The tank shortage is getting out of hand

How would you suppose this works lol? What does a melee enemy mob do? Does it just sit at range and never attack you?

Tanks got so much abuse that they don’t want to tank anymore. Maybe less toxicity would help avoid this situation.


^ 100% this. I now run with a dedicated group of friends. No reason to lend my services to randos who are so eager to coach and lecture me on why my route is unacceptably different than theirs.


Hi, tank here.

I hate to tank because the people who play this game are terrible, so I don’t unless it’s for my guild.

WoW community, do better.


Mythic+ tends to be a very toxic environment. Not sure I would want to tank it outside of Guild runs.


its a mix of tank nerfs, DPS pulling for me and expecting me to taunt all the mobs when I dont have any CD’s up, and prioritizing people I know. I can only speak why why I’m not pugging.


People are perfectly respectful and friendly. It’s just a supply/demand imbalance because more people want to play a pressure free dps who doesn’t need to lead a group or know the M+ routes.

I am a full time tank, sorry you’re not seeing enough of us in the wild… even my alts are tanks.

Although recently… I’ve been considering healing in at least LFG because I’m honestly tired of people joining as a healer when really they are a DPS, but just wanted a quick queue time…

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Tanks have no reason to pug anymore. Most run with friends or guilds only now.


Maybe you should? Like literally for the last 10+ years it’s been gear dps first

Dps is the best mitigation in the game

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Yea, well you enjoy that whole line of thinking, I’m sure it will get you far.

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It’s pretty common knowledge? Lol

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I tank occasionally, but there would be no way I would tank for pugs again. If I breathe wrong someone starts raging in chat and wastes time. If someone else pulls and dies, I get a novel of a whisper of why I should quit. It gets old, so why bother?


Barely feeling any tank changes

This only happens if you continuously make mistakes and don’t take accountability for them.

New tank here.

I tried a few groups. No communication, even when I initiated it. People leaving midrun if it wasn’t exactly perfect pace or path through the area. A few people got angry when I tried to stop and ask a question or talk at all.

No thanks. Change needs to start with the community.


can confirm. in split heroics to gear for mythics you absolutely give tier to DPS.


I been tanking since WoD, and you know you guys dont deserve us…

Too much to complain and explain about here


I don’t even tank, and I would not do it after I seen how people act.

Like, tanking for pugs is borderline masochist. Like why would you do it?


It is more than that but sure…

Also if am a tank, I must get the leader position incase a idiot kicks everyone or just kicks a tank, no leader title I leave the group and go in the que for another hour…

but dont give all tanks leader title lol some of them are bad and some will kick everyone before boss dies etc

Honestly when you tank in a pug group and they get treated like garbage from a failed run or in general, that can cause people to not tank for a long time or stop tanking at all