"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

You are rewriting history. LFR was put in the game to help justify the cost of creating raids.


So by this statement LFR had no purpose nor any value to a wow player.

Remove gear drops from Normal, Heroic and Mythic while you’re at it. LFR isn’t real raiding, and real raiding is for community, guild camaraderie, and friendship, remember?

It was interesting… But not as interesting as the flood of raider tears that deluged these forums after master looter was taken away. It’s almost like Blizzard was teaching you people; that wanting to take away something other players enjoyed, will lead to something you enjoy being taken away.

And that lesson still hasn’t been learned. I wonder what you real raiders will lose next?


kinda wish cross realm was optional in the open world. really. thats what killed for me. not worried about LFR LFD PVP

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You don’t even have to get that drastic. Add in any kind of special unlock questline and then you’ll get people doing older raids even if it’s one or two tiers behind current content. Look at how active normal raids were in Legion just for Balance of Power / Lego farming / etc

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What a vague statement. Which bad content are you referring to? I think you are wrong too, the content was never the issue, it was all this crap systems they put into the game over the years trying to keep things fresh that ruined the game for many.

I mean just look at the class design, stripped down, pruned classes have killed the enjoyment for many people.

You need to get off this LFR ranting too, they ain’t gonna touch it so stop your old cute ramblings, you are starting to sound crazy there old timer.

Rp > Community > Poop > Blizzard Content

I got a question for you. Do you ever stop and think that a lot of new players that are coming into the game have no idea that other modes exists beyond LFR? Preach gaming did a video on this and he said he has encountered a lot of players that didn’t even realize that raiding past LFR even existed.

This system traps a lot of new players, it offers a very subpar experience for raiding and a lot of people that join the game basically just run LFR a few times and quit.

You add in the very shallow and zero challenge during the level process, it is no wonder Blizzard is having retention issues.

You ever wonder why they keep removing things like portals and fast leveling and keep adding all these time gates you hate? It is to slow players down, because the entry level content is a joke, especially LFR.

I never understood why they even fathomed that putting their hardest content to create into a mode that someone can afk through in an afternoon?

Can you please explain to me how this is good for the game? Do you understand that many players now just sub for a patch and blast through LFR and quit again and that Blizzard has been desperately trying to keep these people engaged longer with all these silly changes to inflate people logging into the game.

It is because they are giving away all their content now, at least in the past the world content was tougher, leveling required a brain and socializing and raiding actually had some barrier to entry, which extended the longevity of the game.

And since you didn’t play in the days of LFR you really have no freaking idea what the landscape was like back then. I find it super insulting to everyone on these forums that you parade around like you have like this special insight as to why LFR is good for the game and that we are all elitist jerks trying to limit people’s options when you NEVER experienced the game without LFR!!!

You sir are Troll hate to say it!

It’s because raiding past LFR isn’t even doable until soloable.

It was like this since forever. But he and I have a common issue: the game has been exacerbating that fact since Siege of Orgrimmar in terms of character progression.

I also have a beef with you calling him a troll. He wants the game to be better too, he just has a different viewpoint than you do.

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He is though, he is spamming this thread non stop attacking people that are posting why they dislike it. Most of the posts are full of ad hominem attacks. I’m all for civil discussion, but this poster is pretty toxic. Just because someone doesn’t like something you don’t like, that doesn’t give you grounds to attack their character, there are numerous examples in this thread.

I know why they do it, they get scared that Blizzard is going to remove that easy mode raiding and they would have to actually try to learn the game. The entire excuse they don’t have time and that LFR is their only avenue is kind of irrelevant now with LFG, you can start your own pug or find one the 100s that are listed daily at all manner of hours.

LFR is crap content aimed at lazy players that don’t want to bother either learning the game or they fear that people will make fun of them. And please don’t come at me with, well I am handicap, because my guild had quite of few disabled players over the years and we never ever held that against them, if fact they were some of our best players.

The problem with many LFR players is that they really don’t want to socialize and that is fine, but they should have never ever been given access to part of the game that required organized groups that knew what they were doing to complete the content. It devalues raiding so much, but that message will never sink in here, because people will defend this community killing system until this game closes it’s doors.

Im sorry…what I got out of your post was “we need to corral players into playing the same mind numbing game that everyone else is playing…all fun to be removed”

Sorry but AGAIN…we arent ALL in this for the social aspect. YOU may be and thats fine for YOU. Leave other players to play THEIR game and you go play yours.


Um, last time I checked we are all playing the same game. This idea that LFR doesn’t have an impact on regular raiders is kind of silly.

You realize that regular raiders have to run LFR to get consumables right? Why aren’t these available in the other modes?

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Sorry friend but I stopped running LFR after the last one in Legion and I likely wouldnt ever do LFR again.
The REAL issue here is how some here are obsessed with how I choose to play MY game and cant just play their own game.
While youre rambling about toxicity, I strongly suggest you tend to your own.
Such as…(that didnt take long)…

WOW. Talk about ATTACKING players. And you have the AUDACITY to accuse me of doing so because I say youre obsessed with MY game while you should be focusing on YOUR game instead.
LFR is also for those who HAVE LIVES and RESPONSIBILITIES and dont have the TIME to sit on a video game 20 hours a day.

Exercise YOURS and just dont play it.
problem solved.

and THERE ya go. The CORE of the issue. Envy. Jealousy. Hate.

No, actually it doesnt except in your own mind.

And I hope this is your second WoW account because I aint seeing a single raid run on the one your posting one. Care to explain?


Then answer this is.Does Lfr have a purpose and a value to a community?

Again…you need to go cry to blizzard for that. It has NO bearing on LFR being detrimental to this game. Stop baiting and switching please. You all claim this is about COMMUNITY and SOCIALIZING in one breath, then its about gear and having to get something that Blizzard put in LFR instead of a ‘real’ raid.
LFR doesnt need to be removed for Blizzard to put that crap in a normal raid run for you instead.

Non hardcore raiders were not seeing story. The amount of raiders was always an extremely small percentage of players, making the value of raids, from a development standpoint, mostly a waste of time and money to create.

Creating LFR allows the greater majority of players to see the story and the raid, making the time and money spent building them worthwhile.

I would find the blue post expressing this but that was some years back.


I don’t agree with this if LFR is in its current state. If they made LFR locked to your server then I think it would be better, but not great. Any system that allows you to be essentially anonymous and say/do whatever you want with no consequences takes away from the games community.

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CRZ and sharding is what killed communities imo, not LFR.

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The quote youre referring to has been posted time and again in here for the LFR haters to show WHY LFR exists.
They just either ignore it or try to pretend that its age means it doesnt mean much currently.

I wish they were like ‘real’ raiders who are doing that right now instead of obsessing about how players in here who enjoy LFR play their own game.

My god your are some kind of stupid. You tell us not to worry about how you play the game, but you don’t even use LFR to begin with? I don’t understand lol. You seriously are a troll. I hope I get banned for saying this stuff too. It will just prove that Blizzard protects idiots like yourself on these forums. You pretty much are allowed to troll without consequence.