The tank shortage is getting out of hand

i used to do a lot of pug tanking on my prot war but now i dont. i see how the community treats pug tanks even though most of the time the pug tanks are carrying the groups, so i let them rot. tbh all tanks should stay away from any pug content now. lettem burn

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It sounds like every role shouldn’t be reliant on tanks. Are you with me?

They kind of have that in heroic, but that’s where tanks are complaining lol.

i never got into monk i tend to lean towards rogue over monk but i still have fun on my huntard lol

I used to be on the lookout for a pocket healer, every time DPS rage quit a M+ after they blamed myself or the healer, I just told them I say “oh well” and move on to the next one. It wasn’t like I didn’t know what I was doing.

They blamed a healer eventually who was “green” and I told them that and I gotta pocket healer out of it and almost hit 3k with them last season, it was pretty fun. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter, they left no big deal, I move on with my day.

If they point something out I try to think if I did do something wrong, I play all roles so I try to think and play/gauge it from their perspective.

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They need to address it. As the game ages and the playerbase shrinks, this will only become a worse problem.

At least in raid content you only need a couple, and there were plenty of guilds to go around. They for some reason decided over a decade into the MMO’s lifespan to make VERY endgame progression for groups of 5 and had absolutely no foresight as to how this would be detrimental to an aging game.

M+ either needs to drop loot capable of no higher than heroic level (So it’s not such a required game mode - and make no mistake, it IS required) or they need to figure out a way to ACTUALLY incentivize tanking so people can actually play multiplayer content in their massively multiplayer game.

You don’t enjoy getting :poop: on?

It takes a lot of commitment and self-loathing to really enjoy, and I’m trying it out again :slight_smile:

Its been a problem for years, they just refuse to address it.

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Bad DPS are the reason. Blizz can’t fix bad DPS players who pull for the tank, can’t be bothered to interrupt, can’t be bothered to do mechanics, and can’t be bothered to avoid unnecessary damage.

Those things cause stress on the tanks and healers and thus… no one wants to play those roles. The ones that do friend list and group with good DPS that realize that being “good DPS” means much more than how big your meter bar is.


The last dungeon I did, the other 2 DPS insulted the tank the entire run. And then people wonder why nobody wants to tank for pugs.


How to address it: make raids need 4 tanks.

Still wouldn’t fix the fact that most people hate tanking pugs… it might make it easier for guildies to find a willing guild tank, but it wouldn’t bring a noticeable change to the available tanks in LFG.

Toxicity torwards tanks and the overall amount of responsibility on the tank in m+ is the main reason

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And you’re acting like dps don’t hate dpsing for pugs. It balances out.

So I looked on raiderio and it’s not just tanks. It’s across the board. Season 1 dragonflight had 1.2 mil tanks where now we have 60k. But healers and dps numbers are way down too. I have done some keys but in all honesty delves are less toxic faster and you can play whatever class you want.

I’ve been playing tank this expac and avoiding pugs because if i pull one wrong mob i get harrased, just tank for mates if i stuff up we laugh we go again.

Tanking for pugs is cancer.

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Tanking for pugs isn’t cancer if you know what you’re doing. You’re the tank. You’re the leader. The leader gets the hate. If you can’t take it like water off a duck’s back, then don’t lead.

This is why there is a tank shortage. It’s reflective of real life. How many actual leaders do any of you people know?

See this is why there is a tank shortage.


The only reason there is a tank shortage, and I must iterate, the only reason there is a tank shortage is because there’s a LEADER shortage. There isn’t a tank shortage in guilds. You can say there’s a shortage in pug content and que content, as well as healer, but not in guilds. I heal and tank all the time just not this xpac too many games out all at once, healing for 17 years and tanking for ten. And this is my anecdotal experience. There is a leader shortage.

100% agree. However, I would amend your statement slight. It’s a WoW community issue more than anything. I did TW BT just a few moments ago. Even in this easy content people are cringe and toxic to others. I sit here shaking my head thinking why others are harassing tanks in TW BT. If only others realized living life in the positive is so much more fulfilling.

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I read these comments about bad words on the internet and I’m like okay you’re not meant to lead? Like okay, you gave it your all and was discouraged to try and be a better tank? That’s on you for deciding this.