[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

The Eve of Battle

The Sunreavers met with other members of the Coalition in the Mage Tower at Hearthglen on the eve of the assault on Caer Darrow.

They listened and took note while reports of recent missions were delivered before discussion turned to the strategy to be used to breach the barrier and successfully raid Caer Darrow in time to stop the coming ritual, bringing back the three dead Cult Masters as Forgotten Ones to serve the Underlord.

The Sunreavers stout resolve to end this cult and its threat upon the Eastern Kingdoms assured they volunteered for some of the most dangerous tasks ahead. Having recently lost one of their own, they knew the risks and would not allow this Underlord to continue with their dark plans.

Following the debriefing, the Magister gave orders to the two Spellbow-initiates who had accompanied him, and each went off to report to their contacts and prepare for the battle to come.

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The Power of Cooperation

The Sun’s first light shone through the windows of the Mage Tower at Hearthglen. Axiann Sungazer, Magister of the Sunreavers, who had been awake for over an hour, looked out the window and contemplated.

His body mended, he was grateful for the outcome of the battle the night before. Whilst one Cult Master had been revived, turned into a Faceless One and had managed to escape, the ritual was ended before any of the others had similar opportinuties. Only one out of a potential of four future enemies had gotten away, and Caer Darrow had been retaken once more.

This had only been possible due to the power of cooperation. Humans and elves, Alliance and Horde, living and undead had all come together under a common cause to root out evil and save theEastern Kingdoms for all. Though there had been tension and conflict, they had worked well together for almost two years.

Axiann questioned what the future would look like. If they succeeded in their campaign and ended this latest threat, what would happen to the relationships they had forced? Would the Sunreavers and the Argent Crusade work together again? Would the Vol’kar Legion and the Legion of the Dawn?

It was hard to say. Yet, Axiann was a diplomat at heart. He wondered if there would be enough open minds to consider an official pact, or accord, recognizing the work and shared legacy of the guilds and factions involved in this conflict and ensuring an ongoing spirit of cooperation and respect that went beyond the basic notion of an armistice.

These questions would be answered another day. Today was a day to rest and replenish, to gather information and to determine where the Coalition needed to go next.

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Time to Take Flight

By mid-week, intelligence and scouting reports helped to conclude that the Twilight Highlands was the next destination and objective for the Coalition. After less than two weeks spent at Hearthglen, it was time to move.

At first light, The Sunreavers mounted their armored Sunreaver Dragonhawks and took to the skies. The beasts, renown for being some of the fastest flying mounts in the Eastern Kingdoms, would still require a few days to get to their destination and would need to soar over contested territories to get there.

With minimal stopping, the Sunreavers hope to arrive at their new base by late afternoon on Friday.


The Sunreavers stand ready

In the Twilight Highlands, a fierce battle wages between Coalition and Cult forces: a plaguewyrm, Voidwing Dragon and Void Storm make fighting the aberrant undead all the more difficult. The next few hours would be critical.

But together with their allies, the Sunreavers had come far. Hard won victory after victory had brought them here, with the cultists cornered and lashing out seemingly with all they had.

The cultists would fall. They had to. And The Sunreavers would be there when they would finally be defeated and the Eastern Kingdoms would be free from their terror once and for all.

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The Sunreavers return to Dalaran ahead of the Convocation

With the Coalition forces poised and stationed outside the Bastion of Twilight, the last cultists trapped inside, the Sunreavers have conjured a portal and retuned to Dalaran, answering the summons from Archmage Aethas Sunreaver himself.

The Kirin Tor, briefed on the situation in the Twilight Highlands and other parts of the world, have agreed that a special Convocation should be called. This meeting would serve to facilitate cooperation and dialogue in an effort to root out the threat of the Underlord, Iso’rath.

Archmage Cain, who usually hosts the Convocation, has been contacted and has requested that Magister Sungazer, a member of the Coalition, facilitate the event while she is away on special assignment for the Kirin Tor.

All week, Kirin Tor magi will be sent to Alliance, Horde and Neutral towns and posts around Azeroth to open portals for their representatives and allies to make the journey and attend the three day event.

The Kirin Tor Convocation will take place Friday November 11th and Sunday November 13th, from 5pm to 7pm server time.


Preparations were made, and soon the guests would be arriving.

It was the day of the Great Convocation, and in the absence of Archmage Cain, who was away on special assignment, the task of hosting had fallen to the Sunreavers.

Magister Axiann Sungazer, who reported directly to Archmage Aethas Sunreaver himself, had overseen most of the organization of the event. All day, his people had been running all over Dalaran seeing to the guests and coordinating the Citadel pages in their preparing of the Purple Parlor and other spaces used for the event.

