The tank shortage is getting out of hand

I think you make a great point. In my own experience over the years, you won’t catch me wanting to take the time to lead any content anymore. Those days are long behind me. I have standards and I cannot meet those standards as a leader with the time I allot to games anymore. I suspect this has happened over time for many others.

It has, and it’s why they don’t tank. It’s why they don’t lead.

its not even remotely similar. guilds are there mainly to facilitate raids. you only need 2 tanks for an entire guild. pugs are not the same thing. theres millions upon millions of dps waiting for only a niche few amount of tanks willing to tank for pugs.

if you are trying to equate that only tanks can lead groups thats silly and we all know it.
its simply a role that has qualifications that need to be met same as any other role.

the real problem is that most pug players all think they are the “leader” or main character when in fact they are not. a good leader doesnt randomly pull and expect random pugs to pick up their slack. if you are going to play that way at least say something before you do it so everyone is aware. randomly pulling and expecting randoms to carry you while saying nothin is the hallmark of a bad player.

That’s not what I said mr. alt afraid to post on main. I know the guild thing you only need two. My main point is the playerbase as a whole is chock full to the brim with dps players. why? It’s the easiest job obviously. It’s the most ‘rewarding’ I could argue, as in big numbers dopamine spike. Tanking isn’t hard. You watch a 5 minute youtube video to learn routes. But no one wants to. Why?

Thing is people in mythic plus will check your IO if sign up dps.

However if you sign up as a tank or healer you will immediately be accepted. because “Screw your IO” we need a tank/healer now!"

if u had actually bothered to read any of the thread maybe you wouldn’t have had to ask that.
but it seems like you are another one of those main character types that doesnt know how to act accordingly when in a group and only think about yourself and the way you want things. funny enough you are exactly the type of player tanks are saying is the reason we stay away from pugs and serve as a great example for everyone here.

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You’re right, I am a main character type. I’m not afraid of bad words on the internet.

how do bad words on the internet help tanks?

They dissuade the plebs from gittin gud

thanks for proving all tanks points in this thread.


This… is not true.

Well, I don’t doubt the changes have caused a stir and made people not wanna tank… I think it’s far closer to how tanks are treated and the fact that most of the people who complain about tank shortages, refuse to be tanks themselves but act like they know the role.

the thing is that how tanks are treated and the nerf go hand in hand.
a lot of elitist toxic players hate tanks and want them to be nerfed but also need them for pugs.
nerfs to tanks mean that average tanks get pushed out of being able to do most content.
that shrinks the pool of available tanks if you are requiring only the best of the best players to be tanks, which ironically hurts everyone including the players calling for tanks to be nerfed.
toxic elitists advocating for the entire playerbase to be punished including themselves is so insane, i really am speechless at this community sometimes.


Yea, it’s sad they sit here and act a certain way towards tanks, refuse to tank then beg for tanks to group with them… then while doing that, they go to the forum, twitter or whatever other site, social media platform and complain about the lack of tanks.

It’s a big mess, they should just revert the nerf and go forward from there.

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Maybe if Ion didn’t grief tank players and nerfed tanks because he disliked how they were able to progress without solely waiting on vault, maybe there wouldn’t be a tank shortage now.

They took away an insta heal that only worked on tanks and gave healers buffed slow heals. Thus not a 1:1 trade and not balanced in its current state. Damage spikes still there, but an instaheal was effectively taken away.

Tanks were immortal.

There is no point.

It wasn’t a 1:1 balance trade.

Blizzard should have given healers an insta heal that could only be applied to tanks if they wanted to simply move responsibility over without breaking balance.

Stronger slow heals do not compensate for the loss of instant heals on tank. A dev probably doesn’t understand this concept as they probably only raid so there’s enough healers around always for them to obfuscate the issue present in m+.

It’s 20 years of the game being out. Of course people figured out how to survive the damage spikes. Griefing players by breaking balance to counter such ain’t it.

You think tanks can survive in Classic? LOL without heals. The entire point is to make it so that the tank can plausibly die.

Then you tell me why i keep getting accepted as a tank when joining a mythic and how you know people aren’t checking your IO as dps.

As a tank ,I can simply do a follower dungeon with less hassle, I think maybe the only exception is Dawnbreaker, that sucks so bad I am NEVER going back anyway,

The followers don’t aggro the room and gripe i am dying to fast.

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