEING NICE to new players instead of running them off over an IO score that they put into bashing LFR, I think the COMMUNITY would be far more likely to be ‘social’ again.

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nice straw man. :roll_eyes:
Im here defending the purpose and use of LFR.
I dont give two squats about your community or social guilds.


yeah…that adds up

How can you defend LFR when you never played the game without LFR? How would you know if it’s better for the game or not?

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I know what it seems to be now. and I know it has NOTHING to do with human behavior.

And LOT of retail players are just ecstatic that the people who want to go play classic will go do that instead.

Questing…no MMO required
pet battles…no MMO required
farming…no MMO required
Fishing…no MMO required.

sorry friend but this game is WAY beyond the ‘MMO’ thing at this point.
Are you actually suggesting something like Pet Battles creating a incivility problem in this game?

So because we wont agree with your LFR hate that makes US the bad guy ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This is what we are saying. Blizzard added all these difficulties to the game. The older versions were way more inclusive. I mean in my Vanilla raiding guild if you showed up we took you regardless of gear or experience.

The game as it stands today just segregates everyone into their own difficulties, it doesn’t make for a cohesive social experience. I hate the 4 difficulties and I loath Mythic+ too. This idea of scaling content up and up and up is just boring to me.

I loved the old game because it was inclusive! This rhetoric on these forums that raiding was some kind of inaccessible boys club back then is just a complete farce. Do you want my screen shots of all us scrubs downing some of the bosses in Naxx 40? My guild back then was all working adults with families.

So we WANT to segregate and not be tied to a group…SO…WHAT.
This doesnt affect your game at all that players who work for a living and can only play two hours a week decide to jump into LFR to have some raiding fun.
Firstly its not your business.
Secondly its not your concern…ie it doesnt affect YOUR game which you SHOULD be doing right now instead wasting a day in here over LFR that isnt going anywhere.
Thirdly, IF it helps keep that subscription $$$ coming in , more power to the players and to blizzard.

Answer my question! If you want to argue MMO systems and have zero experience playing MMOs your opinions don’t have anything to stand on. I’ve been playing MMOs since EQ and I still dabble there and I can tell you if Blizzard changed WoW to be more MMO those players would come back. As long as they continue these Diablo style systems though by trying to cater to seasonal ultra casual players, WoW will continue this slow bleed.

People don’t want to pay $15 a month for an Action RPG, there are tons of other free games out there that do this much better than WoW.

MMOs always encouraged socializing and it wasn’t until Activision got involved is when we started to see these systems implemented into the game that changed this into an Arcade game.

You cant possibly think this is a serious point.
I dont CARE to COMPARE the game with and without it.
Easy enough?
Players are ENJOYING LFR, plain and simple
IT IS IRRELEVANT that they never played the game without it

Good lord. :roll_eyes:

When you answer mine.
WHY is your raid history blank if you raid so much?

Have to again on this.