Now, they were ready. All that remained was to greet the guests and begin this all too important meeting of great leaders and delegates from accross Azeroth.


Convocation Ends, Vengeance Begins

As the Magister, host of the Great Convocation, adjourned the meeting, the Sunreavers bade their polite farewells to the departing guests.

Slowly, the filed out of the Purple Parlor and the Violet Citadel, and would begin their return trips. Some would return to Kalimdor or the Broken Isles. While most would head straight to the front lines in the Twilight Highlands to prepare for the coming final assault.

Would more allies join them? Time would tell whether the impassioned pleas had turned more hearts to their cause. Every available soul would be needed to defeat Iso’rath and his cult and drive them out of the Eastern Kingdoms once and for all.

One elf, Neid’thalah Sunmourne, the one who had spoken last and claimed he sought the one named Sungazer, had stayed behind. The room less crowded, he claimed to be an aquainance of the now deceased Sunreaver Sentinel Landrathenil Dawnspring, and he sought vengeance against those who had slain the paladin, pledging himself to the Sunreavers at least until the deed was done.

Over the next few days, the Sunreavers would gather their strength, their weapons and their best spells. When they finally arrived in the Highlands, they would arrive ready to fight. Fight for Quel’thalas, and for Dalaran.

For Azeroth.


The Day of Battle

The Sun was still below the horizon, though the darkness of night had been replaced with brighter skies. Various tents, were sprawled out. Besides those who had taken the night watch on the front lines, there was very little movement at base camp, as most still slept - or tried to - in anticipation of the battle to come.

A series of crimson and gold tents were grouped together, the banner of the Sunreavers planted next to them. The door flap to one of them opened, and Axiann Sungazer emerged, already donning his uniform and armor. One could never be too careful so close to the enemy, and he suspected most of their allies had probably slept in their armor as well.

He wore his hood and cloak this morning, a testament to the crisp air typical to the first months of winter in the Eastern Kingdoms. A frost covered the ground, he noticed, and he could see his breath when he exhaled. He made his way to the tent which served as a the coalition’s mess, and helped himself to some coffee, using his powers to heat the water in mere seconds. He brought his cup outside and looked up.

The Bastion of Twilight was an imposing sight. A citadel and fortress which once again housed those who threatened not only the Highlands, but the Kingdoms as a whole. The good news was that this would be their last stand, being cornered and trapped inside. But Axiann knew this battle would not be easy.

This year, this entire campaign, had been costly, and they could not back down now. Brave souls had given their lives to fight this malicious cult, and he knew they would be reward in the Summerlands of the Eternal Sun. Those who still lived owed them a victory.

As he sipped his coffee, the sounds of footsteps caught his attention. Others were starting to wake and stir.


Who we are

The Sunreavers, founded in 2015, have been a presence on Wyrmrest Accord for over seven years, especially during the last two years. We are a medium-heavy role-playing guild based around the themes of Thalassian elves, Quel’thalas, Dalaran, the Kirin Tor, Magic and the Light.

Followers of [Archmage Aethas Sunreaver](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Aethas_Sunreaver), **the Sunreavers** have sworn allegiences to the Kirin Tor of Dalaran and the Regent-Lord of Quel'Thalas. While their home is in [Dalaran](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Dalaran), the magical floating city state which hovers over the Broken Isles, their missions bring them all over the world as their search for magics that could aid or threaten their people or Azeroth.

Heavy Immersion

The Sunreavers live in a world that is more vast and detailed than what is represented in-game. They do not hand-wave travel time or believe they can teleport or open a portal to anywhere at any time, as magic has rules and limitations, just as our characters to.

The Sunreavers believe the journey is the goal of good adventure and role-play as much as the destination or the result. They role-play at a pace that allows for travel and all that this entails. They also operate in essentially real-time, with one day on Azeroth being equal to one day in the real world.

When we role-play

While we mostly meet on weekends (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, from 5PM ST to 7 or 8PM ST), we are expecting to become even more active during Dragonflight. We have forged great friendships with other guilds and will be sharing role-play hubs throughout Dragonflight, which will allow for role-play encounters and smaller missions throughout the week.

We recognize that most people have complex lives and do not require participating at ever single event. We encourage activity through communication on Discord and participation to events and campaigns whenever possible.

Who we are seeking

The Sunreavers are a thalassian elves only guild. We seek members members whose characters aspire to the following ranks:
  • Sunreaver Guardian
    Guardians of arcane knowledge or the faith, these are typically Mages or Priests.

  • Sunreaver Sentinels
    Sentinels of the Light, these are usually paladins (sometimes warriors).

