The Sylvanas that BFA wants you to forget

Real classy Blizz :joy:


Well sylvanas fans keep eating it up. Blizzard truely hit the prefect balance with her, they can have her pure evil and hate the horde, but her fans keep holding on to the ideal she is playing 10213123D chess and she is gonna come back and have some I told you so moment, and the alliance and horde are gonna make her the HIGH WARCHIEF QUEEN of everything.


Essentially this. And they do this because they know there will be the group of people that go “They set this up perfectly for years now!”

When there’s active evidence they change these kinds of storylines on the fly and then they can retroactively just add anything to it because they have little respect for anything that came before, or original intent when the story was written.

They’ll write something in 2015 that they write with the intention of the character meaning every word, and then in 2017 just wash it away with “well they were lying.”

It’s beyond lazy at this point. I wonder how the people that support this storytelling would feel if Anduin stabbed Jaina out of nowhere, and then when questioned why suddenly Anduin is evil after all the ‘heroic and peace loving’ things he said for the past 8 years the answer was ‘well he was lying.’ if they’d eat it up the same way.


This seems relevant:


You are delusional,

And you are a sheep.

Have a wonderful day! :smiley:


So very true!


Grats on seeing beyond Sylv’s inner thoughts, constant monologues and private conversations with close confidants to realize she was a cartoon villain that’d make Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles look like a nuanced villain.


Comes down, again, to the faction war. I’ve never understood why people love the idea of a faction war storyline so much, this game wasn’t built on PVP, it was built on the odd clash and skirmish between sometimes foes who ultimately work together against the big bad. The faction war should never be the focal point of the story because it eventually has to end. The WoW so many people reminisce about, pre-Cata, didn’t have a faction war at all, and the characters were better off for it.

Sylvanas is just another character sacrificed on the altar of Team Sports: Azeroth edition, same as Saurfang, Vol’jin, Varian, Jaina, Tyrande, Nathanos, and many others. It barely worked in MoP, and only because it was fresh and the end was in sight, and even then we had massive character whiplash from the likes of Jaina.

As much as I feel she’s the villain now, and it’s odd to cling to her so much, I also am fully aware that what we saw of her in BfA, and even in Legion, was a very odd and quick new direction. Cataclysm started it, but BfA really took things off the rails. She should be working to kill Death, not starting wars to fuel it. The writers are just frantically reaching back to pre-Cata to try and make it seem like they’re being consistent.


And people said Illidan had the edgiest fans…


This. It’s well-known that the writers view narrative consistency as being restrictive, that whatever was written in the past only has value insofar as they can use it for their purposes in the present. As far as a long-term established IP is concerned, writing from that mode of thought is the worst sin imaginable.


Funnily enough the was those very same INNER THOUGHTS that convinced me of who she really was. The Sylvie in 8.2.5 is the EXACT same Sylvie from “Edge of Night”; from “War Crimes”; and from “Before the Storm”. I mean … her actions in Stormheim WERE the reasons I ragequit for months after Legion Launch (I knew exactly what character arc she was still on because of that zone).

I’ve been asking what might happen should she no longer need her Bulwark Against the Infinite (or Alliance of Convenience) since Cata. I’ve waiting for her to betray the Horde and bail since Teldrassil burned. I’ve been claiming she clearly found an “out” to her immortality that no longer required either the Horde or Forsaken, and that the DEATH TOLL was the point of this War for almost a year now. Hell, I’ve been championing the fact that she was Ogmot’s Shepherd almost constantly in BfA.

Yet … somehow … me being correct on all those predictions (save for the Yoggie stuff thus far) means I’m still wrong about how I interpreted Sylvie’s character…


Sylvanas never was a cartoonish villain.


No, just a villain. She also is prone to impromptu emotional outbursts, and her merely using others as tools for personal objectives (then discarding them when they cease to be sufficient use) could not BE more Sylvanas Windrunner.


In Bfa Sylvanas was a cartoonish villain i expected a villain like Emet Selch.


You’re lucky the Blizzard writers have decided appealing to a 6 year old’s sense of morality is better than consistent characterization.

Grats, you’ve turned the Horde into the Red Alliance. Enjoy this garbage and pray that Blizzard doesn’t ruin everything you enjoy about the game.


In what way? Her little monologue at the end? Woopie? With how it was portrayed only the initial outburst was reactionary, the rest was pretty deliberate. She also managed to pit the two world’s superpowers against one another in a World War; and even drag once neutral peoples and nations into that War … to give her the rampant death she apparently requires to thwart her afterlife (which has been her character Arc for the better part of 9 years now).

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kIlL tHe HoPe and ThE hOrDe Is NoThInG.
And fly like team rocket.


Some of us just don’t want genocide to be a redeemable thing to come back from.


LOL! Seriously, it honestly astonishes me that Sylvanas being shown as the selfish nihilist she’s been for over NINE YEARS is somehow the end of the Horde faction. Its the same crap with Gallywix arguments. The ONLY good Horde characters (and leaders) are those that are despots that merely use both the faction AND their own people for personal gain.

Remember folks “Horde” and “Interesting” means edgy horrific people who only get away with half the crap they do because of plot convenience after plot convenience. THEY are what make the Red Faction NOT “Alliance”.


Up till recent, Sylvanas has always been a person to readily do questionable, villainous things if it meant it would give her the slightest edge. She has been ruthless, determined and single-minded in that regard to achieve whatever her (almost always self-serving) goals are.

Unfortunately, that version of the character has not only been completely thrown out in recent years, but also Blizzard writers have failed to give her a true, meaningful motive (they’ve failed writing 101 in this aspect).