"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

But, could it have gotten to 14 Million with LFR in Wrath? We will never know.

I only saw end content because at the time I had the time to create a guild, manage said guild, create 2 raid teams, and be the RL for one.

Now, I can do single player LFR content only. No time for organized, guild stuffs… except infrequently.

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The fact is LFR is allowing some players to PLAY content they wouldnt be able to otherwise AND its NOT harming YOUR game in the least, so you should just go play that and leave other players to their own game

If its gear drops youre worried about, thats a separate topic and can be fixed without removing LFR.

What would you want that would help the community get better? I’ll be back in 45 minutes gotta do some running in rl.

I mean… this thread isn’t about “so quit!”

it’s about ‘how do we put community back into wow’.

“quit!” doesn’t really do that.

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Ive personally ‘quit’ for now but LFR and other players doing their own thing isnt the reason.
Im sick of Blizzard removing useful tools…portals for me…master loot for the ‘real’ raiders who clearly wanted it and needed it.
When they stop stripping the game of FUN, I’ll be back, Im sure.

I mean it’s no mystery that BFA isn’t a very liked expansion by a good bit of the players based on the Q&A responses Ion has given. So it seems that some changes need to happen.

Nope. I want WoW to succeed. It would be idiotic of me to want it to fail. Because if WoW wins, we all win. Right now, it’s not doing well.

And I liked World of Warcraft when it was about making bonds between players. I’ve said this before but when I started raiding on Cho’gall (the realm) it started out as me as just as a nobody. But over time as I continued doing raids through Trade Chat those random groups started to become familiar faces. Which again for me made a, “Oh hey Couile’s here!” scenario.

It didn’t stop this, but it also meant that people had to walk on eggshells if they didn’t want to end up with a bad rep on their server. Because if they did, it made it harder for them to join in groups.

I don’t.

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This is a separate issue but they really need to condense the servers.

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I think Blizzard is slowly getting exactly the player-base they deserve. As they chase off players who do not play to “win,” to be the best, they slowly lose al the other types of players. There used to be a huge amount of players who just literally played in the game. Relaxed players who were explorers, collectors, or mailbox dancers (lol). There were more players who enjoyed helping less-skilled folks. There were more funny, witty players.

Blizzard didn’t understand how valuable those players were. They still don’t understand that a WORLD needs all kinds of players to feel alive. So now we have a game made to Ion’s vision. And who is left? Largely a bunch of little Ion-wanna-be’s and a bunch of unhappy WoW addicts (plus a few folks who just do their own thing and don’t much enrich the OVERALL game because they are such a silent minority.

So congrats, Blizzard: Post-MoP you designed a narrower game and chased away millions of players who didn’t fit the mold. Enjoy the results.


I feel like that’s their longterm plan. Things are certainly moving that way. Being able to group with friends is an obvious benefit… but… like how they nerfed pvp realms so there’s really just one ‘realm type’ now and it’s sharded instead… that’s the kind of action to make all the realms compatible with each other - then they can just collapse/group them together as they want.

What that means for players and community… is not so clear.


I agree with that sentiment. Its almost a self-fulfilling prophecy where the game creates systems that cater to asocial players, so social players leave and are replaced by asocial players, which then makes Blizzard decide that they need to further cater to asocial players because now theyre a bigger % of the playerbase than before, which further drives away social players.


Trust me. Even I was one of those players and I got fed up with the systems they’ve put in place.


A lot of us still play the traditional way, its just that many in the pug world don’t see/interact with them. Especially since everything is so instance based.


Ive done a ton of reading about the history of WoW and its pretty clear that bad content is what has ruined and is currently ruining this game.
Even in Legion I was having ‘fun’ as much as I hated that artifact weapon crap.
WoD had some potential, but the garrison was so horribly executed that I was barely able to stand getting up to level three on a single character before just walking away from it.
BfA, again, has amazing potential…but added in more AP grinding than legion had and their nerfing it all into dust bunnies and…again…horrible content is whats killing the game.
Blaming LfR just lets Blizzard off the hook. THEY trashed the game, not my being able to get into a raid with a mouse click.

And thats fair…for YOU.
I dont. MANY dont. If we did we’d come join your guilds. you wouldnt need to herd us in.
I like the solo aspects of this game with the occasional group content like a 5 man dungeon and maybe a bit of LFR here and there.