  • Sunreaver Spellbows
    Spellbows are master archers (hunters/rangers).

All new members begin as initiates and earn the trust and respect of the other members before being promoted to the above rank.

How to enlist

Interested parties should fill out this application form and submit. Expect a reply within 24-48 hours. Must have discord and provide handle for Admin to reach out. Your character may also seek out the Sunreavers during one of their events, advertised on this thread.

You may also reach out to Axiann (axiann#5749) on discord with any questions you may have.

Eternal Sun guide you

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Return To Dalaran

The Underlord was dead.

Eleven months ago, the Sunreavers were ordered to investigate reports of danger on the roads in the Plaguelands, near the Thalassian Pass. They soon discovered the scourge were still active in the area, having decimated the Argent troops located there. This lead the unit to Light’s Hope, where they encountered allies also investigating the disturbances.

For the next ten months, the Coalition’s work brought the Sunreavers from the Plaguelands to Kul Tiras, and finally to the Twilight Highlands for the final assault on the Cult responsible for all they had experienced.

Now that the work was done, The Sunreavers had returned home to Dalaran. Several days given to each member to rest and mend, before returning to active duty. But it was time to get back to work.

On Friday the 25th, The Sunreavers would meet for a briefing in their Guild Hall, the Chamber of the Guardians, located in the tower at the center of the city. They would go over current business, duties to attend to, and speak of the weeks ahead.

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Friday Night Briefing:
It was good to be home.

As the Sunreavers gathered for their first briefing since their return to Dalaran, they discussed scouting reports and the fact that all seemed quiet, on all fronts. They weren’t needed anywhere else, at the moment, and were all glad to be able to find their routine duties back among the Kirin Tor.

Informally, those who had been active participants in the battle against the Cult were applauded for their bravery. Initiates were informed that a promotions ceremony would be held soon. And a moment was taken to remember one of their own fallen brothers.

Until then, there would be time for Guardians to return to their studies, Sentinels and Spellbows to return to their training and for the Magister to resume his regular leadership duties.


Saturday, November 26th at 5pm:
Sunreavers Wine and Cheese Reception

For anyone coming to the event, please enjoy this music for the soirée:

The Sunreavers are in Orgrimmar

Accompanying the Archmage on a diplomatic visit to Orgrimmar, the Sunreavers took some time to walk about and meet new people.

While there, they participated in the Horde Guild Recruitment Faire and walked away with a few new recruits with great potential.

Dragonflight Initial Review

With the expansion having be released five days ago now, I have had the chance to play it enough to know that so far, it not only meets my very optimistic expectations, but surpassed them.

From the day the Dragonflight Cinematic trailer was released and I first watched it (on repeat, several times), I have looked forward to getting into this story and new continent. The cinematic left me with all the feels, from rooting for Stony Tony to worrying when he fell, to tears in my eyes when Alexstraza swooped down and picked him up
 it left me feeling good. Just good.

The expansion experience has not disappointed, offering much more of the same.

So far, I have levelled to level 67 and have completed only the main campaign quests all the way to Valdrakken. The story was well written, characters are engaging and the story, well written. Whats more, it makes you feel things. I’ve felt sad and happy and hopeful for the characters. And that’s just good.

With three levels to go, I’m about to start tackling side quests, which I hear there are a lot of and that they are well-written as well. The Dragon Isles feel alive not only with people but with cultures and traditions that I love learning about and engaging with.

As for role-play, which the guild and I will begin in earnest in January, it has me very excited. The locations, settings and themes are just a gift, and my challenge right now is figuring out what to tackle first, and how to pace ourselves to get as much enjoyment out of this new area as possible.

I am very much looking forward to continuing my exploration of this land and its people and stories, and helping to craft my own along with the guild and the community at large. I am hopeful that we are in for a pretty great couple years.


Year’s End Promotion Ceremony

The ceremony began at 5 bells in the afternoon on Friday, December the tenth, when the Sunreavers gathered at the Violet Citadel for final uniform inspection.

Upon exiting the Citadel, the unit found their hawkstriders and began a procession throughout the central district of Dalaran, eventually entering the Tower of the Guardians.

They stood in the Great Hall, at the very center of the Tower, which itself lies at the heart of the city. At one end, the Magister, flanked by other full-ranked members

while at the opposite end, four valiant initiates who had, over the past several weeks and campaign, proven their merit and earned the trust of their brethren.

One by one, each initiate was named and asked to step forward in the center of the Hall as the Magister recounted the ways that individual had proven themselves.

Each was then asked if they desired to complete the path of the initiate and pledge themselves completely to the Sunreavers. Upon their answer, they were asked to kneel.

