The Sword in Silithus

Still hilarious after this many hours and you still don’t get the joke.


Jesus christ Karen


OMG, the absolute attempt at gaslighting.

I meme’d the “What Sword” thing.

You didn’t get it.

I posted the Asmongold snippet of Ion saying “What Sword”.

You went on an unhinged rant about Asmongold and content creators and clicks.

That’s why people are laughing at you. Not your bone discussion, no one cares about that lmao.


What sword :crazy_face:


:point_up_2: Did nothing wrong :crossed_swords:


Name calling. It’s all you’ve got.

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Lady, its a meme. A silly joke. Made by Ion Hazzi-whatever himself. Nobody is attacking your game, were just having a laugh at a plot hole that the head honcho himself made a joke about.


If someone doesn’t get a joke you say "It’s a joke. The joke is […] and the twist is […]. But if you start hurling insults and start name calling then the joke is no longer the issue. Your insecurity is the issue.

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This can’t be real, I must be suffering from my 6th concussion.


Go through it again super slowly. And you’ll see why we’re laughing at you.


Why do people ask about the Sword of Sargaeras as if they’re pulling some kind of “Gotcha” moment? There’s nothing anyone on Azeroth can currently do.

We siphoned the power out of it which was still damaging Azeroth with the Artifact Weapons. That was the best we could do.

Other than somehow localizing Re-origination directly on the sword, there’s nothing else we can do.

Logic… is fun.

“Poets priests and politicians have words to thank for their positions. Words that scream for your submission. And no one’s jamming their transmission. 'Cause when their eloquence escapes you, their logic ties you up and (does bad things to) you.”

That Sting has a way with words doesn’t he?

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As a conjured item, you’d think it would have vanished by now. Doesn’t Sargeras ever log off?


Laugh away with your nervous laugh. What I said was true. There are Content Creators making a living mocking WOW which scares new players away. That’s obvious and the joke is, your the one who can’t see it.

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Dude, no one cares. It’s a meme. Go outside. Look at the sun.

Your rant has nothing to do with the thread.


I listened again. Ion did not say it was a meme. He basically said “what sword” which means there are no plans to do anything with it right now. That does not preclude doing something with it later.

What is true that a few of us wanted to talk about it and that offended you so much because it went against your hero Asmongold that you had to start insulting us.

How about growing a spine that looks like the swords hilt living your own life for a change instead of living through the grinning clown who mocks WOW for a living.

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This is the one time people are saying touch grass unironically. If a meme makes you this mad just go outside and take a deep breath




Nobody cares about Asmongold. That video was linked because its the clip where Ion says “What sword?” As a joke, people repeated the joke and youve missed every point since so hard that it had to be intentional.

The point is in LA and youre taking a canoe out of New York to Spain.


If that was a joke it has to be one of the worst jokes ever told. I read it as a simple statement that they would be ignoring the sword for now.

In any case my point, which you have clearly missed, is that even if someone does miss a joke that is not an excuse for insult and name calling which only adds to the toxic nature of the forums.

Also the statement about it being a meme had nothing to do with our discussion as to whether or not the images on the hilt were bones or just a design. Clearly someone there didn’t “get” the fact that the discussion was not about what Blizzard would do with the sword, it was a discussion of how it was suppose to have been made.

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