"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

no…they dont. They have as much time as their RESPONSIBILITIES ALLOW.
And keep telling this joke until youve run off ALL of those people with JOBS who PAY THE BILLS around here.
I’ll be the one in the corner laughing as your last server is being unplugged.


His arguments are a joke. He clearly has WAY too much time on his hands for video games and not much else.


That is the excuse everyone uses. The truth was that it wasn’t about the time even then. It was just too difficult and players needed a mode so easy that no level of skill or responsibility was required. See if people wanted to actually get good and put in the time. They could have raided even then.

It is just an excuse.


I don’t even play this or any game right now for your information. I don’t watch TV. I listen to music and workout. I sit here and read and laugh while I enjoy a break.

Are you just trolling and being annoying? Blizzard themselves said that was the reason for LFR…


I know what Blizzard said and I know Ion has also said more times then I can remember that this isn’t how LFR was supposed to turn out. Truth is they messed up and can’t take it back. Genie is out of the bottle and now everyone feels entitled.

Bullcrap son.
A HUGE percentage of this player base has responsibilities and cant play this game a much as a schoolkid can.
Those people pay the bills around here. not you.

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You mean like Acticrap and buzzard feel ENTITLED to MY $$$ so they think they can sell me a CRAP game and I should just keep giving them my money?


You have no clue what Blizzard said, otherwise you wouldn’t be making these stupid comments.


Of course he’s trolling. He knows LFR is the reason why raiding still exists.


Less sharding would be great. I think they should also merge some more low population realms. I don’t want to see 50 players from a different realm. I would rather see 10 from my realm that I recognize.

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so then you ARE just trolling in here. good to know.


Personally don’t believe that. Raiding was and still is a cornerstone for World of Warcraft. If they would have taken raiding out of the game then they would’ve had to probably rely on the open world to give some form of progression. Which if we look at how laggy the servers are right now, I think it would have been a failure.

I don’t think the WoW team would have gone through with a foolish decision like that regardless of what the numbers looked like.

The introduction of LFR didnt do anything to change how grouping for normals and heroics worked back in cata. The changes that hurt communities came with things like cross realm zones and Group Finder. If anything LFR helped by adding a stepping stone between heroic dungeons and raids.

I agree that LFR isn’t a super fun social experience by any means, but any terrible experiences there only emphasize how much nicer raiding is with an actual group you know. It definitely doesn’t discourage it.


I guess the argument is with Blizzard who said pretty much just that. Ive seen the quotes myself posted in here 100 times. They couldnt justify the cost of raiding with so few seeing the raids, and so LFR helped justify it.
I’ll see if I can dig up the article I had bookmarked, but with my newfound hatred of Ion and company I just deleted a ton of WoW related bookmarks, so not sure if I have it or not.

I think we all know what the quote Im referring to, however, given how many times this topic has come up.
LFR exists to justify raiding based on what has been posted here dozens and dozens of times over my two years reading in here.


I’d think that if nothing else LFR helps keep the bills paid by keeping some people just interested enough to keep playing.
LFR was all I did on my main account. Did all of the Legion LFR (thats when I started playing WoW) and I really enjoyed playing it. What I hated was something that sucks in any MMO…the occasional player who acts like a spoiled 5 year and and ruins the fun of the entire group.

It gets really annoying hearing the absolute joke that LFR has done damage to this game. No one really believes that. Certainly the REAL raiders (rather than the LFR hero raider wannabe’s) dont spend any time in here bashing LFR.

As for community, well the PLAYERS ruin that. Have ruined that.
Both in group content with their spoiled child behavior and even when we’re out playing solo in the world.
My wife and I have both seen it in group content and while just out questing.
PLAYERS ruined the community here, not the game.

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Requires benefits to socialise,raid and have friends/guildies to do content with.

The irony bahahahaha.

The fact you need a reason to be in a community proves exactly why its dead these days.

If those things stop you playing or raiding in a guild you are not there for the community to begin with.

Ps TF is good , you have to be a seriously petty person to be mad at joe from down the road getting a sweet 425 item doing easier content.

Clearly you need to play a game that allows you to feel special and everyone can tell you how cool you are.

Scrubs these days :slight_smile:

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I’m not the biggest fan either. My gripe has more to do with how many difficulties we have per raid tier. 4 seems a bit excessive and I do miss the days of running multiple raids and all of them being just as relevant as the 4 difficulties we have today. It felt like I had more variety in what I was doing raid wise each week.

We’ve also seemed to have stepped away from the community aspect of the game since they decided to add things like CRZ and Group Finder to the game. Now server choice doesn’t really matter nor does joining a guild unless you want to Mythic raid. And raiding Mythic is a pretty big hassle especially in the starting stages for your guild.

I guess i just dont understand the point of worrying about soemthing Im not playing myself.
If there 4…or 14…difficulties, what does it really matter to those who shouldnt be playing in the ones they dont like?
I get about the gear drops being a problem…too many cross overs with TF and such, but that is a problem blizzard needs to remedy and doesnt require removing LFR or any difficulty levels.

The CRZ thing I really dont think I get to begin with as far as how it hurts the community or makes it worse.
some people just suck. I personally dont think I can make the connection that CRZ made them suck worse.

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Guild name checks out. Thanks for BFA btw.