"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I will say this. It is difficult to argue that LFR is to allow everyone to experience the content. There is nothing to experience when 90% of all mechanics that should kill you don’t even matter. LFR would be fine if it was raiding on training wheels but it isn’t. It is just a see this with a chance at some participation loot.

That is why I hate LFR. Being able to raid used to mean some form of organization and time investment. It is supposed to be a form of end game progression. If you can’t do it then that level of content should have never been so dumbed down so anyone could do it. It undermined everything that made you feel good about being a raider.

Call me what you want but I am not nor have I ever been Hardcore. All I did was play this game to the best of my ability when I could. Having many moments of excitement for a guild first boss kill. Been a long time since I felt that kind of excitement and it is because of LFR.

I don’t doubt that I’ve missed it mentioned already, but what does community even mean in WoW? (More a Socratic question - I’m curious what folks think) My understanding was server communities, but if that’s what Devs want to foster, their sharding tech seems to negate that much more so than LFR/LFD.

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Funny how they said that and removed the largest and longest standing community I have ever been in since starting this game: Twinking.

Twinking was the only community I’ve felt outside of raiding guilds, and they’re all gone. I had a full friends list of twinks and now I only see 10-15 online anymore.

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Nice sentiment and all but some players dont HAVE the time to gather up a group that you clearly have.
LFR is fine for what it is.
LFR lets us PLAY. Many of us dont want to be ‘real’ raiders to begin with.

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Let me ask what was the purpose of twinking in the community?

In detail. HOW does MY being able to jump into a raid without the time investment you mentioned…HOW does THAT affect YOUR excitement???
I think your making stuff up at this point.
MY game has NO bearing on YOURS because of MY use of LFR.


Thats just asinine.
“God forbid they design their own cars” :roll_eyes:
yeah…and IF they do and the BUYER DOESNT LIKE IT then it DOESNT SELL
“we arent putting AC in our new models”
Then DONT complain when your joke gocart doesnt sell.

I get it that you cant fathom how a BUSINESS is suppose to work but PLEASING THE CUSTOMER is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of running a company…producing a PRODUCT or offering a SERVICE.

So NO…its not ‘their game’ when they want MY $$$ to pay for it.

  1. Roleplaying.
  2. Transmog hunting (from time to time).
  3. Shooting the **** with my social guild (same people since 2009).
  4. Pet Battles (yes, i’m one of those people).
  5. Puttering about in the old world, since I can fly around there.
  6. LFR. I’ll run each wing once to see the story, and won’t set foot in it again.

I finished Pathfinder pt1, very very early on in BFA. Had pathfinder not been a thing, everything listed there (minus the rep grind) I would have most likely done through the entirety of the expansion. Since I have to play the Devs way, I do those chores quickly and go back to playing what, how and when I want. When flying is finally released, I’ll do the same in current content.


Well, community takes time.

Blizzard can either have a game where social interaction is a core part of the way the game works or they can streamline it away by automating all forms of player coordination. They can’t have both.

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I disagree.
There is no reason they cant have both. BOTH types of players exist and BOTH can be catered to.
There is TONS to do in WoW that doesnt require social interaction…pet battles, questing, farming…
Yeah…we can have both.


No, you can’t. Players who want to raid- whether what they want is old-school guild-based raiding or lfg raiding- don’t want pet battles as a substitute. That’s not being catered to, that’s being told to shup up and go do something else if they don’t like raiding the other group’s way.

yeah…you CAN…and you insisting you cant just looks asinine since its all in the game already and has been.
MANY other games are just the same…easy to play solo OR as a social game.
PEOPLE are what ruins this games social aspects, NOT the mechanics.

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I’m not sure I understand your question. What was the purpose of being a community of twinks? Friendly rivalries, cooperative battlegrounding, old school raiding at the correct level for it, ect.

It is all certainly not in the game already, since many people here, and Blizzard themselves, are pointing out how the social aspects of the game are no longer there. My original comment still stands: Blizzard cannot streamline away the need for social interaction in order to complete content and then expect the kind of community that springs from said social interaction to still be there.

I would suggest coming up with a better argument than “NO, U CAN!” before telling me that my specific reasons for why you’re wrong “looks asinine”.

uh…LFR IS already in the game…so are other SOCIAL aspects as well as SOLO aspects.
What game are you actually playing?
and yeah…it does sound asinine when you pretend like there isnt SOCIAL and SOLO content ALREADY in this game.

I can jump from playing SOLO to SOCIAL with a couple clicks…so sorry…your ‘standing by’ your previous false statement doesnt alter reality.

That said, it is PEOPLE who have ruined the social part of WoW. The mechanics and options have no bearing on the matter.


So you’re saying you war on each other and not take advantage of others on the field of battle? If so then you’ll be ok in a bg with only twinks .That community does realize this?

The whole fun of the experience is the differences in power between everyone. I like 10v10 twink games as much as anyone else (Participate in level 110 wargames weekly), but theres something great about merged brackets. Especially the queue times, but 1v1 twink games are amazing. The other players can make such a difference in those games.

Oh,that’s war games you were referring to I was talking about regular low level bg’s some were taking advantage of over powering the field with twinks .

People have as much time as they are willing to make. That is how it once was and should have remained. If you can’t dedicate the time. Don’t play! See the thing is. WoW isn’t a good enough game worth making the time for. It is just something to do to kill spare time now.

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Before LFR, only a tiny portion of the player base would see raids. That was the whole reason for implementing LFR.

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