[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

Algeth’era Court

Following a short hiatus and visit home to Dalaran and Quel’Thalas, The Sunreavers have returned to the Dragon Isles. Their orders: continue to lend aid to Kalecgos and the Aspects in their quest to regain their powers and rid the world of the threat of Raszageth.

Upon their arrival in Valdrakken, the unit began searching for a location to host a conclave of allies. Sentinel Sunmourn showed them the spire at nearby Algeth’era Court, which they agreed was perfect. Over several days, they not only set up for the conclave but got to explore the Court, with its various building, abundance of ambiant magic and welcoming inn.

Upon the end of the conclave, the Sunreavers considered their options and agreed to set up a temporary base in the mage spire at Algeth’era, using it to coordinate their efforts while they remain in the Dragon Isles.

Now, they wait for news of Raszageth’s next move to work with the Aspects and their allies.


Choosing the Way…

In a small chamber high in the spire above Algeth’era Court, Axiann Sungazer paced. Coffee in hand, he had read reports from the past few days, reports of activity across the Dragon Isles, and a decision loomed over him.

Nearby, the Aspects and dragonflights were on high alert. Raszageth had, in days past, thwarted the dragons’ attempt at reactivating the Mother Oathstone and regaining their full powers. While some forces remained stationed in and near Valdrakken as a last defense, others had depated for the Vault of the Incarnates to protect whatever lay secreted away.

Meanwhile, the Argent Crusade was apparently on the brink of eliminating the final Gnoll commander, in an attempt to destabilize their forces and put an end to the threat of rot and decay magic on the land and ley-lines. Their forces were gathering and getting into position, and could surely use any assistance offered.

Should the Magister send his people to aid the Argents, staunch allies, and help them in their efforts, or should he keep them nearby, ready to move and join the forces raiding the Vault in case they were needed in battle?

An ancient waygate, recently reactivated locally, meant he could send his people across the Isles and to the Span rather quickly. But he would still need to make a decision in the next few hours…

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Shoutout to Gavinrad the Bookish for his new video all about Wyrmrest Accord role-play, featuring mentions of The Sunreavers and our Year 40 campaign/community!

Check it out, as well as his other videos, on YouTube!


Nice! Looks like a lot of the guilds got some love.


The Dragon Isles:
Chapter 2


Itupiakut peered through the fog as the boat, of strong Tuskar build, sailed across the waters and towards its destination. While the storms which had made this land unreachable for months had dissipated, fog was still a natural occurrence, especially in the wee hours of a late spring morning such as this. As the glowing of the lanterns finally appeared through the haze, he turned to the others travelling with him, a smile on his face quickly spreading to the others, as they all came to realize that the rumours they had heard were true: there was family here, and they still maintained their dock, and more importantly, their village.

Morkut Village became alive with activity as Tuskar from across the Iles and beyond reunited with a tribe who had been caught off from their kin since the Storm-Eater had decided to cut them off from the rest of the world. The next few days were spent feasting and telling tales, not just of Morqut villagers hunkering down and surviving the months-long storm, but also that of the outlanders’ arrival and aid in the fight against Raszageth and the Primalists.

Of course, Itupiakut longed to get back in his boat and see if he could find the most fertile waters off the coast of the Forbidden Reach. He was a fisherman, after all, and had even trained countless others in that trade. He prided himself not only on his technique, but also on his boat, which he had built himself with the help of his late father.

Itupiakut sailed away from the dock and made his way around the bend, following the shore for a bit, occasionally coming to a stop and casting his line to see if he would catch something. All day he did this, enjoying his time on the water and while he was no scout or cartographer, studying the shoreline as best he could so as to remember his path. And while he didn’t glimpse anything particularly of note all day, a large and particularly pale boulder did catch his gaze, unlike any other rock formation he had seen in both size and color.

Curious, he made his way to the shore and hopped out of the boat to get a closer look. While he did not expect trouble, he did reach for his dagger, which he mostly used to skin fish, as he approached the large boulder.

But it was no boulder at all, it seemed. As the realisation of what he had found dawned on him, Itupiakut became as pale as the proto-dragon corpse that was washed up on this lonely shore. Suddenly nauseated at the overpowering stench which forced him to stop his approach, the fisherman found himself hurling into a nearby shrub and losing the delicious lunch he had enjoyed a few hours before.

