The tank shortage is getting out of hand

Shhhhhhhh don’t let the secret out

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So? you still don’t tell people what to do.

The topic is about tank shortage. You’re not in any position to be telling others to stay on topic When you just went about telling others what to do when that in itself is irrelevant to the current topic.

If you’re controlling the pet meleeing the boss, wouldn’t an actual melee class with real abilities be more interesting?

Having tried to move a pet around before, this would be a nightmare anywhere where specific positioning matters.

I am in a position to tell people what to do when I am a pug tank and have timed over 1k keys. I can tell people what to do if they don’t know what they are doing just like they can tell me something if I’m doing something wrong that is hiring the group.

Cap. So much cap.

Anybody who wants to play a kite tank can do that already.

Every tank hates being a kite tank.

Other than that, what you’re suggesting is “I have an ability to keep the boss from EVER hitting me” which Blizzard will never do for obvious reasons.

I hated having to deal with necrotic and the healing debuff and having to kite things to let it fall off mid pack. I’m glad that’s gone.

I have absolutely 0 reason to hop on my Blood DK and tank for anyone other than my guildies & friends because this community is vampiric at times.

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Don’t even need to be a kite tank. Just allow a spec with ranged weapons and abilities to tank. Even fighting in melee range, it would feel different from a tank using melee weapons and abilities.

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If the graphics are the only different, just let you transmog your weapon to ranged weapon.

The question asked was how a range-based tank stays at range vs melee, which I gave examples of.

I never stated that they would stay at range 100% of the time. The player skill would be in trying to minimize melee range while tanking in any way possible, including, but not exclusively, via kiting.

playing overwatch - i will waiti till i want to que

Did time walking tonight.

Tanked 6 on my Prot pally.

Died 3 times because DPS wanted to pull 2 or 3 more packs than I initially pulled. It’s a bad idea for so many reasons. Mostly it’s hard to get aggro on 6 to 10 extra mobs when high power dps is going wild on them.

I don’t mind dying. Honestly it’s kind of amusing.

I normally don’t queue on my tanks because at least 2 or 3 in the group are going to be horrible entitled little brats.

If you want a tank make friends with a few or roll one yourself. If you depend on LFG/LFR for a tank you are gonna wait a hot minute every time.

Entitled and extremely rude gamers is why I hardly use LFG/LFR. I get invites from friends to tank for them. So I don’t need to group with random people who want everything and they want it now.

I’m going to be very honest, 90% of groups that are formed have a class that can Tank that same Key, they don’t want to accept the responsibility for failing at times and I don’t blame them, however, learning is necessary, failure is essential for progress in game and life. More players need to understand this, I’m a DPS, but I tank mainly because I belive I can do it, and the group needs one.

That’s what you get when you nerf tanks. Blizzard devs are absolutely incompetent, clueless and out of touch.

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Nah you’re delusional and obviously don’t tank for pugs… They are kicking for literally anything now so I guess you can tell yourself that lie if it makes you feel better. People don’t want to let a tank learn it’s you do as I say or I kick you mentality.


How are you going to call Cap when my runs are public?

Again, my runs are public. Meaning you can see the people in my groups.

They literally don’t, especially in M+. It’s clear you are a low tier player stuck in trival queued content.

It’s not just graphics, it’s mechanics as well. A MM Hunter fighting in melee range doesn’t feel like a warrior or Paladin.

Sometimes I think they make the content more difficult for time played metrics.i hope it backfires on them

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Me personally tank and dps keys, as well as dps raid. You can talk all the scrap you want, but if you fail to kick, pull for me, especially after been warned. Good bye, joining a better group instantly moving on and waiting to block your mean hatefilled whispers , as i have already started a new dungeon with a new team that doesnt do these things. Welcome to the internet. Tanking is awesome. Dont put up with stupid .

The higher brackets you get into, this occurs Alot less. Its always the mediocre players that act in this way anyways. 3k players know to not pull for tanks and show a much h8gher level of respect. You just got to get out of clicker and noo ville.