[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

The Sunreavers board the Everdawn

On Saturday, the Sunreavers caravan made its way to Sunsail Anchorage, where they were greeted by the captain, Ethan’tolas Everdawn, after whom the ship is named, and its crew. After loading all of their supplies and hawkstriders into the cargo hold, the ship set sail for Quel’Danas.

The harbor at Sun’s Reach was full of ships from all over Azeroth. Each vessel was being serviced by the workers from Quel’Danas, loading on supplies and providing enchantments of various kinds. Crews and Expedition members were free to disembark and enjoy the down of Sun’s Reach.

At the end of the day, an official Launch Party event was held, hosted by the Sunreavers and featuring several guest speakers from the Argent Crusade, the Duskwatch Saberguard and the Farstriders of Quel’Thalas. Afterwards, a celebration was held in the nearby inn, which offered a spectacular view of the ships in the harbor.

At First Light on Sun day, Captain Everdawn ordered the raising of the anchor and lead the fleet out of the harbor and into the North Sea, in the direction of the Dragon Isles.


The Sunreavers approach the Dragon Isles

Following five mostly uneventful days at sea, the Sunreavers, the Farstrider crew of the Everdawn and the other Expedition fleet vessels finally glimpsed the ancient and mysterious Dragon Isles of legend.

The Expedition flagship leading the way, each vessel fell into a single line formation, carefully navigating the rock terrain on approach to the two docks constructed by the Expedition parties that had arrived here weeks ago.

Two at a time, one at each port, the vessels would dock and unload its passengers and cargo, before sailing out of the way and waiting for the task to be finished.

Aboard the Everdawn, Farstrider Captain Ethan’tolas Everdawn and Sunreavers Magister Axiann Sungazer coordinated the effort, instructing their units in a dazzling show of efficiency and expediency. In very little time, the Everdawn had unloaded and set sail for open waters before and waited for the other sin’dorei ships before heading back towards the Eastern Kingdoms.

The Sunreavers and their allies of the Wolfmane Tribe spent the rest of the afternoon coordinating as the other ships unloaded, remaining near the docks until all were ready to move on.

On Friday January 20th at 5pm, join the Sunreavers and the Wolfmane Tribe on any character that will be beginning their exploration of the Isles in the Waking Shore for a shared RP event!


The Sunreavers begin the journey to the Dragonscale Basecamp

Following the disembarking of the Expedition members and their cargo from several ships, it was decided it was safer to move everyone to a safer location: the Wingrest Embassy, which was a short distance uphill.

The sprint to the Embassy was eventful, as the party came under attack from three angry proto-drakes. Together with their allies, the Sunreavers fought valiantly and reached their destination, felling one drake and chasing the other two off, and losing minimal supplies.

The Wingrest Embassy provided refuge for the night as the Expedition tended to the injured, had a nice hot meal and got to know each other and some of the locals.

This is when it was revealed that the bulk of the Expedition forces, those that have arrived a few weeks in advance, had made their way to a second location known as Basecamp.

After a good night’s sleep, the Expedition secured their cargo and set off once again, this time in the direction of the Dragonscale Basecamp.


Dragonscale Basecamp

After a day’s travel in company of the Wolfmane Tribe and other allies, and bravely fighting off an apex proto-drake on the way, the Sunreavers have arrived at the Dragonscale Basecamp in the southern Waking Shore.

They bring with them supplies from the Eastern Kingdoms that were so direly needed by the Expedition forces who established the camp and were already present: food, weapons, medical supplies and more have been replenished.

The Sunreavers and their allies were welcomed with open arms with a what’s-ours-is-yours attitude. Having pledged themselves to the Expedition, they readily accepted.

The Sunreavers will call the Dragonscale Basecamp home for the time being. While finding Archmages Khadgar, Kalecgos and the rest of the Kirin Tor remains a priority, the survival and prosperity of the Expedition Basecamp will take precedence for now.

The Dragonscale Basecamp will be the Sunreavers role-play hub for the time being.


The Sunreavers run into an old ally…

On their first full day at Basecamp, the Sunreavers busied themselves with settling in and helping to unload the resources they had brought with them to aid the Expedition.