More composed, slightly embarrassed and mostly relieved that no one had witnessed the spectacle, Itupiakut covered his nose with a handkerchief and took another glance at the corpse. It looked as if it had been dead for a few weeks, perhaps a month. The lack of decomposition suggested the creature had not been of interest to any wildlife, either here on land or in the waters that brought it here, to his utter confusion. The beats did have huge gashes in its body, but they did not look to have been caused by tooth or claw.

With his shadow growing longer by the minute, he decided to head back to his boat and back to his village in time for tonight’s communal soup. But before he had turned around to leave the gruesome sight, he noticed something else, this time in the sand near the proto-drake: tracks. Mortal person tracks. A real mess of them just near the corpse, as if the individual had crawled for several feet upon reaching the shore, possibly latched onto the beast, before standing up to reveal small footprints walking away from the sand and into the nearby woods.

He realised he might end up regretting it, but he decided to follow the tracks just beyond the shore and to the edge of the woods. Whoever it was who had been here did not seem to be on stable footing, as their tracks zigzagged quite a bit. He was no tracker, so once the tracks moved beyond the sand and onto the grass, he could no longer see any sign of the direction they might have gone. But before he abandoned his search, he did spy a piece of torn fabric caught on a branch: purple silk, seemingly charred almost beyond recognition.

He did know of one group who wore lots of purple. He had seen many of them arrive in Valdrakken via portal from a faraway land called Dalaran. He decided he would send this piece of fabric on the next trading ship, to be delivered to those who hailed from an order called the Kirin Tor.


The Forbidden Reach

The Sunreavers travelled to the Forbidden Reach this week, booking passage on a Tuskar trading ship. They arrived at Morqut Village and began questioning locals in order to find a fisherman named Itupiakut, whom they found tending to his boat at the docks.

The fisherman explained that he had found a proto-drake corpse on a recent sail, and near it, small human or elf-like tracks and a piece of fabric, made of Dalarian silk, snagged on a branch. A very kind Tuskar, he offered to take the Sunreavers to the location in his boat, which they accepted and compensated him for.

Arriving a short time later, they investigated the area: the proto-drake corpse was missing several limbs, its remaining flesh charred from fire or an explosion. It also contained a crystal shard embedded in its carcass. The tracks, leading from the carcass, were erratic and led up and away from the shore.

The trackers in the group, Spellbows Flamewisp and Sunshadow, led the others up a winding path and near the entrance of a cave. The site featured the remains of a campfire, apparently conjured using a basic mage survival spell as evidenced by some standard runes, as well as what was left of a cooked animal. Tracks, more sure-footed, then led to the cave entrance.

The entrance of the cave featured what was left of an ancient barrier spell which had recently been overpowered and effectively shattered using tremendous magical force. The group entered the cavern with caution.

Within the cave, the Sunreavers found three ancient relics, sensing draconic essences to their fabrication. However all three relics had recently been drained of all magical energies and left inert.

Next to the third one, a circle of runes, those of a teleportation spell, were found, pointing to a quick escape from the one they tracked. Deciding not to use the runes and possibly teleport into an ambush, the group returned to the fisherman and his boat, and then to Morqut Village.


Pirates in the Reach

The Sunreavers gathered in the center of Morqut Village to learn that their aid had been requested by the Tuskar. Some local children had returned from playing along the shore, frightened and describing ‘scary’ and ‘mean looking’ newcomers on the Islet.

Heading up the coastline, the group appreciated what they could see not just of Tuskar culture, but also of the natural beauty and peacefulness the Isles seemed to be full of. While their time here had been eventful at best and life threatening at worst, they could admire the beauty they were fighting to preserve.

Suddenly, the group spotted movement up ahead. Hiding behind a boulder, the ascertained the situation: pirates, several of them, a few dozen yards ahead. Not yet spotted, they discussed a course of action and entertained the idea of approaching peacefully.

Spellbow Fidesa Flamewisp approached one isolated pirate and attempted to negotiate for information. They got off to a rock start, with weapons drawn, but the pirate did admit to searching for magical relics left by the power Dragons in the area. However, things then escalated, and he had to be apprehended and rendered unconscious, to be interrogated later.

As they secured the helpless pirate until such a time as they could bring him back to the village for interrogation, the Sunreavers watched as the pirates seemingly abandoned the area and headed back to their dinghies and across the channel to the other shore.

