The tank shortage is getting out of hand

why are you surprised that when after people screeched to nerf tank that nobody wants to play them? kinda crazy to think people would just suck it up and not that they’d just stop playing tank lol

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No, they died to mechanics. Not because they lacked dps. They were not functionally immortal. Tell us you only run lfr without telling us.

10 tanks = 5 full guilds of 20-30 people. 90 to 120 people covered by 10 tanks.

10 tanks = 10 M+ groups. 40 people covered by those very same tanks.

The reason there’s not a tank shortage in guilds is because the guilds don’t need remotely as many tanks as M+ demands. Those people in the raiding guilds NEED to run keys right now because Blizzard decided that infinite loot from M+ was A-OK while gating raid loot behind 7 day lockouts.

There’s a tank shortage for M+.

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Back in BFA when ever someone said we were skipping something via Death, or… what have you. As A tank I wanted to scream. Just kill the stupid mobs there aren’t that many of them! AND GOD HELP ME IF I PULLED AN EXTRA RAT

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The nerf wasn’t, and isn’t, the problem.

It’s how most of us get treated, and I suspect it will get better eventually. But not right now it seems! Every tank must be as good as those in the MDI, OR ELSE

And specifically blizz took away/nerfed instaheals that only worked on tanks, and gave healers a buffed slow heal in return.

It was not a 1:1 trade.

If it was balanced accordingly healers would have been given a 2nd swiftmend that only worked on tanks.

What Blizzard did was freak out tank players had figured out the game, and so Blizzard broke how things work intentionally under the understanding that if people can’t clear content then engagement metrics will go up.

Although my money is moreso on Ion being mad m+ has more engagement than raids, and got chewed out by corporate for misuse of company resources, so he’s trying to make everything else feel worse to force people back to raiding so he doesn’t get fired.

It always comes down to either:

  • Petty company politics where someone is trying to avoid getting fired.
  • Or being realpolitik about griefing players into extended sub durations.

Tanks solo boss when the group dies.

No, just more cleave fights.

No, Blizzard buffed them too much. There wasn’t much to figure out.

It was done to grief players for engagement metric purpose, nothing more.

Blizzard moved myth track crest drops from a +6 to a +9 key. They also tried to nerf hero gear to 1/6 from 2/6 for 10 key drops, but then too many people noticed.

These changes were all rolled up into one and done simultaneously, that’s how we know it wasn’t done for balance reasons.

The forums are on fire when content is too easy, when content is too hard. When any change happens.

Please tell me how Blizzard should balance when people want diametrically opposed things?

This is the same company that created pathfinder pre-dragonriding.

weird they add solo tracks for gearing and there’s a tank shortage

must be a mere coincidence

no tank gives a flying duck about “nerfs” are you serious?

there is no shortage of raids or m+ to run as a tank. there is no queue for anything.

the bottomline is that tanks can absolutely skip up to m6 because delves give gear at that level, and tanks get a pass on MyThIc ScOrE because people hate waiting.

I can join faceroll normal raids as a dps spec and get all tank gear.

The shortage is absolutely due to them overlapping this trivial loot vacuum (lol @ getting 616 for doing delves) with other progression methods. if “solo progression” delves were its own track and muted in other things, normals would be harder and more people would be forced to slog through mythic+

That’s it. The fix would be to stop catering to people who abandon the game after doing a few delve8s and realizing “so it’s just this forever? k”

further, i think they screwed up this entire “add old expansions into the m+ season” idea as I was bored of these dungeons when they were new, I don’t want to do them now.

which again funnels people to fewer dungeons, etc. etc.

This entire minmax tank strength discussion is obnoxious. I go out of my way to avoid any theorycraft and relish it when someone starts raging over how their efficiency is ruined. Like bruh I’m only here for one or two of these, not effectivity over weeks of runs. kick rocks

3rd, blizzard flip-flops on tank aggro and survivability constantly.

Imagine that, the class designed to take damage… takes damage. Weird concept.

Taking damage doesn’t mean immortality.

Now, they still take damage. Don’t believe me? Try doing stuff without a tank.

(Yea possible in heroic, maybe m0.)

Bro you are the biggest troll. Not a single tank is immortal. Never have been. Over geared tanks doing lower level content, have a harder time dying. Because they are over geared.

Tanks have never been immortal in content meant to challenge them. Just stop trolling, you don’t tank, you don’t heal. You are a lfr player whining about things you don’t do.

They’re not immortal now I agree, but they were.

And your KSH dates kind of late.

They arnt now, and weren’t before. Wildestrasza.

Funny my KSH dates late… on a character i started playing just before the expansion. Weird. Want to go over your logs again with you being the bottom on the easiest healer? You continue to prove the point. You are just a troll.

And with this attitude, you wonder why people don’t tank.


You’re talking a lot for someone that doesn’t have CE.

And who says about character, I’m looking at your FOS history which is account wide.

Please do go over logs, so at least, I know you know how to use them.

“because there aren’t extra tanks in guilds.”
I would say your post is just a bad attempt at a troll post.
Any guild I’ve ever been in had multiple tanks due to
1/ attendance does not cancel a raid
2/ players have alts
Seriously 0/10