As he walked around inspecting the Basecamp, Magister Sungazer ran into First Sergeant Loh’kash of the Horde’ Vol’kar Legion. It was a surprise to the Sunreaver that the Vol’kar had been on the Isles for several weeks already.

The First Sergeant explained that the Vol’kar were tracking an Orgre Magister Gurlur, an enemy they had faced years before in Kalimdor, now a Primalist Warleader with several followers answering to him. He and his lot are reported to be in the region.

During their conversation, The First Sergeant also revealed that some in the Vol’kar had made contact with some Kirin Tor in the area known as the Azure Span, meaning the Magi must still be alive.

The Magister and First Sergeant exchanged information freely, recognizing their past shared membership to the old Coalition.


Sunreavers Weekly Report

Sitting at his desk in the Sunreavers Command tent, a hot cup of steaming coffee at hand, his log book opened to a new page and a quick in hand, Magister Sungazer began writing his weekly report as the Sun rose over the Dragonscale Basecamp.

29th day of the 1st month, Year 40
Second week in the Dragon Isles

This week was an eventful one for the Dragonscale Expedition.

With the Basecamp now fully operational and replenished, thanks to our arrival a week ago, it was time to launch scouting missions and begin to map and catalogue the area known as the Waking Shore.

Many such scouting parties were sent out, covering many miles to the East, North and West of Basecamp. Our maps have become much clearer with roads, obstacles and dangers to avoid all being documented.

Flora and fauna, however, were not the only things uncovered.

One scouting party, consisting of Sunreaver Spellbow Flamewisp and Sentinel Dawnforce, uncovered drakonid creatures devouring the contents of a dragon egg. Combat ensued and the battle won by the Sunreavers. The eggs shells, showing signs of being infused with elemental energies, were brought back to camp. The Wolfmane tribe examined the egg shells and believe the eggs were infused while still intact, an attempt at corrupting the budding dragon inside.

The Wolfmane then lead another scouting party, our own Spellbows Flamewisp and Sunrune joining tnem. In a cave not far from Basecamp, Primalists were found to be negotiating with a race of giants. The Primalists, discovered, engaged the party in combat. While some were defeated, the leader escaped through the earth, leaving a totem behind to be examined later.

By week’s end, it had become known that two scouting parties had not returned and failed to check in. A Search and Rescue mission was organized, co-lead by myself and Head Brave Breutex of the Wolfmane. Our group decided to split up and cover more ground, following clues leading both East and West.

The Sunreavers-lead team, moving East, eventually discovered many things; an area known as the Lifepools, with water that seemed infused with high magic; shattered dragon eggs and dead drakonid guardians, two of them bludgeoned and one, the sole Blue, dismembered with arcane burn marks across his corpse; a cache of unhatched blue dragon eggs, hidden with illusion magics; and finally, the missing scouting party, trapped behind some fallen boulders, were returned safely.

Meanwhile, the Wolfmane-lead team, moving west, discovered a narrow path leading up a perilous mountainside, eventually finding the missing scouting party. It became evident, though, that the scouts had not wished to be found, as they were secretly Primalist Recruits, having used the Expedition fleet to get themselves to the Isles. This was to be the meeting place where they were recovered by the Primalists, who arrived at that moment. Battle ensued, with some of the recruits being successfully retrieved, while others met their end before being able to escape.

Basecamp is still reeling from the discovery. Leaders will meet over the next few days and discuss appropriate next steps, concerning both the discovered primalist’s traitorous act as well as the half dozen Blue dragon eggs now in their care.

Magister Axiann Sungazer
The Sunreavers
Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shore (Dragon Isles)


The Sunreavers at the Ruby Life Pools

It had been a few days since the Sunreavers joined a group of Expedition volunteers in escorting blue dragon eggs to the Ruby Life Pools. While the mission was difficult and a new Primalist threat was encountered and eventually felled, they had succeeded in their mission.