They returned to the village and delivered the hostage to the guards. Procuring a canoe, they returned to the opposite shore to find infinitely more pirates there. While they attempted to move past the pirates discretely, they did have to incapacitate more than a few on their journey to investigate what they were so interested in.

Moving inland, they came upon a spectacular area, teeming with arcane magic. Venturing further, they came upon impressive dragon architecture overlooking a hot spring, and featuring an operating arcane pilon, built by the Blue Dragonflight. Swarming around the pilon were swarms of protective beetles, seemingly drawn to it like moths to an arcane flame.

A scream then alerted the Sunreavers to a tragic situation: three of the pirates, seemingly too close to the pylon and the beetles, had been devoured alive by the bugs, who then began to gather and swarm. As the pirates ran for their lives, so too did the Sunreavers, back to their canoe and returning to the village.

Sentinel Dawnforce and Spellbow Flamewhisp have been left in charge in Moqut Village, where they will help the local Tuskar plan scouting parties and interrogate the pirate prisoner. Magister Sungazer will return to Valdrakken to confer with the Kirin Tor on the discoveries made thus far.


The Sundered Flame

Having recently returned from Valdrakken back to Moqut Village, Magister Sungazer of the Sunreavers sits with a cup of coffee and reads the field report left by Sunreavers Spellbow Fidesa Flamewisp.

Dear Magister Sungazer,

I pray your trip in Valdrakken is going well. We can’t wait for you to come back!

As per your instruction, I took a small team with me to Skullrock Island where we found evidence of a camp, the drained relics, and the teleportation rune inside the cave.

After getting past some territorial earth elementals, we found our way back to the right spot. The runes had lost their luster since we last saw them and Spellbow Sateel found tracks we suspect were dracthyr around them. We had a feeling the Sundered Flame had used it recently.

The teleportation’s magic was too low to function which is no surprise after two weeks. Spellbow Faelsshi gave it a good zap and that seemed to do the trick. We stepped through it into some beautiful dragon ruins near a waterfall. We were okay.

Well, until the teleporting rune blew up on us. It must have been booby trapped after all. We were no worse for wear, though.

Sentinel Neid’thalah found some old blood on some stairs. They led up to a building, but we chose to take an unbeaten path up the hill instead.

That seemed to be the right idea because we found dracthyr conversing inside the ruins. They definitely would have seen us coming if we had taken the stairs.

They mentioned one of their own had been killed by someone they were hunting. We moved in to get closer and some things went wrong. I kicked a rock by accident and Kadaj was a little too loud.

Our cover got blown and these dracthyr must have been Sundered Flames because they had zero interest in talking and attacked us outright.

We defeated them and headed inside the building they had been occupying. The place was filled with the stench of death and flies. There had been a dracthyr body drained of life and magic that had been decomposing for some time.

There were runes the deceased had written with their own blood, but none of us could read draconic. Sentinel Neid’thalah transcribed them to be examined later. Spellbow Falesshi noticed something in the corpse’s hand and I retrieved it. It was a Kirin Tor signet ring with the Dalaran Eye emblem scratched out.

This leaves little room for doubt as to who it could belong to. Nightfire is still active and somewhere on the Forbbiden Reach. I’m certain you have a spell to confirm whether it is hers or not, but I had a strong feeling it is.

End of Report

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A Beacon of Death

On Friday, a mysterious flume of arcane energy was sotted emanating from an island off the coast of the Forbidden reach. The Sunreavers, knowing full well that Nightfire, former mage of the Kirin Tor and master arcanist, might be behind it. They set off in a boat to investigate.

By late afternoon, they made landfall and anchored their borrowed Tuskar vessel. On the beach, they found ward runes, arcane based but infused with other elements of foreign spellcraft. This caused the wards to be unstable, and an arcane arrow fired by Spellbow Flamewisp brought the entire barrier down.

Further up the path inland, two arcane guardians barred the Sunreavers’ path. They too seemed to be infused with a foreign magic, black in hue, causing them to act erratically and fire arcane missiles in random directions. The Sunreavers engaged the guardians and, while suffering light damage, disposed of the creations rather efficiently.

Before them stood an ancient tower, the powerful flume of raw arcane energy firing up through it and several miles into the skies above. The energy, blue and purple yet with its own tint of black power, crackled with energy, causing the tower to shake, fissures appearing on its surface.

