The tank shortage is getting out of hand

Tanks who were doing high keys don’t need anyone to pull for them since they already know how to tank and what to do, which is something you don’t have in common with them. You weren’t doing 20’s. lol

just now did a count of m+ groups that were all filled with heal and dps but waiting for a tank. counted 48 groups in total waiting for a tank. this will only get worse as people push higher keys too.

i guess the nerf to tanks worked in everyones favor, hurray


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Honestly, another problem for the tank shortage is that… If I am tanking and pugging, I am just pushing my own key since my groups fill fast. So unless I am farming an specific item it’s kinda pointless to join someone else’s group.

so go be a tank

Fingers crossed the click-bait article from WoWHead about Shamans getting a tank spec aren’t just speculation.

Game sorely needs more tank options across all classes to give people that ability to swap-in-and-out for those who want to avoid queue times.

Age of the game starting to show through with role-restricted classes and faction division (even though there’s no reason for it anymore).

I get hit or miss with these groups. Some groups I’ll literally disconnect and they will stand and wait. Others will run through the dungeon with no care in the world

Yeah you did, you just want to be in denial about it. So I’m going to make this simple for you.

You say my job as a tank is to hold threat, stay alive, and pull at a pace I believe the DPS and healer can handle. Since as you said it’s my job to assess the DPS and healers and pull what I believe they can handle you deciding to pull for me means that YOU as the DPS are not doing your job and staying in your lane. If it’s my job to assess the group as the tank, if in my assessment the group can’t handle more than I’m pulling, who the heck are you to pull more since by your own admission it’s MY job to do the pulling and not yours. THAT is your contradiction.

You know you’re in the wrong and you know you’re stepping into my territory as the tank, but are too prideful and arrogant to admit it. You want to say it’s my job to assess the group and pull accordingly, but then want to turn around and whine about my having assessed the group at not being able to handle more, and then blame me as the tank for “not pulling enough” instead of having the spinal fortitude to ask a question. You want to have your cake and eat it too and that’s not how it works.

It’s funny that you say these things and try to say myself and the other guy “don’t do any real content” when you’re sitting there on a level 10 DK with all of 80 achievement points. You’ve done no LFR, no raids of any kind, no heroics of any kind, not even a single pvp achievement, and are sitting there with half your gear off like some weird ERP looking toon I would expect to find around the old goldshire inn on moonguard. Yet somehow you’re supposed to be this sup3rdy aw3$0m3$t guy that has perfect runs all the time where everything is rainbows and unicorns.

So if you really want to go there, what’s you 80 achievement points compared to my 10k on just this toon alone? You want to sit there and look down your nose at other people and whine about “that’s not real content” even though you’re hiding behind a level 10 with no achievements to their name hardly at all. Quite frankly I don’t believe you’ve ever sat foot in any kind of serious content in your life, and if you have you’ve been carried. Even though I rag on the pvp guys alot, even they’re not as full of themselves as you are here. So if you’re this big important raider person that only plays with “quality” tanks according to you, then stop hiding behind a low level character and lets see your main. That’s if you have the spinal fortitude to do it. What are you so afraid of?

If you’ve actually got the achievements to show you’ve been in anything worthwhile then I will concede the point you’ve been to a couple of raids and mythics. Though still toxic as all heck.

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Looks the WFR tanks seems to keep up just fine with heroic raid gear so I would said is not an issue tank dying.


You said it yourself: Level 10 with no achievement points. You are choosing to engage the troll.


Remember those of us sounding the alarms about nerfing tanks for this reason. You can’t make a role with this much responsibility reliant on healers

I tank in past expansion and most dps. My rule of thumb never pull the for tanks even if they are going slow. They could be learning. If other dps pull I stay back where the tank is XD.

DPS and healers pulling does not mean that they have to be pulling. The tank knows what that individual tank can pull while keeping aggro and staying alive. Often, this is not as fast as some other players want to go.

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more tank options won’t fix the lack of tanks, its simply a roll that people tend not to play.

Then run a tank if you want one so bad. Trying to say tanks only belong in M+ is just rude.

Many of the responses in threads like this one give the impression that all tanks are well-adjusted, competent players. As someone who has healed a fair amount of PUG keys, I can say that this isn’t the case.

I admittedly don’t see much toxicity in my runs (I play on a EU server, though I don’t think that is relevant), but what I do see typically originates from tanks that berate the group or try to throw around their weight. When playing dps, I have also bumped into some terribly unrelaxed healers who spend more time complaining than healing.

I very rarely see dps being toxic toward tanks, even tanks that are very obviously inexperienced and make life hard for dps (unnecessary movement, not turning away frontals, not building enough aggro, moving mobs in dps-unfriendly ways, etc).

Anyway, the reason I don’t tank has nothing to do with other people’s behavior. It has everything to do with not wanting to learn routes, not wanting to overly relay on the healer (because healer is my most played role), and especially not enjoying the increasing ability bloat (unless you play bear).

But I also don’t have trouble finding groups when I do pug. I always try to build score early in a season and usually have an acceptable item level, so even with a dps role it’s fairly easy to get into groups.

If you have 605+ item level right now and around 1500+ score by the second day (this is only +2s, +3s, and one or two +5s), you will get invited by groups that already do have a tank. You have to stay a little ahead of the masses when you pug content to stand out.

Thank god blizzard nerfed tank damage into the ground and nobody wants to do it anymore

So we have a situation, either you were just saying random things before or you are backtracking now. Either way Tanks need gear first.

its honestly just been like this w/ every trinity. the tank role has way too much
responsibilities at the end of the day bc they really lead the charge.
things go wrong you get harassed or ppl pull outside your comfort lvl.
so with it already being a rare role, people decide to harass them and thats it.

it’s like this in every game and people are most likely not a tank for the public
because of other players. people will tank if they like to tank some regardless of nerfs
but the majority probably want to avoid getting abused in a video game.

It’s exhausting being doing pugs as a tank. Especially as time goes on, for whatever reason the playerbase has become really toxic. I rolled a tank recently lvl 10-80 and was an planning on doing M+ eventually but with how I was treated, I’m done. Back to DPS I go.


achievements dont really mean anything anymore anyways in 2024, people sell carry runs all the time so that guy could just pay gold for carry runs and achievement runs and claim to be good at the game.