The tank shortage is getting out of hand

If you’re a tank reading this, now’s the best time to tank. People actually know most of the mechanics and toss interrupts/cc in liberally.

My tank is my alt so I won’t be pushing M+, probably just chill with M0. Most players main DPS because Tank slots are limited.

How much are the DPS posters paying you, because i know for a verifiable fact, this is not true.

My brother, there are more DPS fighting over slots then their are tanks.

Tanks and healers get instant Qs into everything.

Last seasons when i went to 2500+ i made it a point never to use any of my own keys, and i got into a group with in 5 min of looking.

haha, I swear, tanked some runs last night and they were all pretty smooth, only had time for 3 keys but the 6 ara was probably the smoothest

OH ok thats why, you are doing 6s this early in the season, You are ahead of the curve thats why. Most people get stuck in the midwit center with the 1400 heros who think they play like 2500 rated players but they dont.

AI tanks incoming and y’all are gonna hate it.

People get way too invested in this nonsense.

DPS, if the tank isn’t moving as fast as you want, leave.

Tank, if the DPS are moving faster than you want, leave.

Healer, no matter what happens, it’s your fault.

Hey I like my pings. I even use world markers on occasion for you all to enjoy. Sometimes in rapid succession with the weakaura. I say ping out loud too as I do it.

I’m not going to tank with the changes to white damage. It was the same in SL season 1, ridiculous white damage and kite meta.

This is why I stopped tanking. It’s a thankless job.

We really don’t.

I farm a couple rares but other than that I’m mostly in dungeons or delves farming gear.

I would raid but my guild already has their main tanks so there’s really no room there. Plus I prefer mythic+. I don’t like the whole “taunt off the other tank at 3 stacks” design. It’s so boring

Sure are a lot of tanks throwing themselves on the cross in here.

“If dps and healers are having to pull for you then you’re not doing your job as a tank. You should be pulling enough to keep everyone busy but not more than you can keep aggro on and stay alive.”


As long as the tank has a fair pace, you shouldn’t be making the call when to pull and when not to. Your lack of patience does not equal my necessity to run through an instance.

Humans are why I no longer tank on my alt.

Just had an extremely pleasant +5 Mist run with pugs. No deaths, everyone knew what to do, solid numbers. No drama. Tanking was a breeze

Just an update. Its up to 321K keys over the last 2 days. Thats a lot of keys for 2 days

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Yeah that is a straight up lie. i recently tanked +3 stonevault and there was 18 deaths because people kept dying to mobs/bosses.

Gave us 1 week of M0 to learn mechanics and people are still dying to dumb stuff.

You’re either playing with bad players, playing with players who are slow learners, or playing with players who haven’t even tried to learn the mechanics. A week was plenty of times to get the basic mechanics down, especially in a +3 (18 deaths lol wut??).

In another week or two groups won’t have this issue since the scores will begin to better separate the skill levels.

Most of which existed in the heroic dungeons where people still ignored the same mechanics. I’m sort of the opinion that maybe it has to do with folks trying to run as lightweight as they can on UIs now (which I get) but then not grabbing the needed stuff like dungeon weakauras, a good plater profile with cast bar emphasis/sounds, twicks’ targeted spells weakaura, etc. None of those things are 100% necessary but they go a long way to making up for lack of knowledge or ability.