Standing before the tower was a mirror image of Nightfire herself. The magus would not respond to attempted negotiations, reiterating her desire to destroy the Blue Dragonflight and then, the Kirin Tor, her contempt for the former due to her torture at their hands during the Nexus War, for the latter since they accepted the Blue Aspect Kalecgos on the ruling Council.

Coming under heavy fire, the Sunreavers defended themselves and then went on the offensive. The battle was hard, not only due to the use raw arcane magic against them, but also for the fact that magic generated seemed to be syphoned into the flume like a vacuum, rendering spells partly ineffective.

The intensity of Nightfire’s attack caught the group off-guard and one fatality, the fierce wolf companion of Spellbow Sunshadow, was fatally wounded. After an intense fire fight and more casualties suffered, including to Sentinel Sunrune, the image of Nightfire was defeated. Just then, the Sunreavers witnessed the first two Blue Dragons, summoned to the beacon like a moths to a flame, collide with the flume and be destroyed, their magic absorbed, further destabilizing the energy matrix.

Acting quickly before any more dragons were lost, Magister Sungazer began feeding more power into the flume while Sentinel Dawnforce erected a barrier of Light around the tower to minimize the destruction to the land. The Sunreavers escaped through a portal at the last moment, safely appearing in Valdrakken as the tower and the island were destroyed.

The Sunreavers will now heal and regroup, and continue their search for Hilda Nightfire.

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Azure Assistance

Following their latest encounter with rogue mage Hilda Nightfire and the murder of two blue dragons, The Sunreavers reached out to an old ally: Venigos, of the blue flight, was informed of the evolving situation so that he may share that info with this brethren. The blues have since mostly retreated to the Azure Archives, , effectively on lockdown, actively warding themselves to try and block any further attempts to summon them to their deaths.

Travelling with them, a group of Sunreavers sought to create a weapon to help level the playing field against Nightfire: an arcane focusing crystal programmed to absorb and purify the raw arcane energy the Kirin Tor traitor has used against the group twice already. Gifted to the group by Venigos of the blue flight, the group headed inside the Azure Vault to charge and activate it.

The group travelled through the ancient structure, cleared of threats several weeks prior by champions of the Dragonscale Expedition, admiring the architecture and the blues’ mastery of magic. Signs of battle could be seen throughout several chambers. As the group descended further down and nearer to the purest, most raw arcane energy not yet purified by the dragons’ magical devices, the arcane-focus crystal began to glow, and then hum. This became most intense when the group found the crystal chamber at the bottom of the Vault and neared a larger crystal formation.

They watched as the arcane-focus crystal came alive, hovering in the air as it glowed and hummed, and the room seemed to come alive with arcane lightning. Bolts of it eventually connected with the focus, filling it with power from all directions, causing the crystal to crack and shatter. As arcane defenses came online and subdued the lightning, the Sunreavers rushed to find the shards of their broke crystal. Astonishingly, they found that each shard remained charged and activated.

While the Sunreavers did not leave with the weapon they sought, they did not come up empty-handed. Over the next days, amulets and talismans would be fashioned for each of them to wear, featuring shards of the charged crystal, to protect them during their next encounter with Nightfire.


Attack at Algeth’era Court

Having returned from their mission at the Azure Archives, the Sunreavers met in their Dragon Isles basecamp at Algeth’era Court to receive their new amulets, made by Sentinel Sunmourn with the shards of the charged mana-crystal, a new defense against Hilda Nightfire’s ability to channel raw arcane power. As the amulets were handed out, alarm horns sounded from the academy grounds, calling the Sunreavers to investigate.

They arrived on scene to find local guards aiding scared civilians. A guard commander met the Sunreavers and described the sudden materialisation of several human females, all with the same face and shimmering in violet energy.

Hearing sounds of magic being used in a nearby library, the group rushed to find the first mirror image of Nightfire destroying tomes and relics. The Sunreavers engaged their enemy, implored by the librarian to stop her from destroying any more artefacts. And that they did, attacking quickly and efficiently, and destroying the first mirror image.

Leaving the library, the Sunreavers rushed to a nearby bridge after hearing pleas for help. There, they found another mirror image of Nightfire trying to destroy a bridge with arcane bolts. Maedormi, a young bronze dragon, worked hard to keep the bridge from crumbling away by holding the falling pieces in place and begged for aid. With a coordinated attack, the Sunreavers disposed of the second Nightfire as the dragon reversed time and put the bridge back together.