Following the mission, some in the party, including Sunreaver Sentinel Zakia Dawnforce, opted to return to Basecamp. Their primary mission in the area was, after all, to ensure that the Dragonscale Basecamp be established and defensible to establish its prosperity as a long-term outpost.

Others, such as Magister Axiann Sungazer and a few others, took the Red dragonflight on their invitation and stayed awhile. The Life Pools were a spectacular place, brimming with life and potential. And the magic here, particularly the strange magic infused in the very waters that nourished the eggs, was fascinating.

There was much activity at the Life Pools. Rumors of more eggs on the way from the western reaches of the Waking Shore and something about the empowerment of a long-dormant artifact were just some of the bits and pieces the Magister heard as he wandered around and explored every inch of the sanctuary.

He would have to return to Basecamp soon enough. But here, high above the Waking Shores, Axiann got his first aerial view of the area, and it was all he could do not to gasp every time he laid his eyes on the view.


Waking Shore:
Campaigng Update

Over the past three weeks, the Expedition members have been hard at work ensuring the Dragonscale Basecamp is properly defensible and sustainable as a long-term outpost.

The Sunreavers, for their part, have been working on charging Blood Crystals, which when installed and activated, will provide wards preventing most forms of magical attack. Those crystals are now nearly charged and ready, and should be installed and activated by sunset tonight.

Part 1 of the Waking Shore Campaign Finale event happens today, Friday February 10th, starting at 5pm ST, and continues tomorrow…


Sunreavers Campaign Update:
Waking Shore Mission Accomplished

As he watched his Sunreavers pack up supplies and prepare the caravan, Magister Axiann Sungazer sat at his desk and began writing.

Archmage Sunreaver,

I do not know if anything translocated from this location will successfully reach you, and so I shall write this report in duplicate and keep one copy to deliver by hand when we next meet.

On this day, we prepare to resume with our primary mission in the Dragon Isles, with our secondary mission being concluded: the Dragonscale Basecamp has been properly established and secured, and should be sustainable as a long term outpost.

Over the past few weeks, the Sunreavers aided others in training those who will man this outpost in the art of combat, scouted the area for possible dangers and threats and erected physical and magical defenses to help protect the outpost. It is our belief that the Expedition members here are now capable of continuing on without our aid.

In addition, I am proud to report that we have come to the aid of the Red Dragonflight, under siege by the Primalists, and fended off a major, coordinated attack on the Ruby Life Pools. Having helped to ensure the safety of the eggs and their flight, we have secured a new ally in not only the Reds but all the flights.

In the next few days, we shall depart the Dragonscale Basecamp and the Waking Shore altogether. We have heard word that Kirin Tor were encountered in an area known as the Azure Span. We will need to traverse the Ohn’ahran Plains and avoid a Centaur civil war that reportedly wages in that area.

Ever in your service, I shall continue to send you updates and hope that you receive them. Hoping you and Dalaran are well,

Magister Axiann Sungazer
Dragonscale Basecamp
The Dragon Isles


The Sunreavers have reached the Azure Span

Having left the Dragonscale Basecamp and the Waking Shore behind, the Sunreavers, their allies and their caravan have been travelling for several days through an area known as the Ohn’ahran Plains. Though they had read reports of a Centaur civil war in the area, their path through the area seemed to avoid any and all contact with the locals and their ongoing conflict.

On Wednesday, a change in flora and fauna alerted the group that they had entered a new area: the Azure Span. A scouting party, lead by Magister Sungazer and Spellbow Flamewisp, Longwalker Raton and a few more allies, ventured ahead in search of a good spot to make camp.

The group were stunned to find a fishing encampment known as Khiri’s Fishing Spot, populated by not only Tuskarr, but also members of a Kirin Tor party mapping the ley-lines in the area.

They explained that they had come from a Kirin Tor outpost known as Camp Antonidas, approximately two day’s away. The Kirin Tor had survived their teleportation to the Dragon Isles after all, and in a few days, the Sunreavers and their allies would meet up with them.


