The tank shortage is getting out of hand

Woah, woah, woah,
Wait a second

I can agree with alot of things you said but this I cant look past…

2/6/2, did you just say Tank/DPS/Healer?!?!?!?!?
Isnt it Tank/Healer/DPS!! 2/2/6
Like crazy people that say Caster/Melee/Healer for pvp comps when the naming system follows a Melee/Caster/Healer (RMP, WLD, RLS for example) pattern.

I know General Discusion is crazy, but hottest take by far

walks away silient muttering about kids these days

(100% sarcastic, just wanted to join in)

Next tank spec needs to be ranged. That will get more people interested in tanking.

The worst part is that all the leftover tanks that do pugs are usually the bad ones.

I had a Prot Warrior with 0% uptime on shield block.

All the tanks that are actually trying to learn will quit by the 2nd day. And we are leftover with the tanks that don’t care

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Can you explain how this would work?

I only ask because nobody else that brings up this crazy idea can explain it.

Clearly, mage or warlock, and the enemy shoots magic damage, along with a cannot be in melee aura. (For the boss.)

Or… I guess paladin but give them 40 yards on everything, but they’ll still be in melee… so it doesn’t really change anything.

  1. “ranged” tank shoots at monster
  2. monster runs over to “ranged” tank
  3. “ranged” tank isn’t ranged anymore

I have tried to tank a few m+ so far for the first time. Been yelled at each time for not pulling the exact packs needed to get 100%. If I need to use and addon to map and plan each dungeon na ill just dps.

Let me ask this. How welcoming are these groups to tanks that never done them before? From my experience, they are very critical of them. That i why they tend to stick with guilds.


is not very common after all.

What do you expect when 5 of the Alliance races are under just about 1 meter tall and two Horde races are better.

BM hunter would probably be the best example of how it would go.

Heres a fun story , i did 5 mythics yesterday, 2 with guild so they dont count . I had to tank 0 of them , i applied to all 3 groups and got an invite almost immediately . If i kept getting denied i would have queued as tank .

Tank shortage ? What tank shortage chicken little

Normally if the healer is pulling for you, you are going way too slow.

They should allow Warlocks and Shaman to tank again.

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So the pet does the tanking? Have fun trying to position a boss or avoid stuff like frontals.

Powertech/Vanguard style from SWTOR.

And yes I recognize that they will mainly be fighting in melee range, but that happens to all ranged specs when they’re the main threat generator. As an Evoker I fight in melee range when I’m soloing because the mob immediately charges me to fight me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a RDPS. An RTank would be in the same situation, but they would be using ranged attacks instead of melee attacks.

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you can control the pet directly like a character, or indirectly with “move here” commands

4a. Tank kites.
4b. Tank used an ability like survival hunter has to create space between them and boss.
4c. Tank has a special stun/confuse to stop boss from coming to them.
4d. Etc., etc.

As someone who tanks I will never tank for pubs. The community is way too toxic to either the healer or tank specs.

this time around healers get all the side eyes youd be fine. i guess youre already set in your ways though.

healers that i know are excellent seem to be struggling this time around. it’s healer-hating season.