The tank conspiracy:

Because often they are. It’s just usually at least later in an expansion with patch gear. They started out way too self sufficient this time around, hence Tuesday nerfs and going from there.

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I can understand the desire to be over and done with Uldaman as quickly as possible. Dungeon is entirely too long and has way too much trash.

I don’t understand why this is such a hard concept for the GD forums. I find on here this idea is laughed away most times. I agree there have to be some bad tanks out there, but as a tank I don’t find it that difficult to passively gauge how well a PUG is handling pulls. Mostly just need to watch the health bars and healer mana… Adjust from there or until someone says something. nice to see there is someone else with sense.

Yeah, Monks are pretty bin at dealing with Magic and DoTS. Of which there is a looooot in this batch of dungeons.

But flat DR isn’t really the way to fix that. IMO if they buffed Monks magic stagger, they’d probably be more than fine.

Though real talk, no idea why they gave Warriors of all classes Phial instead of Monks. That filled the gaps of the spec incredibly well in SL.

Youre posting on a Mage

You’re posting on a shaman.

I want a backpack so that I can carry the healer with me just so I can say this:

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Yes. And I heal. I think youre making the OP argument not based on whats good for the game, but because you want to be the main character. Tank nerfs are bad for DPS dungeon queues.

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This is correct, but I would rather take a legit tank over one that decides to rush through and pay hardly any attention to the group.

“The main character”? What the heck are my chances of that? What IS that?

Oh no…

Yup… glad you two can read.

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normal-mythic has been a JOKE for 3 expansions now.

LITERALLY as soon as you do mythic plus, you start getting punished for overpulling and face eating mechanics.

this nerf is an absolute joke and so is everyone else who is basing it on mythic 0.

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Haha Fel Devastation go brrrrrr

Face eating mechanics? Probably not, since there are no afflixes. But overpulling? Some tanks do not have the term “punished” in their language.

well that’s why earlier in the line they specifically said “in m+”

these are the types of people we are fighting this nerf against.

people who don’t do content that is hard and think mythic 0 defines the entire game


Overpulling also occurs in normal and mythic 0

yea idk it’s hard to take any posts about m0s seriously

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It also occurs in dungeons that came before normal DF, as the party levels.

There is scaling implemented, but there were scenarios where a level 13 joins a group who are above level 40.

i dont know what you all do in ur normal / heroic / mythic dungeons but im brain off hitting mobs following the tank around. it’s so uneventful i wouldn’t even know what to complain about if i had to make a forum post about it

apparently yall have the worst experiences of ur life


That escalated quickly.