The tank shortage is getting out of hand

I tanked last night. Everyone only died twice.

Exactly this. I only play with groups that I trust.

  1. There are less tanks that pug, especially in the lower key levels.
  2. If people are checking IO, they are checking everyones. Especially the tank since a bad one is a dead key.

Was this one of those wipes where the super special tank took out his “I’m not playing card?”

Healers can heal while OOM.

Sanlayn will prolly get buffed again, which plays perfectly into my hand. Reason is because DK players rn are all FOTM and they don’t read the hero talents, they also don’t play Unholy even though it’s busted in M+ and good in the raid and good in PVP. They also don’t play Breath of Sindragosa, so the moment they find out what sims higher, they will reroll to Monk or DH.

If Unholy was busted then you would see more of them in the top leaderboard and especially in the average since they, like you said are FOTM players. Fact is 8/10 of the world best DKs are Frost.

The tank shortage is just about folks being awful. Bad behavior makes it not worth doing. I have 3 tanks and I hard stopped due to jerks making the m+ runs horrible. Even in guilds there seems to always be that one ahole that rages about everything yet the gm does not correct their behavior. Tank it yourself is what I say and find out why there are not many tanks. ty for your time lol


I main Prot haven’t Tanked for anyone this expansion and have no plans too. I got follower dungeons for Quest. I now have Delves and open world content is what I’m looking for in an MMO.

Dungeon content is a very small part of an MMO. M+ is also just not interesting for a format. The goal of Dungeons is to enjoy them and then be finished with them so you can enjoy the main parts of an MMO.

Haven’t done a M+ since BFA and I only play Tanks.


I’d tank but I don’t want to be rushed or yelled at. Not walking pace, mind you, just not rushing. :frowning:


A boomkin tanked Gruul back in TBC. There’s a video on YouTube.

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I want to see this, just to see the absolute tantrum that GD would throw.

The other night I had a pally pull the boss. I just let him die didnt even try to taunt.

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“I got booted from a m+ group because I wouldn’t throw in for the tank tip” threads would be awesome.


When I played Classic Vanilla when it came out, we had to beg this tank to keep going, we also had to bribe him with gold, I would’ve never got my pre bis necklace (UD Strat) if we didn’t do all that. That’s the most desperate I’ve ever been for an item in this game, just because it was impossible to get groups for that dungeon in Classic.

In Vanilla it was easy af because back then people did stuff just to do stuff. In modern WoW you have to pay everyone, including tanks.

Players like you caused this problem by screaming that Tanks needed to be nerfed. Now only a few players want to Tank, and those few only will do so with friends.

That has literally zero to do with it.

In 20 years blizzard consistently changed how tanks work, until very recently, like since legion and BFA, warrior tanks were not able to self heal at the levels they can currently. In classic and BC, all tanks needed a healer in order to do content.

Hell in classic and BC, it was annoying to do even open world content because you could not heal yourself very well if at all, and you were better off going DPS to do quests becuase you could kill things a LOT faster as arms then you could prot for example with warriors unless you are AOE revenge spamming which still was slow.

They don’t add the usable Victory Rush for Warriors until Cata. That’s the thing that heals you when you kill crap.

It took them a really long time to give Warriors sustain and it’s taking them a long time to give Rogues sustain. Their version of giving Rogues sustain is by putting Leech talents in the trees.

Tanking is a damned if you do damned if you don’t problem.

Right now tanking is utterly dull and uninteresting. It has to be though or entry level content would collapse. Sadly on the high end its know as the role for people who can’t figure out bm hunters.

Points to the door…you can go right on outside and keep going down the road with that remove Death Strike from the game nonsense!

The tank from my last group whispered me and asked me to keep healing for him. Skill issue