The Sunreavers at Camp Antonidas

The Sunreavers have accomplished their primary mission in the Dragon Isles, having found the Kirin Tor who travelled to the Isles via teleportation several weeks ago and never successfully reported back in to Dalaran. The Kirin Tor have set up a main outpost, which they have warmly named Camp Antonidas, in the Azure Span, where they have been investigating the phenomenon of the shifting ley-lines in the area. Several active Away Teams are currently away on these investigations, including Archmage Khadgar and his team gone to the west, and Kalecgos and his team to the east.

In their absence, Noriko-the-all-remembering, a Mage-Commander, coordinates day-to-day activities at the outpost and briefed the Sunreavers and their allies of a series of recent Primalist attacks on the outpost, as well as an evolving situation of rot and decay affecting certain populations within the Span, including the gnolls and, seemingly, some of the Argents as well.

The most recent Primalist attack occured mere hours ago, with the Sunreavers, Wolfmane and the Blue dragon Rimigos aiding in the protecting of Camp Antonidas, holding the Primalists and their proto-drake at bay until such time as an arcane shield could be erected around the entire Camp. The Sunreavers got to experience firsthand the severity of the ley-line issue as magic seemed to drain from, and fill, the area at unexpected times during the battle, making effective spellcasting a challenge to say the least. If it hadn’t been for the consistent aid of Sunreavers Sentinel Zakia Dawnforce and their ally, the tauren Longwalker Raton, it is unknown if the battle would have ended with victory.

The Sunreavers will now join the Kirin Tor and Kalecgos, Aspect of the Blue Dragonflight, in their investigations into the ley-lines and try and help bring magical stability to the area…

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A Startling Discovery…

The Tuskarr representatives at Camp Antonidas remain convinced that what they call gleam-coves are what the Kirin Tor describe as exposed ley-lines. Speaking to the Sunreavers, they describe a particular fishing spot that seemed to be located on or near one, where the waters and the fish within shimmer with magic.

Traveling via Tuskarr boat, the Sunreavers and their allies found Kauriq Gleamlet and began their investigation. They immediately recognized not only the magical shimmer of mana energy in the flowing waters, but also the presence of ley-ore on the riverbed. Understanding the mana would dilute with time and distance, they decided to follow the river upstream.

As suspected, the presence of ley-ore and mana in the water increased the further they climbed up the cliffside of a mountain. Samples of water were taken a various stages, and while collecting one such sample, boot tracks, possibly belonging to a human or elf, were discovered. Ascending to the top of the cliffside, the group discovered the exposed ley-line: crystallized, lifeless trees and flora surrounded a gleaming pool of mana-infused water.

Nearby, a cave provided entrance into the mountain. Two crystals, hovering near the cave entrance, began assaulting the party with arcane missiles. The group shielded itself and managed to destroy both crystals while taking minimal injuries themselves.

Entering the cave, they found the source of the ley-line flux in the immediate area: a Mana crystal, hovering in the center of the chamber, hummed as it syphoned all ley-energies from the area and redirected it deep into the ground.

The spell-casters interfaced with the crystal and probed its spell matrix. They found many layers of strange spell-elements warding and masking the primary spell, but managed to isolate and remove them, revealing the spell’s inner workings and deactivating it, restoring the normal flow of ley-energies in the immediate area.

A startling discovery was made, however, when the spellwork used in the crystal was identified as having a very clear Kirin Tor signature. The Sunreavers would bring this knowledge, as well as samples from all crystals found, back to Camp Antonidas and decide their next steps.


The Sunreavers, along with their allies, met in a chamber in the upper levels of the Mage’s Rest at Camp Antonidas. The Magister, Axiann, had summoned those he has been working with to share new information and talk about the plan moving forward.

“Welcome, allies, and thank you for coming,” Axiann began the meeting in common so that all would understand. “As you are well aware, there is a lot happening in this area. The ley-lines, in particular, seem to be in an alarm state of flux. The Kirin Tor, here, have been sending out parties for weeks, mapping the disturbances. With their data, we have been able to create a partial map of the lines, and you will see, we have a clearer picture of what may be happening.”

Axiann retrieved a map and laid it out on a large round table in the center of the room for all to see.