The group then crossed the bridge and proceeded to the main Tower. There, they found a Drakthyr spellweaver holding a ward protecting the Tower’s entrance. The spellweaver informed them that her colleague had been sent to protect the rear entrance, and asked the heroes to check on him. They arrived to find the second Drakthyr injured and dying. He described a mirror image disabling him and, upon entering the tower, stealing some tomes and destroying others before running off. The Sunreavers healed the Drakthyr before giving chase.

Making their way to the observatory, the group came upon two final mirror images of Nightfire: one vanished through a portal with what appeared to be the stolen tomes, while the other was busy systematically destroying local telescopes and scrying equipment.

The Sunreavers once again engaged, attacking the image. For the first time, she responded by channelling her raw arcane power and hurling it at the group. Luckily, their new amulets worked better than was even intended: not only did they absorb the powerful attack, they empowered the group’s spells and attacks, causing them to inflict twice the damage to their enemy. The battle was short and the group disposed of the final mirror image, ending the attack on Algeth’era Court.

Magister Sungazer ordered the group to aid the locals and report back in the morning for further orders.


Chapter 2:
The End of Nightflame

Magister’s Report

Archmage Sunreaver,

Over the last few days, your people helped the guardians of the Algeth’era Academy rebuild their telescopes and other scrying devices. Following an extensive search, it became apparent that something was brewing on the island known as the Veiled Ossuary, sacred to dragonkind and final resting place of their ancestors. As quickly as we could, our unit travelled there to investigate.

Local guards told us of a blasphemous attack: arcane guardians roamed the grounds, syphoning the lingering arcane essences from the remains of deceased dragons, and asked us to find and deal with the culprits while they worked at warding the sacred remains. We pledged our aid and ventured into the Ossuary.

The arcane guardians were easily found, and almost as easily dismissed. Our concerted and coordinated attack allowed us to down several of them without suffering too many casualties. We watched, however, as their essences were recalled to a tower on the highest levels of the grounds, and thus, we proceeded to climb.

Then, we encountered now all too familiar mirror images of Nightfire herself. These foes were more challenging, and quickly began channelling the raw arcane power we know Nightfire has learned to wield to some degree of success. Thankfully, our amulets worked as intended, absorbing the raw power and enhancing our own abilities. One by one, the images fell.

We made haste to the central temple chamber, where we found Hilda Nightfire herself, for the first time since her fall from the bridge to Thaldraszus months ago. Her face, arms and hands were horribly scarred from that arcane explosion, and I imagine her unsafe channelling of raw arcana. She turned that raw power onto us, but again our amulets prevailed.

The ferocity of our counter attack startled her, and she began to channel more energy than she could handle. We watched as her body was overwhelmed and disintegrated, the arcane storm calmed by our amulets, now spent.

Nightfire’s body was no more, yet her essence, much in the same way as the dragons’, lingered. Until a kindly spirit, one donning a troll visage, came to claim her, committing to make amends and aiding her in her transition.

The Forbidden Reach has been left in less turmoil than we found it all those weeks ago. Now, with your permission, we shall return to Dalaran. I shall give leave to your followers that they may spend the next few weeks enjoying the high holiday and some well deserved shore leave.


Magister Axiann Sungazer


The Sunreavers celebrate the Midsummer Fire Festival

Having completed their mission in the Dragon Isles, the Sunreavers, on leave for a few weeks, have returned to Silvermoon City to enjoy the Summer Solstice and Fire Festival.

The festivities began on Sunday night with the Sunreavers leading a procession through the streets of Silvermoon City. Joined by many friends and allies, they rode proudly through the city, heads held high.

In the Court of the Sun, they attended, and participated in, the Ritual of Oaths. Those who were comfortable stepped up to the scared fire, pledged their oaths and cast their ashes for all to see.


The Sunreavers are in Silvermoon and are recruiting!

The Sunreavers have opened up recruitment and are looking for potential new recruits to join their order. Mages, warriors, paladins, hunters and priests are needed to fill our ranks and compliment our party for our next campaign. Other classes may be considered depending on circumstances.

Applicants with potential shall be summoned by Magister Axiann Sungazer for an in-person interview.

Applicants can make their way to the Sunfury Spire and fill out this application form.

We are a role-playing guild, a tight knit group, who enjoy character development over longer, immersive campaigns. For the past several months, we have been enjoying every opportunity the Dragon Isles are giving us, and plan to go back soon.

