The tank shortage is getting out of hand

Tanks don’t have to be leaders at all. It has to do with content design.

Delves don’t need tanks for example, and anyone can take the lead there.

And on content tuned low enough, people play as if tanks don’t exist.

Still don’t need immortal gods. Plus tanks are complaining about the responsibility, maybe they need less survivability so they are responsible for less.

you’re trying really hard to justify that tanks shouldn’t be a thing in this game.

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No one cares about low end content.

As for responsibility, it doesn’t work that way. If the tank dies, its the tank’s fault in the eyes of most players. What you’re doing is just adding additional failure points to groups. If the tank dies, let it be on them. Giving the healer the ability to mess up means either the tank OR healer can wipe the group.

Tanks as immortal gods shouldn’t be a thing in this game.

I sure hope a healer can wipe the group, but content tends to be not tuned high enough, so that’s not always possible.

Tanks have NEVER been immortal gods. That’s just not even a thing. When you make tanks weak you know what you get? Kite meta.

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i dare you to go say that in the FFXIV forums and watch them all laugh at you.

Tanks in DF could literally solo bosses, and I think they’ve soloed entire keys. lol.

Good thing I’m not playing FFXIV.

Just gonna tell you what i told someone else in another post complaining about tanks:

Honestly if you want a MMO with no roles. then GW2 is that way ------->

They don’t follow the whole tank, healer, and dps roles and you basically have to take care of yourself.

This is how wow is. either deal with it or play something else.

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Tanks are no longer immortal gods, and that makes me happy.

I like the current iteration of WOW more.

And yet you’re still lvl 70. with no progress.

Because I’d rather post on a consistent character than have post history wiped when I switch mains or server transfer.

Then make a post on your actual main. i’d like to see how well geared you are since you’re enjoying this version of wow so much.

Did in the past.

Add a tipping system to M+ where people can put gold into a pot to increase the likely hood of a tank joining. Can go further and let players insert all types of resources into the pot. For me, I have all this Kej I’m literally never going to use. Maybe a tank wants it? Boom, I tip 300 Kej into the pot.

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So tanks should stress themselves out more so the dps dont get bored lol?

Get real


Thanks! You are a brave soul.

In fact I am not growing so fast as the first time I got to know tank and combat mechanics in dragonflight season 1 & 2. Maybe I stopped growing because I stopped trying new things, making mistakes, and being criticized.

Thank you for your advice. Light be with you.


It has little to do with the changes and more to do with how people treat tanks.

Really good tanks have a group or groups set, they don’t need to pug they have people to play with.

Newer or lesser tanks don’t want to put because people expect them to know every dungeon, every boss be every route already. Meanwhile dps can stand in fire still.

it indeed does. i just left a +4 NW cause the dps was not only being toxic, He ran head pulling extra mobs and causing a wipe because the healer was OOM. i asked him to not pull for me and he and his buddy starting being toxic towards me so i left and don’t regret it. You wanna be toxic towards me? fine. i have absolutely no problem breaking your key if you wanna play that game.

it’s no wonder there’s a tank shortage.


Yup and it’s usually the same answer “lol it’s a +4 what does it matter,” well now they see how it matters as they wiped and they can wait for a new tank.

Glad you stood up for yourself

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Tanked keys for a few hours both Tuesday and wednesday. It’s not my favorite thing to do, but I did it.

Wanted to do one key on my mage. ~25 minutes to fill the group. Servers go down after the 2nd boss.

Makes me really not want to play the game anymore, honestly.

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