The map showed the area known as the Azure Span. It also revealed the complex network of ley-lines that had been mapped thus far, with the direction of flow of power and the intensities measured at several strategic locations.

What it showed, and in no uncertain manner, was that the ley-lines in the area now all seemed to point to, and feed into, the majestic and terrifying mountain known by the locals as Vakthros.

“Whatever the Primalists’ plan, it seems that feeding all of this energy into this mountain is an integral part. Which means, of course, that it must be stopped.” Axiann looked at those gathered in the room. “Running all over the Span and stopping each group from diverting the lines is not working. I suggest, then, that we up to that mountain and flip the switch at the site of convergeance.”

The group discussed the logistics of such a mission, and after much debate, and a few glasses of wine, it was decided: a small group of brave champions would head up the mountain and face whoever, or whatever, awaited them there.

“To Vakthros.”


The Azure Span:

After several hours of walking up the mountain, and a brief stop for a rest at an old draconic waystation, the Sunreavers and their blue dragon ally, Rimigos, continued on their quest to investigate the Summit. While they had expected to find a passage that would make the journey easier, they were not prepared for the amount of Primalist activity within.

Using spell, sword and bow, as well as a great deal of arcane magic, the party pushed their way through the passageway, showing no mercy to the Primalists within. An ingenious strategy was employed by the Spellbows Fidesa and Sateel who launched tar traps, igniting them with arrows of fire, eliminating dozens of enemies efficiently.

Upon reaching the Summit, the group were startled to come upon a massive battle underway between the Kirin Tor and elite Primalist troops. A magus of the Kirin Tor met the group, grateful for their arrival, and caught them up: Razsageth and her forces were there to ensure the mountain, Vakthros, would be destroyed, overloaded with raw ley-energies, taking the entire Azure Span along with it.

While Archmage Khadgar and Kalecgos dealt with the mountain and Razsageth, and the rest of the Kirin Tor were engaed with the Primalist enemies, the Sunreavers team was asked to find the arcane pillars that regulate the flow of ley-energies and reset them to their purpose. Each pillar was well guarded, so enemies needed to be taken care of while the casters, Magister Sungazer and Rimigos, interfaced with the pillars. They encountered heavy resistance, as another presence hindered their attempts to remove the wards and access the pillar’s programming. Together, they decided to seek out this other, familiar presence.

Following Rimigos’ advanced blue senses for arcane magic, they eventually found their enemy: the same Shadow-Figure they had encountered at the Ruby Life Pools several weeks prior, connected to the pillars and guarded by Primalist troops.

A fierce battle ensued, the party taking heavy casualties under fire from the raw ley-energies wielded by the Shadow-Figure. The more the Figure channeled, the more she lost control over the energy. Soon, the entire cliffside shook and threatened to fall apart, just as the skies filled with the Blue Dragonflight, having responded to the Aspect Kalecgos’s call for aid, turning the tides of the battle.

The Shadow-Figure, revealed as a mad Kirin Tor mage when her shield and other wards failed her, proclaimed having a vendetta against the Blue flight and swearing to destroy their flight and their home as the ledge beneath her crumbled and she plummeted toward her death, saved by Razsageth upon the drake’s retreat from battle.

Just then, the entire ledge collapsed, causing our champions to plummet as well, saved at the last moment by the Blue dragons, grabbing each in their talons and carrying them to Rhonin’s Shield, nearby. There, they learned that the spell had been broken and the flow of ley-lines in the area had returned to normal. Wounded and exhausted, the group prepared to return to Camp Antonidas to seek our Kirin Tor healers.

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The Road to Valdrakken…

Axiann paced in the chamber the Sunreavers had been using to meet within the mage tower at Camp Antonidas. Betrayal from within was a sore subject for him, having lost his home and having his life turned upside down due to the actions of someone else before. This time, it wasn’t a Sunreaver but a member, or rather former member, of the Kirin Tor who had been working against them.

The identity of the shadow-figure they had encountered and barely survived twice had been discovered and revealed to the Sunreavers during the briefing that had just ended. Hilda Nightfire, a former Kirin Tor magus who had been, during the Nexus Wars, captured and tortured by the Blue dragons, was now apparently enacting her vendetta against them.

