The tank shortage is getting out of hand

No wonder why this is flagged already

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This is sad to hear. I just got back to WOW after two years and thought about taking up my Pally tank and decided to take up my SP instead. I figure I can heal if necessary. But I have PTSD from tanking in New World and can only imagine how toxic the WOW community is to tanks. NO T(h)anks!

Trooper tank in SWTOR was and still is the best tank design in any MMO.

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Well most tanks, myself included would rather sit on a hot stove than tank M+ for pugs. I suggest making a friend that’s a tank and it becomes a non issue :slight_smile:

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That is situational.

When tanks complain about dps output I and others will be quick to point out…

we are respecting they get exclusive need roll for tank gear. I follow the code. Even when DPS needs the str or agi (bear druid) too. Our dps can be lacking since gear is crap.

and we may also point out in addition to exclusive need roll for tank gear…they need roll our dps rolls too. Tank double dips. And nicer DPS like me just goes it is what it is.

this is why I like tanks who don’t tell me how to dps. Since if they bring it up and they reply get gear and git gud…I’d take that as approval to need roll on tank gear.

The dude said git gud, well, +50 str is getting good. Don’t need the tank stuff…but the +50 is liked lol.

Isn’t anything worse in a pug than a DPS who can’t do damage. And not like slightly underperforming but vastly to the point where you question if they even have played their spec before

Faux ranged like the Trooper or Bounty Hunter tanks in SWTOR. A lot of SWTOR mechanics were based on WoW.

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I always make sure to bring my Quel’Serrar and Aegis of the Blood God along whenever I join a pug - this way I can argue that I can tank, although it’s not recommended…

honestly i think i take the underperforming dps that consistently interrupts and CCs packs than one who does The Big Damage™ but hasn’t interrupted a spell in 20 years


Bro you got me laughing so hard at that morbid truth

You can be a Galactic Guardian and spam moonfire.

Yeah I made a PSA thread about this, Massive Tank Shortage Coming. I’m not here to say I told ya so, it was pretty much obvious it was going to happen to anyone with a reasonable IQ.

These dungeons are straight up cancer. All the tanks are probably raid logging at this point. Maybe this is how M+ dies a horrible death, tanks just stop playing it.

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Eh, I’d rather have an entire rotation based around ranged weapons. Like a dude inside a mech shooting flamethrowers or using machine guns at close ranged, launching bombs and missiles, and unleashing gravity wells to snare multiple targets.

The tanks are probably starting their own groups.

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What are you talking about? There’s a difference from funneling a guildmate gear and “double dipping”. There is no “tank gear”. Nearly everything aside from trinkets have multiple role uses.

So many M0 runs with DPS who are 590-600 ilvl doing 250k dps or less.

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100% I am not tanking in S1 after tonight. Pugs are hostile for no reason. The dps or healer can make an error but if i dont tank the meta route for x dungeon i get attacked.


Maybe we will get Warlock Tanks like in SoD :smiley:

Came in just to bump :point_up: this specific comment



Glad im healing. I quit tanking for pugs cause of dps stupidity and rudness. Only so much a tank or healer is willing to take before they quit doing pug content.

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