[Year 41: Dragonscale] Kirin Tor Conclave: Summary!

Dragonscale Basecamp

At dawn on Saturday, the Sunreavers, the Wolfmane Tribe and their allies of the Expedition prepared their caravan and set off in the direction of the official Dragonscale Basecamp.

A path was selected that traveled mostly along an ancient road through the forest, keeping the caravan mostly hidden from predators in the sky. They traveled all day, stopping for only short periods of respite along the way, hoping to make Basecamp by sunset.

The Expedition came upon a few obstacles along the way, the first being a bridge, just one of several they had traversed that day, that was partially collapsed and did not seem to be overly stable. Using shamanic control over the elements, as well as manipulation of the arcane, the bridge was made passable and the group proceeded with care.

A few miles further along, as the caravan grazed a tall cliffside, they came to an active mudslide which had washed away the road and barred their path. Once again, shamanic magic did the trick, aided this time by some impressive chronomancy, as the mudslide was slowed down enough to be held back, allowing the Expedition to cross cautiously but successfully.

The Expedition continued on, knowing they were not too far from their destination as the sun was setting low. As they crossed what would be the final bridge, exposed as they had ever been, they came under attack by a large Apex proto-drake.

A fierce battle ensued, with the group fighting off the apex predator, yet falling victim to its unleashing of powerful lightning attacks as it continually leaped back into the air and soared from one end of the bridge to the next, trapping the Expedition there, so very high above a raging river.

The battle continued for quite awhile, Expedition members beginning to feel exhaustion while the proto-drake seemed to get stronger as it was enraged by its resilient prey. Lightning rained down on the Expedition and more and more became injured.

Just as it seemed the battle might be lost, two dozen arrows rained down from the skies, piercing the proto-drake’s wings and hide in several places. Several Expedition members, coming from Basecamp, galloped to the caravan’s aid and helped turn the tide of the battle. The drake, howling and injured, leaped into the sky and flew off.

Lead by their new allies, the Expedition left the bridge and reached the Dragonscale Basecamp just as the sun set. Toddy Whiskers, one of the Expedition leaders, welcomed the group and offered medical care and food, and was thrilled at the arrival of the caravan and all of its supplies, which were so very much needed.

The Sunreavers, the Wolfmane and their allies will be staying at the Dragonscale Basecamp for a few weeks, and can be found here on most days, especially after 5PM.