Under an assumed name, she had joined the Expedition and come to the Isles, only to join a scouting party and vanish days later, right around the time the ley-lines began to divert, one by one, towards Mount Vakthros. Her advanced knowledge of ley-lines and surge needles, acquired before she was captured in Coldarra, supported this theory.

They had succeeded in their last mission, stopping Nightfire and returning the ley-lines flow of power mostly to normal, allowing Archmage Khadgar to stabilize Vakthros and preventing its, and all of the Azure Span’s, destruction. But the battle with the magus had destabilized the entire cliffside, causing the latter to plummet and be caught by an escaping Razsageth.

It was her last warning that jarred the Magister. “Any attempt to reach the dragon city will end in your death!”

Reaching the dragon city, or Valdrakken, had not even been on Axiann’s agenda. But now?

Nightfire could have been baiting them, luring them into a trap that would, in fact, prove fatal. But, what if this was a revelation that the Primalists planned an assault on the city? If so, the inhabitants had to be warned.

Not wanting to risk more lives than necessary, the Magister would lead a smaller strike force to investigate…

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The Fallen Concourse

Through the falling snow, The Sunreavers arrived at the bridge that would lead them into Thaldraszus and then, Valdrakken. It was imperative they warn the citizens of the dragon city of a possible Primalist attack. Fearing the information they had obtained might be bait for a trap, they decided to send only a small party.

The group encountered resistance before even getting to the bridge: weapon-wielding warriors and two elemental shamans blocked their way and attacked. The Sunreavers worked well together, some engaging the warriors while others used range attacks to take out the shamans. All five primalists were eventually defeated, the last shaman being kicked off the cliff to their death at the bottom of the impossibly high chasm that separated the Azure Span from Thaldraszus.

Leaving their mounts behind, the group finally reached the bridge. Across the way, they could witness a large fortress or garrison being assaulted: proto-drakes soared overhead and plumes of fire and smoke rose, the sounds of active artillery fire echoing across the chasm.

Another strange sight greeted them: a series of glowing crystals, a dozen at least, lined up across the bridge and glowed slightly.

As The Sunreavers got closer, they came under attack: a frost breathing proto-drake landed, blocking their path. They engaged the beast, sensing another drake circling them from above. That drake eventually revealed itself, carrying none other than the Kirin Tor turned primalist Hilda Nightfire, who fired arcane missiles at the group.

A fierce battle raged on. Nightfire, keeping the heroes on their toes by summoning two blood crystals to continue the barrage of arcane missiles, began casting her spell to activate the floating crystals on the bridge. The Sunreavers managed to slay the frost-drake while Nightfire seemingly completed her spell. As she tried to escape, however, her drake was fatally injured and the mage was thrown down onto the bridge as the crystals glowed and screeched aggressively. As the heroes turned and ran back to solid ground, the crystals detonated, destroying part of the now collapsing bridge, bringing Nightfire along with it.

There was no time to investigate Nightfire’s fate, as several drakes seemed to turn from their assault on the garrison and head the Sunreavers’ way. The group quickly fetched their mounts and retreated to the safety of nearby Theron’s Watch, losing the drakes as they sped through the woods.

The Sunreavers would need assistance to continue with their mission. From Theron’s Watch, an arcane flare would be launched, sending a message to allies across the Span. Now, they waited to see who, if anyone, would answer the call.


Azure Span Finale:
The Battle for South Hold Gate

By mid-day, the reinforcements had arrived: Longwalker Raton of the Wolfmane Tribe, Rimigos the blue dragon, and several other members of the blue flight, sent by Kalecgos, would join the Sunreavers in their next attempt at warning Valdrakken of an imminent assault. After a short briefing, the group of mortals climbed atop their dragon allies and soared from Theron’s Watch, over the deep chasm that separated the Azure Span from Thaldraszus and landed at the South Hold Gate garrison.

