The tank conspiracy:

Longer than that.

You’re overthinking this. People play roles for a variety of reasons. Role requirements are definitely a factor, but there are very few people running tanks who don’t actually enjoy the act of tanking to some extent.

This nerf is A) not that huge all things considered and B) not something that anyone serious is going to let stop them from playing a role they enjoy.

This nerf was kind of needed and it perplexes me to no end why people who make threads like this seems to be under the impression that group mates are in a constant competition to see who is superior to the others. Dungeons and raids are team sports. Your healer and tank are your team mates, not your competitors. Take a step back and calm down. I promise you’ll get through this nerf.

The nerfing of tanks has brought about tons of attempted shaming, condemning as well as celebration by others as tanks issue their concerns. They are being told that they should buck up and live with it. Even though it has NEVER happened in the past I am looking forward towards dps and heals zipping it shut when they receive nerfs in the future (I won’t hold my breath because I know it will never happen).

I want to believe there is no competition to begin with. I absolutely LOVE to pull top-tier teamwork, even if my tank is a BM Monk. I’m thankful to even get a tank.

But its hard to believe so if I end up getting a tank that decides their superior in every way and decide to pull every single mob in the dungeon. Don’t get me wrong, I grow concerned about my play style, but the second to worry is the healer. What are they going through?

I think yall are overreacting to this nerf.

Tanks have been OP for years now and will continue to be after this.

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So glad I wait a month before I start doing endgame content.

Tanks are rare for the same reason healers are rare: they are support roles. They are also roles with high responsibility.

For these reasons alone, they will always be a shortage of them comparatively to DPS.

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We’re talking about M0s correct? A lot of tanks are actually capable of over pulling in M0s, even after the nerf. Tanks have a lot of survivability tools even without the healer. I don’t consider it a superiority complex if the tank is actually aware of what their own capabilities are.

If the tank if overpulling groups that they shouldn’t (like all the fear guys in Nokund Offensive) then yeah, you have a problem and hopefully the tank learns from that experience. M0 is a better place for that kind of experimentation than M+. But if they’re just pulling a bunch of random nerds who don’t do that much and the DPS just get to AoE-fest? Not crying too much about that. I’m Feral, I have uncapped AoE and I’m gonna use it.

If the healer is being pushed beyond capacity then they should probably speak up. But I’m suspicious that what’s actually happening is that they’re being pushed beyond comfort, not capacity. The life of the tank isn’t in danger just because they have a lot of mobs around them. Like I said, tanks have a lot of self-sustain these days and they aren’t completely reliant on the healer.


This is what makes you a good tank. Pulling 10 groups at once acting like a god while the rest of your team fails to keep up and dies? Bad tank.

Go at a speed pertinent to your current group

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I play tank cause I think it’s fun. :man_shrugging:

And in the end that’s all that matters.

I’d also add that tanks are still feeling out the new dungeons. M0 is a good place to experiment with which groups are safe to pull together and which are not so that when M+ starts you can plan better routes.

Learning that the last hallway of NO has too many fear guys to safely control is a good lesson to learn in M0 where there’s basically no punishment. Yes everyone will die when you learn that lesson but the dirty little secret is that it doesn’t actually matter.

No nerf needed, this is how the issue should have been addressed.

This right here.

what happens on the 17th?

this. if the healer and dps can handle it? i pull fast as i feel we can take. IF not? i have no problem going slow. I actually rather enjoy the slow pace myself.

I actually like tank specs for AoEing big packs down, I think it’s super fun when doing open world questing. I want to play prot warr just for rend dot on thunderclap. It’s the dungeon content that is stressful, because people are so opinionated and full of expectations.

I wish there was some sort of “dating” profile for each player where they specify what kind of expectations they have and then the game or you could just find similarly minded people to play with.

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Mythic season 1 comes out.

Here’s the thing about tanks
 It’s pretty crazy so sit back - I don’t know if you can handle this

They don’t all think the same way.

They don’t, no.