"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Yes, this is all typical behavior of bad guilds. But to suggest this is all guilds would be disingenuous.

Again, before LFR if you wanted to raid you had to socialize. This is on par with the game being an MMO. If you did not want to do a guild, you could still do the content if you PUG’d it, which would require you to be friendly with people on your server. If you had a bad rep (Ninja Looter, toxic, etc) you couldn’t do that. If you didn’t want to socialize at all, then no raiding content for you.

LFR definitely hurt the community aspect because people can just join LFR without having to prove themselves in a raiding scene and work up the reputation in a guild in order to content. By doing these things you would form a community bond. This doesn’t exist as strongly as it did before.

It’s really not that hard of a concept to grasp. I’m not debating with you whether or not LFR was a good thing to implement or not, what I’m arguing is that it most definitely altered the community aspect.

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I said it already, but I’d prefer LFR scrapped, making Normal mode queable and without a determination buff. This will give the raids a bit more integrity and easy up having to spread ilvls over 4 raid difficulties.

They should just make normal mode LFR with all the mechanics and remove the determination buff.

same mate, 2 modes was fine imo.

Bad troll is bad.

Sure, some people will be playing a social game asocially, for whatever reason. The point is that catering to those players isn’t worth the cost to the community when we consider the players who would’ve socialized, and didn’t, because the path of least resistance was LFR; a system where you can basically AFK and still beat the game.

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Plus group finder and cross realm servers (so no cross realm raiding) right? After all that would force you to bound with your server community.

The game isn’t catering to those players though, it just isn’t catering to forcing everyone to do everything in groups.

Almost all of what you have said in this thread doesn’t have anything to do with community and more to do with your hate for LFR.


It is catering to those players when players can beat the game without socializing. An MMO where, the more you socialize the more content you see, is a very well designed MMO. An MMO where you can see everything and other players could very well be NPCs is basically a shell of its former self.

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Or, y’know, you could be like me and have a grand total of, what, 10 people online in Dalaran when its active time for you?

I like how people always say “oh, its because you’re a ninja looter” and not “Your guilds schedule completely does not mesh with you so you can either abandon your friends and join another guild to do raiding, abandon your server to do raiding (Which is what I ended up doing in Cata mind after said guild jumped faction), or not raid. Ever.”

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LFR came out in Cataclysm, CRZ with Mists.

That has not a thing to do with community.

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Late Cata was LFR - start of MoP we had CRZ - a matter of a few months.

Yep, I’m the troll despite you initially slinging insults and thinking it’s odd to need a reason to do something.

I’ll have a conversation with you, but if you’re just going to “HAHAHAHAHAHA SCRUBS MAN LEMME TELL YA HAHAHAHAH” I’ll treat you what you’re worth and I’ll move on.

Have to remember that a community isn’t a community unless it has a purpose and value.LFR does have all the reasons to be part of the wow community.
One) Fills a need or lack
Two) Forms some bonds
Three) Continues or finishes content

Wait a second! How do you know how the game was without LFR if you just started playing last expansion? I swear to god, you and the other people that defend LFR in this thread are some of those most cesspool toxic posters that inhabit these forums.

I flag almost every one of your posts, because all you do is insult and attack people for expressing their thoughts. If you don’t want to look “stupid” or “asinine” yourself, stop attacking people and spamming up these threads with that senseless drivel you keep spewing and actually put some effort into your posts.

Blizzard is never going to take away LFR. When you see one of these threads pop, just discuss why you like it and move a long. You don’t need to respond to every single post.

I think it is ironic how you go on about “not having time” to play the game like a “5 year old kid” but yet you spend your a huge amount of time on these forums, probably while you are at work too lol.

uh…because I know how to READ :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

no…YOU HATERS are the toxicity in here and we ALL know it.
Dont like LFR?? then dont play it.
See how easy that was ? :wink:

take your own advice.
and now that I know it, I’ll be reciprocating and flagging every post I see of yours as well.

and it IS asinine to sit in here crying about part of the game that you can simply CHOOSE to ignore if you hate it so much.
yet you CHOOSE to troll these forums with hate about it instead.

Self employed as stated about 5000 times in here by now.
not that that is any of your business.
But thanks for proving my case that its your sort who is in here trolling and making personal attacks.

Or…you can play YOUR game the way YOU like…and others can play THEIR game the way THEY like.
Win/win…and no one gets to CONTROL the raiding scene.
Kudos to blizzard for LFR.

Until they never made friends with other people, got bored, and quit. And other people never made friends with them, also got bored, and also quit.