As the blues took to the skies to battle the proto-drakes assaulting the garrison from above, our heroes stormed the gates, encountering resistance right away. Fighting together, they took the primalists out, careful to also avoid falling debris after a drake and dragon, engaged in battle, slammed into a rock wall high above.

Finally able to move on, the group came to a fork in the road and an incredible view: Valdrakken, in all its glory, was spied for the first time by the heroes, an awe-inspiring sight even from afar. To everyone’s deep dismay, they realised they were too late and the city was already under primalist assault, while the fighting continued to wage at the garrison. It was decided the best way to aid Valdrakken was to find any artillery that could be used to attack the airborne drakes.

The heroes ventured forth, finding a small group of guardians defending innocent survivors of the primalist assault. They described how quickly the primalists seemed to be able to infiltrate the garrison, to everyone’s surprise. The defenders asked the group to head to the bridge and join the last of the resistance.

Fighting their way through dozens of primalists, the group found one sole survivor, one Captain Drine, on the bridge, amidst dozens of enemy and allied corpses. Drine explained that most of the garrison’s defences seemed to go down even before the primalists invaded, pointing to betrayal from within. He claimed a group of adventurers, sent from Valdrakken, had already headed to the top levels to find and warn the garrison’s commander, Eranog, and agreed to escort the heroes to the scorpion launchers.

Making their way up to higher ground, again slaying many primalists along the way, our heroes eventually reached the scorpions. As Drine left to go find Eranog himself, the Sunreavers stood watch as Raton and Rimigos manned the scorpions and targeted the drakes attacking Valdrakken.

They were joined in their attack by more scorpion fire from allies on the other side of the garrison, and their blue dragon allies, having defeated the last of the drakes assaulting the garrison and moving on defending to Valdrakken. The drakes were confused at this sudden new attack, which made them vulnerable, and more and more of them started falling.

The heroes were then astonished by what they saw next: three massive dragons swooped in and joined the fight: Alexstraza the Life-binder, Kalecgos of the blues and Nozdormu, Keeper of Time. With this new and powerful combined attack, the drakes quickly fell or fled to the north, the assault on both the garrison and Valdrakken finally over. Commander Drine, returned, explained that Eranog himself was responsible for the betrayal at South Hold, and thanked the heroes for their aid.

Venigos and the blue dragon allies, returned from battle, extended the Aspects’ wish that the Sunreavers and their allies come to Valdrakken as honoured guests, having helped to defend the city. Mounting their allies, they soared around and over the city streets, astounded by the beauty and magnificence of the ancient capital of the dragons.

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The Sunreavers are recruiting!

We are currently recruiting a fresh batch of initiates who will adventure with us during the next chapter of our campaign through the Dragon Isles and eventually earn their tabard and full rank! Application form link below…

Having helped to stabilize the ley-lines in the area and finally having made it to Valdrakken, the city of dragons, the Sunreavers have established a stable portal back to Dalaran and are home for a brief time.

While they are home, they are open to meeting new recruits who are looking for a purpose and home, who seek to use their gifts with spell, sword, bow, or the holy Light, to better serve their people and the Kirin Tor.

Interested recruits can fill out the standard application form at the Tower of the Guardians and wait for an appointment for an interview.

We will be at the Horde Guild Recruitment Faire in Silvermoon City this coming Sunday. Drop by and say hello!

The Sunreavers are in Silvermoon City

The Sunreavers, returned briefly from the Dragon Isles, are in Silvermoon City this week. They arrived on Sunday, finding their way to the busy streets of the Bazar and taking in the view. They spent the evening meeting new people and telling tales of their travels and campaigns. They enjoyed the sights and sounds of the busy streets of Silvermoon City, something they had missed.

Over the next several days, they would stay in the city and will be open to any applicants wishing to become new Sunreaver Recruits.

PS It was SO good to see Silvermoon City FULL of people again! So nostalgic…


A Night at the Legerdemain Lounge

The Sunreavers have returned to Dalaran and plan to hit up their favorite lunging spot, the Legerdemain Lounge, tonight starting at around 5pm.

If anyone is around (Northrend Dalaran) and wanna drop by, feel free! The more the merrier for a classic tavern night.