The tank shortage is getting out of hand

these problems exist almost solely at the very bottom end. solid players quickly outlevel the toxic hardstuck groups. that’s why you and i don’t encounter them but GD swears it’s every single group ever.


As a tank im a bit more hesitant to do pugs this early tbh. I like to learn routes, get my reps in with people I know before I pug because I don’t want to scuff someones key.

You kind of are the problem if you constantly white knight for blizzard

2500 isn’t even high rating.

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There have been plenty of times where I voiced in opposition of Blizzard, but there are more times where I disagree with GD’s take on things and trying to pass it off as universal.

+1 on this.

My warrior is ilvl600 which is what? mid tier right now, I consider myself a good tank, whatever mistakes I make, I try to do them early so I don’t do them later, I learn from my mistakes the best I can, so if someone decides to give me a little advice…even if it means they do so in the tone of a butthole, I do what I can.

Getting into random’s isn’t difficult , I can get into almost any group just by ilvl alone, I just don’t. I don’t have time to be belittled during a run, especially in keys. I’d like to be in a group that communicates quickly without the toxicity and that’s asking WAY too much for a pug, so I usually do things with guild mates. The vibe of a group has a lot to do with how well you do in a run and if I’m being honest, most people don’t have that cool vibe (From my experience, in my runs)

You know the type of people who thrive in certain roles or are just better in a certain role? Healers bore me, DPS is fun once in a while, I just feel more at home as a tank.

Former tank here, quit long ago.

The situation will solve itself…it always does, but tanking can be a thankless task, especially in lfg. If you want more tanks, quit treating the ones you have like crap.

I think I can count on one hand the number of actual toxic players I’ve encountered at the higher end. Or even just passed casual level.

Although I will say, when I do meet one, they’re AWFUL. Full on toxic gross awful. Not just a casual rage quitter.


I never have issues finding tanks. Because all of my toons are tanks in m+ lol. I also pug more keys than I run with friends and guildies due to work schedule and timezones.

The unfortunate reality is that I make all of my own groups. And if you dont get picked, it just means there were better immediate options, or I was letting the queue cook longer. No hard feelings.

Letting the pullee tank the mob while i run past it is my favorite thing to do.

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Right, you said it “as long as they can survive tank busters”. When fresh content starts and guilds are pushing, you can’t have a tank that can’t keep up. Enrage timer doesn’t matter if the tank can’t take the hits or the Heals can’t keep the raid up.

Players should be nicer to each other. Friendly people get added to the friends list of tanks. And if you’re not on the list for any tanks…

brain dead bad player take that only works in content that doesnt matter like heroic dungeons.

try this in m+ and whipe your group and then you leave. so this is why you type of players exist huh. my god when will you ever learn. after 20 years and you havent, i guess never.

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Back in Cataclysm, I was a Blood DK as main. This of course was before M+ go go go zoomies existed. Once I entered an instance, I’d ask the healer how much they can handle. If they told me I can pull the room, I’d pull the room. Otherwise, I’d take it easy to make sure everyone was ok. I always had my eye on my healer’s mana bar and waited for them to drink their water.

You won’t see that anymore now. If a tank doesn’t start pulling the second they’re in, a dps will pull, insult, or vote kick the tank.

This is why you’ll always have a hard time finding a tank. I can already foresee healers will be rare too very soon.

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i had the quest to do a heroic yesterday on my ilvl 604 prot warrior main, i load in and the whole team had already pulled mobs. ok sure i can go fast thats fine and what i wanted to do anyway

then the dps continue to pull. i go ok thats kinda annoying cause i want to skip packs to make it faster, this is heroic so we are all 80 no need to kill mobs for xp. i look at dps meters, im doing about 50% of the damage for the entire party, and am far ahead in dps as the tank, they are in blue gear so im carrying them, but they are still pulling random packs as if they are doing top damage. i cant with these people. i left as they pulled packs cause f’m. lettem wait 20 mins for a tank that will deal with their bs.

hit up a guildy dps and did follower dungeons to complete the quest. smooth great aoe pulls with no annoying bads getting carried pulling for me. EZ


I don’t play with LFR/LFD tanks, I don’t have to “try this” because I play with tanks worth their weight.

It’s telling that you’d say this, it shows you don’t do any real content.

Ive got tanks already geared at Paladin, Bear druid and Prot warrior. and I have not stepped foot ONCE into Mythics yet - i got fully prepared to do it, but the one thing keeping me away is how absolutely BATpoop crap the dungeons are now and mechanics are now.

invisible things you can barely see., blizzard needs to just give us RED indicators and STOP with this nonsense.

That and the community is beyond elitist. i don’t want the headaches.


lol sure buddy. you pull for your tanks in +20. they must love you.

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This is exactly the reason why I gave up healing on my paladin.

I don’t tank for pugs after leveling phase. I may heal depending but very rarely.