"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

This is good thing though. MMOs were never really designed for players like you and when they did start moving in this direction, this is when things got boring.

I wonder? You seem upset with the current direction of things. I wonder what those things might be?

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The game was at 12 million subs in a time when the easiest ā€œchoiceā€ of raid content was the equivalent of heroic. Your philosophy that the choice to not socialize, and get fed all the content anyway, is falsified by the gameā€™s track record.

We now have modern normal, which is more accessible than that, and isnā€™t the mess that is LFR. We donā€™t need LFR. Itā€™s a bad system than incentivizes asocial behavior. Even if you were to quit over it, thereā€™d be another player coming in, staying, and actually making friends. The game succeeds when it has target markets and rewards the social players, instead of stretching itself thin trying to figure out how to get asocial players to beat the game without talking to anybody in an MMO.

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Firstly, many many players do not play an MMO to ā€œbeatā€ the game. WoW isnā€™t a Mario game in which you simply progress through levels until you beat the biggest boss.

Secondly, it was known that most players donā€™t raid BEFORE LFR existed. That shoots down your idea that non-raiders are a small percentage of players AND that not having LFR would get players to do normal raiding.

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Todays WoW isnt the same game. Sorry to say. The player base isnt the same either.
12 years agoā€¦were you ever cussed out by some pimply faced kid in the game?
How about 2 of them?
Ive watched my wife in raids and seen the chat box FILLED with profanity filled tirades by either childrenā€¦or some basement dwelling adult with no life screaming at other players for no good reason.

IF the game was better before LFR, friend, its because the BASE was different.
If there is hate and meanness in thegame LFR has NOTHING to do with it. PLAYERS are to blame, and trying to force them to play nice isnt going to work. Againā€¦sorry.

I know human nature that transcends this joke video game.
I know you cant FORCE people to be niceā€¦to cooperateā€¦to communicate. You seem to have deluded yourselves into actually believing that if you corral players into the bigger herd that their personalities will suddenly change and theyā€™ll play nice with others.
They wont.
And the hermit type players who dont WANT your ā€˜realā€™ raids just wont raid at all if LFR wasnt there.

At the end of the day YOU need to go play YOUR game and leave everyone else alone to play theres.

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The more free gear they give casuals, the less of a reason casuals have to be a part of the community. Normal/heroic/mythic raiding and rated pvp are community driven activities. If players can get equivalent gear outside those community driven activities then what reason do they have to be a part of the community?

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That is another matter.
That can be fixed WITHOUT removing LFR.

I agree but still slides in there barely. Titanforged LFR gear is one of those handouts.

Unless either side has definitive proof of the claim I donā€™t think itā€™s a point we can really make here.

omgā€¦are you kidding with this crap illogic argument?
BAD CONTENT killed this gameā€¦not having more OPTIONS.

Jesusā€¦try harder next time

Well, itā€™s not easy to sum up 8 years of asking, but Iā€™d say in short - community.

What we got instead was the LFD/LFR/CRZ thing. Some got faster queues, those faster queues led to groupings that mattered less. Players can argue back and forth over the costs/benefits from those changesā€¦ butā€¦ itā€™s hard to argue that community is -better- today than it was 8 years ago.


I would never see end game content if not for LFR. My organized, guild raiding days are long gone for me.

However, I am still very active in my guild and sense the community every time I log on.


Thing is you donā€™t really need an organized guild raid to complete a raid these days since we have the Group Finder.

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While I did wait until there were some catch up mechanics in place, it was fairly obscene that I was able to get from 240 to 340ish in ONE evening.
Granted one player gave me his cloak drop and that helped, but one piece didnt make or break my ilvl.

I agree. There needs to be FAR more distinction between what lower levels drop compared to higher.
And there still is NO good reason to remove LFR.

ok dokie then. Stop complaining about LFR since the group finder is also another option.

poor choice of words because if it forced me to do anything, I wouldnā€™t still be here.

itā€™s more like you made friends organically based on game mechanics at the time.


Itā€™s not about just LFR. Iā€™ve pointed out multiple issues that Iā€™ve had with the lack of community in the game.

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Back in college (early 80ā€™s), I used to play Quiet Riotā€™s Bang Your Head so loud in my dorm! oh the memories!

If the game is so much worse off when it uses content as an incentive to socialize, then the game shouldnā€™t have made it to 12 million when we didnā€™t even have modern normal difficulty as a choice for raiding. The fact of the matter is that the game never needed LFR to be successful. Now, with the existence of normal, itā€™s an even bigger myth that we need LFR. We never needed a system that allows players to consume all content without socializing with anybody ever.

In Wrath, the super stubborn players who wanted to see everything without talking to anybody would quit WoW and be replaced by not-so-stubborn players who did socialize at least a little.


And Ive pointed out that you cant FORCE people to be social.
Remove parts of the game that will force that on players and theyā€™ll just quit and take those sub $$$ with them.
I almost think thats what some are hoping for in here at times.
MORE options = a more inclusive game that makes it friendlier to more people.
I started playing WoW BECAUSE it wasnt like Classic.
Now that it seems like Buzzard is trying to make it more like Classic (removing portals, etc) I just lost interest and stopped playing.
Iā€™ll be back when they come to their collective senses and quit trying to limit and restrict.

That saidā€¦how did you like the removal of Master Loot?

Even pac man had a huge playerbase when it was first released.
I was there. I remember the hype. its a SOLO game, btw.
Try harder next time