The tank shortage is getting out of hand

The thing about pugs is you don’t know if anyone is any good at the start. So you pull slow and test the group. After a pull or 2 you figure out how much they can handle. But there is always one who is screaming gogogogogo.

I just tank because I like to. I haven’t done anything serious since Season 2 of Dragonflight when my friend group imploded for various reasons. I’ve not had the desire or patience to make new friends and build a new group but it seems you always get used. You take the time and energy to teach people and then they bounce when they find someone who will carry them higher than we can do as a group at the moment.

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DPS are what make tanking annoying.

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I could always use more friends, i tank , ill only do m0 with you until i get comfortable with you . But ill tank for anyone if you like .

idk why you’re trying to troll but you’re pretty bad at it.

Quit trying to act like healers are special this xpac because they really aren’t. All Blizz just did is make their job harder.

I did have the option to not pull off of them. and i left because of that and they were being toxic. You gonna encourage toxicity and say i shouldn’t have left and let them do whatever?

When i meet healers that stop saying that i’ll let you know.

I have never had a good time tanking mythic+. Zero appreciation and 100% of the blame. I just got blamed as the tank for a dps laving +5 stonevault because he didn’t like where the boss was standing. He was sub 100k dps.

Tanks gaslighting their asses off.

It’s almost like if the community treats their tanks like garbage… that they will not have tanks left! Most of them will have found a group to play with and not get yelled at for every insignificant thing. Or, just resign to not wanting to deal with the BS and switch to DPS.

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Roll a tank

The most consistent trigger for DPS, least in my experience, has been not taking a meta route, or going even 1% over on count. Some of them will absolutely lose their mind.

I’ll always pull extra if it means avoiding some sketchy “skip” the has a non zero chance to wipe the group, unless we are tight on time and need to risk it. I’ve just been in too many groups where skip = someone butt pulls, and then panick backpedals into another group, and it turned into a bricked key.


whats silly is saying they were immortal. Because tanks died all the time, even when they were self reliant. Weird concept. Every top tank rank the cheat death trinket, because mistakes happen.

So no, lets let the tank have fun and not being a useless meat shield.

They’re prolly busy smashing Delves in peace without a bunch of people telling them to go watch Quazii’s videos on routes / how to pull.

I used to love tanking… and when playing with friends – tanking can be a ton of fun.
I just don’t enjoy doing it with PUGs anymore. Everyone has an ego… everything is like pulling teeth.

That’s just how I feel about it though, who knows what it actually is.

Then if you don’t wanna deal with it, you got people comin’ outta the woodworks to call you thin skinned. Gettin roasted by everyone.


Almost like the tanks told you all this would happen after the tanking nerfs. Reap what you sow and all that jazz

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Only death knights can solo keys, because they are the self healing tank. I takes them a few hours. But again, thats not an issue.

Yeah at this point i’m debating on putting up my shield and going full dps. This tank toxicity is horrid right now.

I got flamed for saying you’re the leader as the tank, and the leader gets the hate. If everyone’s bad they blame the leader, because that’s just what humans do. I also got flamed for saying if you can’t take it like water off a duck’s back, then don’t lead. Most people naturally are not leaders, and most people on this forum are not capable of shrugging off mean words on the internet I guess. My whole point was if you get discouraged by mean anonymous strangers on the internet to stop trying to be a better player, that is your DECISION. It’s entirely your fault, not the anonymous trolls. Like jesus, personal accountability is like kryptonite to this forum.

Yup they said they were going to smooth out damage spikes and that didn’t happen at all. Healing is more miserable than ever


It doesn’t help that LFD is a joke as a tank. So you learn to rush rush rush in LFD w/o having to learn how to not die or what to pull… cause it’s a meme and everyone just ends up pulling everything anyways.

Then you get to M0’s and keystones and there is this soft pressure for you to perform like you’re in the MDI or something… and that you have all this game knowledge… when the reality is that you’re just a DPS who wanted a faster que and you barely understand your kit but there really isn’t anywhere good for you to get experience outside just grabbing the bull by the horns and diving face first ready to fail until you’re good.

Heaven forbid if you go to the forums looking for moral support… everyone on the forums is apparently some god tier tank now and they just wanna rub how much better they are than you in your face and insult you for being thin skinned or whatever… like “How dare you be statistically in the median. Everyone knows if you aren’t doing the hardest content then you’re terrible” Lol.

Like Debby said too, doesn’t help that they were like “We’re gonna slow down combat to make healers more relevant and have more time to top people off.” Then they nerfed a bunch of stuff without actually changing encounters to match that new philosophy.


Just like primadonna tanks, worthless.

When you do keys, and do your best to make things work and accommodate the situation. Sometimes, you discover that mana wasn’t needed. Because you started the fight OOM.

They died because they lacked DPS. (Adds spawning.) But they were functionally immortal.

That would require larger than 25 man raids again… and I am all for that.