The tank shortage is getting out of hand

some people also pull when you cant stay alive xD

Clearly a lot of players want this. I don’t think it’s on Blizzard’s list of things they might start caring about.

I think they will continue to make tanking more annoying.

There’s a difference between dying from messing up or suboptimal play, and dying from not doing the insane kiting maneuvers shadowlands season 1 had because balance was broken.

I enjoy pugs in theory. I’ve made a lot of friends tanking pugs in the past. The environment these days isn’t exactly conducive to making friends, though. Nobody chats. People get mad if you do. Everybody leaves the second the last boss is down. The community is extraordinarily toxic and it really sucks the joy out of the game.

I’ve made only two new friends since coming back in August, despite tanking a fair amount of pugs. One was a healer in a pug group, and the other was someone I met while questing on an alt–we killed a rare elite together that we probably shouldn’t have been able to, and it was really fun.

Honestly, doing dungeons is a chore anymore. Either nobody wants to learn the mechanics or doesn’t have the patience to allow others to learn, or the content is so dumbed down that mechanics don’t matter and it’s just a faceroll–neither situation is fun. Even as a DPS alt, I don’t want to queue because the people I’ll end up with are probably toxic and trash (trash as in humans, not necessarily bad at the game).

My first queue for the timewalking event sums it up: the second I zone in the DPS and healer rush the mobs and die. I left. A 30 minute deserter debuff is better than dealing with that.


Weak take. As a tank player, I’m keeping runs in-house, because lucrative keys are legitimately hard rn. True tank players have already made a solution to ‘toxicicity oriented towards tanks’. Tanking mentality is a prerequisite to tanking relevant content. Anybody who gets walled by pissants doesn’t have what it takes to push keys right now.

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It’s a chore designed to tick the weekly gear timegate drip feed. People get toxic over it because it’s not really meaningful at this point to say you waited for timegate as progress. The devs are afraid of engagement numbers dropping so they wanted more failed runs, even if it meant they sabotaged balance and griefed players over it.

Are you saying that there is no shortage of tanks because as long as there are 2 tanks per guild raid team that’s enough for the entire game? Or are you saying that there are 100k extra tanks in guilds, refusing to tank for pugs and not having any tanking to do in their guilds, either?

People get tired of wasting time trying to find groups or put groups together and failing. Eventually people in that position will give up. Joining a guild is not a solution, because there aren’t extra tanks in guilds.

But see, in a functional setting, tanks should die without healers.

Did you see the responses under the blue post that announced all the tank changes?
People were furious for the most part, tons of great feedback was provided there, and they still went with it.

Healing felt awful since DF, and now they made tanking awful this expansion, which in turn made healing feel even worse.

To me it is actually hilarious they refuse to acknowledge this.

It’s a shame, because the expansion content is one of the best in a while… If only playing group content was just as good.

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Healing feels even better in TWW.

Tanks are no longer immortal gods but aren’t fragile pieces of paper either.

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No the tank changes are 100% the issue. Tanks can’t roll need on melee dps trinkets. If they use dps trinkets they get 60% of the damage from them. Tank trinkets are terrible. Losing mitigation to increase healer participation is bad.

All the rewards a tank can get, were hard nerfed. Because… the other two roles complained tanks did too much damage, and self healed too much. So now tanks arn’t really fun because everything they can do or get is objectively worse than if they were a dps.

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Ion clearly just wants m+ to go away and grief it at this point it feels like.

They want to make everything else worse to force people to raid instead of fixing raiding so it doesn’t feel bad itself.

Trying to force the numbers they want to see on internal reports to give to management.

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So roll a tank and get insta-queues.

gaslighting troll post. Nerf tanks more, remove Death Strike from the game lol

I don’t think I will ever do keys with my tanks, I don’t want to be locked in an instance with 5 demanding players, too much stress.

If i can get veteran armor for my characters in world content , that will be fine with me.


Just to clarify: tanks can roll need but just need to be dps loot selection.

Which all real tanks do anyway. Tanking trinkets are useless. Blizz needs to just admit failure on that front because tanks don’t want trinkets to improve our surv. We have enough with our kits or if not, RIP.

We want to do some damage, not just be potatoes wandering around for healers to spam crap on.

The issue is that they don’t want trinkets to be the main source of damage for tanks, which is why they added the 60% limit on them. Tanks want to be just slightly worse dps that survive. What we get are meat shields, that barely push numbers.

When tanks are self reliant, and pushing numbers is always when group content feels the best. Because it lets the healer focus on healing dps, mechanics, or doing dps. The only people who don’t like it, is bad dps players.


And it would be great if no one needed tanks or healers for that matter.

Why not immortality for all?

No, instead of an immortal, let’s make us all immortal and get rid of the tank.

It’s silly.

Didn’t change my stance at all. Look at the wfr any fear they get is going to dps unless specifically drop that is for tanks. There is no need to gear up a tank for wfr and long as they can survive any take buster. Giving them gear only slow your progression as you won’t meet the enrage timer and kill boss faster means less chance of a wipe

Tanks are the leaders of dungeons. That’s how it is. When you are the tank, you accept the mantle of leader. There are a LOT of people who would be a dps with no survival skill just to avoid the responsibility of leadership.

Tanking means you do mechanics that don’t get you pasted. If you fail as a tank, the group will fail. Rewarding the leaders of groups with added survivability to take on the task is fair. What we currently have is making the tanking role feel terrible and thus even those willing to take the role don’t want to. So enjoy the shortage of tanks.

Especially competent tanks who don’t want to subject themselves to pugs. Competent tanks quickly make friends who want them to stick around.