Which I figured and I 110% agree with. It was a mean spirited move by blizzard that served no real purpose but to stifle the ability of guilds to build up their guild as THEY see fit. To drag it out at the very least.

and Id certainly argue for its reinstatement EVEN THOUGH It doesnt affect MY game in the least since I dont raid with any group or guild.

And so I dont see the need and obsession of some to incessantly, perpetually scream and toss fits over removing LFR that doesnt affect their game.

without LFR my sort doesnt ask to join your guild
Without LFR my sort just doesnt do the raids at all, and at some point my sort gets bored and quits earlier than I would have with LFR being there.
There are MANY of my sort playing this game.

If LFR haters had any common sense in any of this they’d be pushing Blizzard to have even MORE options to hopefully drawn in even more players.

Now…for the ‘cheap gear’ drop thing that this is really, truly about…Im 100% on board. I HATE cheap gear drops. I hate feeling like Ive won the lottery.
They do need to fix that, I think…but next month every piece of gear you have now will be obsolete anyway so I really dont know if its as big an issue as has been made of it in here many times.

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Server communities started dying when they started server transfers. Then CRZ really killed it.

My own vanilla server used to have a great community. Server forum was busy and everyone knew everyone. Our server broke the original “Welcome - Read this first.” thread because the CM’s forgot to lock it. Guilds and factions competed for world firsts. Then server transfers opened up and it really went down hill. An entire HC raiding guild from a high pop server moved in and started getting all of the world firsts. Then a few more transferred over. Then a couple more servers were allowed to transfer to ours. The community just was never the same. I picked Dunemaul specifically because it was a “low population” server day 1 when I created my first character. I didn’t want a high pop server.

And this was back when wow was still growing. before BC was launched. Server merges/LFG/LFR/CRZ/etc… just made it worse and worse and worse. Click queue -> spam 3 buttons -> collect loot ->leave ->repeat. I don’t remember the last time anyone actually said anything during a dungeon run. Hardly even have time to notice what class they are playing, much less their names.

Do you actually expect us to believe that the socialites in the world will just stop socializing and go hide somewhere BECAUSE of some old hermit living in a van down by the river ???

None of you is going to quit playing this game because some of us arent socializing with you.
Those of you are ARE socializing will do just that…and the hermits will go do their thing.

Blizzard ‘catering’ to the hermits has NO bearing on YOUR social game whatsoever outside of what YOU CHOOSE to allow it to and you know it.

Prove me wrong. Stop obsessing about LFR for a month. Go play your game and FORGET LFR exists for 30 days.
No way youre convincing me that your game would change in the least.

No…those asocial players ARENT affecting YOUR game other than you just choose to not stop thinking about them.

It’s funny when people try to re-write history that WoW was never a solo game.

Leveling was the game for many people in Vanilla and TBC, and it was easily done solo.


So those 3 person quests were only a suggestion? Lul

I’m not sure why you think LFR has to directly affect me personally for me to argue against it. Some of us don’t argue purely out of self interest, but rather out of an understanding of what kinds of player behaviors need to be encouraged or discouraged in order to promote a community.

I could talk about how a less social community affects me, but this thread isn’t about me. I’m not expecting the game to be designed around me.

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No it wasn’t. In fact it was the difficulty of the world that brought people together. I got to know so many wonderful people simply because we grouped up out of need to quest in a zone. There are friendships from that time I still have this 14yrs or so later.

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That’s the problem, I think guilds need a boost so people want to join them. Not get spammed to death trying get you to join them.

I’ve only been here for this expansion less than a week I hope its not all that bad.

Well you never replied, so here would be my answer at least. I stopped playing this game mid legion. Played a lot of other stuff, recently tho, been playing black desert online. An truthfully they give a lot more incentive to join a guild than say this game does. This game gives minor passive buffs that’s about it as far as I know. BDO has regular gold income for being in a guild, guild quests to par take in to make money for yourself and guild plus you get to keep the stuff you work on. Say you cut 500 trees you keep the lumber get gold for it and the guild gets tokens and maybe something else ( I wasn’t running the guild so don’t know the full details). There’s probably more but i’m spacing out already.