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Poor DKs. Easily the best tight-knit community I’ve ever met. You’d be lucky to join them.


The Sunreavers will be at the Midsummer Guild Faire and Market tonight from 5pm to 8pm to recruit, answer questions and meet the locals! Oh, and we’ll even be promoting one of our own…

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The Sunreavers Promote One of Their Own

On Sunday, The Sunreavers gathered in Falconwing Square, Silvermoon City, to attend the Guild Faire and Market event hosted as part of the Midsummer Fire Festival.

During the event, Magister Sungazer took advantage of the presence of their unit, including one newly recruited initiate, to finally promote one of their own, Spellbow Fidesa Flamewisp, to the rank of Sunreaver Commander, offering her an officer’s position along with its roles and responsibilities.

Commander Flamewisp will apprentice under Magister Sungazer and begin to assume her duties as Commander upon the end of the Sunreavers current holiday shore leave.


Return to Dalaran

Following their shore leave and visit to Quel’Thalas for the Midsummer Fire Festival, the Sunreavers have returned to their other home, Dalaran, after months away.

On Sunday evening, several members met at their after-hours location, the Legerdemain Lounge, for some drinks and games. An excellent way for veteran members to get to know the newest recruits.


Getting to know
The Sunreavers of Wyrmrest Accord
-Currently Recruiting-

The Sunreavers are recruiting, but we are definitely not for everyone. Here is some information you may find useful if you are looking for a guild for your role-play character.

We are primarily a role-play guild exclusive to blood elf/thalassian characters (with an openness to half-elves with an attachement and loyalty to Quel’thalas). We are also part of the Kirin Tor, so look to their ways and ranks as inspiration for our own guild lore.

We have a pretty solid reputation on the server, having been around and active since 2015. We played a major part in the Year of the Scourge and Year 36 server campaigns, during the two SL years, for all those who wished to immerse ourselves in the world of Azeroth and its complex dynamics.

We continue to maintain strong friendships with other amazing guilds on the server and regularly participate in cross-guild events, such as the Kirin Tor Conclave.

We currently have a wonderful roster of friendly, polite, empathetic and downright good people/role-players. Our role-play events consistently have anywhere between 5 and 10 members who show up and remain active, every week.

Our main role-play night is on Sundays, with our events happening between 5pm and 8pm server time. We are about to expand into Wednesdays to offer more role-play throughout the week. Our discord is also always on and extremely friendly and so, so supportive.

We have been fully enjoying the Dragon Isles and all they have to offer in the way of scenery and story. We are currently in Dalaran for a brief return home and to enjoy summer activities, but will return to the Isles soon.

Interested parties can message Axiann on discord, or fill out this application form to get the process started: https://forms.gle/62jcbAEfv72viF3G6

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Survival Training in the Broken Isles

On Wednesday, under the command of Commander Fidesa Flamewisp, the Sunreavers were dropped off in Azsuna for the beginning of their two-week trek through the Broken Isles.

On the first night, the Commander instructed the group in the proper techniques for starting a fire, building a shelter and hunting for food and water, all skills that would be essential if ever stranded on a deserted island or foreign shore. The following day, the group began the march through the Isles.

Four days later, they met up with Magister Sungazer as they arrived at their first checkpoint: The Grove of Cenarius in the forests of Val’sharah. The Magister pointed out the beauty of sacredness of areas such as the Grove, as a reminder of the beauty of their world and the reason they rush to defend their world against any new threat.

Their revery was interrupted by the sounds of an injured animal: a raven, apparently in distress, perched on a branch not far from the Sunreavers. Carefully, the group cajoled the raven by whistling, an idea of Guardian Dawnfire, into approaching and perching on Sentinel Dawnforce’s arm. While Initiate Moonspell and Commander Fidesa discussed applying pet first aid, it was the Commander who used a basic nature spell to heal the raven’s dislocated wing.

Upon being healed, the raven surprised the group by transforming into a young Kaldorei male! A druid, the boy claimed to have hurt his wing, the pain blocking their attempts to shift back. He thanked the group for their aid and asked if they would escort him back to his home village of Lorlathil.

At Lorlathil, they met with the boy’s mother, a grateful kaldorei woman who offered them room and board and a nice, hot supper for the night. The Magister agreed to the offer for one night before they set off for their next direction: Highmountain.