The tank shortage is getting out of hand

Can’t believe how difficult a concept this is for like half the wow community.

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So if you convince 100 nobodies to join some guild that has some players who would rather play tank but there is no opening for them, these guys will gladly donate their time to helping those nobodies get their content run, even though it’s something that those sometime would be tanks don’t need.

I’m going to say no. Joining a guild as a nobody who is not on the fast track to raiding means that you will still need to pug all your own content. The idea that every guild has a large number of idle tanks eager to donate their time to training nobodies is just silly.

And…the tank shortage has entered stage 2. Previously every queue popped instantly. Now, not only do they pop instantly, but most timed out while someone who fell asleep or couldn’t wait any longer to do something important were unable to accept. One queue popped 8 times before the timewalking group accepted.

I’m sorry where is your CE, not seeing it here? oh there is, a month after your heroic. Cute. Its also cute you are looking at my season 3 hero achievement I got 2 weeks after yours. Its almost like people don’t really play a ton during thanksgiving.

I do log, this is how I know you are trolling with these comments. Your opinion is just just whining to the masses.

Oh, you don’t know how to use armory either.

I like to catch a beating from mobs, and then catch a beating from /i chat

Your whole post is a great reminder to me that I should continue never tanking/healing for pugs. Thank you.

I might play my warrior alt as prot. So far its been fun. Idk how they fare at max level tho

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I disagree since you just removed pure DPS in order to off-tank. 40 man you won’t notice it, but 25 man, if you start removing dps for more tanks you will feel the difference.

There’s really no good reason to pug M+ if you’re tanking, you’re always going to be in demand and risking randoms bricking you isn’t worth it when you’re the one holding most the power in group selection. It’s not great but M+ has always been flawed.

You realize DPS is arbitrary tuning right?

You could decrease damage requirements to compensate.

Why is 4/12/4 unworkable as a group comp?

The entire point is to require the same ratio of tanks /healers per 5 people.

2/6/2 is a workable 10 man format.

ma deeps lol

so play a tank

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Why do you have to wee in my weedies… I just want 40 man raids back and it was a good excuse but NoOooOoOo you gotta do maths and be all rational. :boom: :evergreen_tree:

Also nerf purgatory to only give you three seconds of immortality once every hour

The first character my son leveled was his protection warrior… he main tanks for his guild and then takes me down dungeons when I’m online. He doesn’t pug it all he got tired of it


This right here honestly. I think blizz was dumb for making tanks feel less tanky in some aspect. Honestly i feel tanks atleast in pve should get a armor buff and let them be tanks instead of getting hit for 20% of there health on the first hit sometimes.

Day 3…and now we are up to 732K keys for the week. If there is a tank shortage, the numbers arent really showing it. We’ll probably pass a million keys tomorrow

Although, to be fair…both SLs and DF week 1s passed 3 million keys, but its hard to say how much the M+ redesign is playing into the numbers.

Weird, the same people have been saying there’s a tank shortage since vanilla.

If anything, adding a role-agnostic solo track that reduces the number of people doing group content who never really wanted to should make it easier to find a tank for the rest.

heroics were a different beast, no dps are chain pulling for tanks in higher keys, but there are different reasons I’m not as satisfied with it right now.

  1. From my perspective there’s just so much stuff now even in mid level keys that punishes you so heavily, feels like you can’t make 1 mistake or the key’s bricked.
  2. Everyone talked about healing nerfs but the damage nerfs are significant as well, and having absolutely everything (trinkets, weapon oils, embellishments) scaled down kind of sucks. Threat feels like more of an issue because of this as well, I feel like mobs peel off way more than they did.

Prot paladin noth worth it. Warrior tank not worth it. DH tanks suck but many think theyre good enough to massively pull in reality they suck absolute trash. Druid tanks suck at aggro. BREWMASTER? I would never.

You tell me why there’s a shortage…

The only viable tank I have seen so far is BLOOD DK.