Each then recited the oath and pledged themselves to the Archmage Aethas Sunreaver, the Magister Axiann Sungazer, and the order.

As they rose, each was presented with their new rank and a brand new Sunreavers tabard to don, completing the promotions ceremony.


Annual Duskwatch Saberguard Military Ball

On the 17th of December, The Sunreavers joined dozens of allies in nearby Suramar to participate in the Annual Military Ball, organized and hosted by the Duskwatch Saberguard.

The event began with a ceremonial procession and presentation of arms, all of which was beautifully and professionally orchestrated. Spectators were awed by the strong and efficient display.

The Patrol Captain, Loviattar Al’shaanth, then took the stage and welcomed the assembled guests. She introduced the first speaker, the priestess Lyastei Starbreeze, who commended the participants of the Helping Hands campaign to aid the Kaldorei.

The Patrol Captain then returned to the stage, speaking briefly on the Ascension Campaign, commending those who prevented the ascension of the Fal’dorei spider queen Vess’tra.

Magister Axiann Sungazer, of the Sunreavers, then adressed the crowd and spoke of the eyar-long campaign to end the Cult of Iso’rath, commending those who helped to defeat the masters and the Underlord himself.

Finally, special Silver Saber medals were given out to a select few, nominated for exceptional valour. These included a few post-humous commendations. A moment of silence was held for those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of Azeroth.

The evening ended with a celebratory ball. Drinks were provided by The Cast Co. Music filled the air and guests spent one last evening together before returning to their homes and loved ones for the holidays.


The Sunreavers attend the annual Anath’Ithilion Solstice Ceremony

On December 18th, some of The Sunreavers, officially on two-week leave for the holidays, found themselves at the same Solstice Ceremony in Quel’Thalas.

While the weather of Quel’Thalas is eternally springlike, the days to grow shorter until the Midwinter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. It is a time of reflection and of letting go.

Attendees were handed a scroll and pen and were encouraged to write down something that they wish to let go: a memory or emotion, an attachment that prevents them from moving on and forward with their lives.

The parchment, featuring a written description of that which is being let go, is then cast into the Solstice fire and watched as it burns, taken away into the winter night by the cleansing smoke.

It was an emotional ceremony for some, and an introspective one for all.


Mission Orders:
The Dragonscale Expedition

On Friday, the Sunreavers returned to duty following their holiday break. They gathered in their guild hall, in the Chamber of the Guardians, in the beautiful city of Dalaran.

Magister Axiann Sungazer, leader of the Dalaran unit, lead the briefing. The subject turned immediately to the biggest news of the last several weeks: the awakening and sudden reappearance of the Dragon Isles, ancient home to the Dragons of Azeroth, a mere few days sail from Quel’Thalas.

The briefing also covered the series of unatural storms of wind, ice, fire and earth that had been plaguing the lands of Azeroth for weeks, now known to be caused magically and the work of a group calling themselves the Primalists.

Magister Sungazer also revealed the news of Kalecgos, member of the Kirin Tor’s Council of Six, recently returned from the Isles with a warning of an ancient threat, an elemental dragon called Razsageth, freed and bent on remaking the world, and the Dragon Queen’s plans to stop her.

Upon hearing this news, Archmage Khadgar and a large group of Kirin Tor magi, departed for the Isles using Kalecgos’s arcane coordinates to teleport to an area known as the Azure Span. However, two weeks has passed and they have failed to check in or make any contact whatsoever.

The Sunreavers have been ordered to join the newly formed Dragonscale Expedition and travel to the Dragon Isles through more conventional means. They are to meet with the fleet at Quel’Danas and sail to the Isles. While their secondary mission will be to aid the Expedition in securing their base on the Isles, their primary objective remains to locate and confirm the safety of the Kirin Tor in the area.


The Sunreavers are in Quel’Thalas

It had been a busy week for The Sunreavers. They had spent it in Dalaran, readying supplies and packing for the journey to and subsequent mission on the Dragon Isles.
By Friday afternoon, all had been secured and loaded onto two crimson wagons. Pulled by two hawkstriders each, they were moved through the wide portal to Quel’Thalas, along with every member of the Sunreaver Sway Team that would be going on this mission and their personal mounts.

Once in Silvermoon City, most took advantage of the little time they had to explore the city, meet with old friends or family or obtain last minute items they needed for the journey. Meanwhile, Magister Sungazer and Spellbow Sunshadow checked and secured the wagons and had them moved to the Shepperd’s Gate.

On Saturday, they would ride to Sun Sail Anchorage, on the western shores of the Eversong Woods, to embark on a Farstrider ship, the Everdawn. It would be a short sail to Sun’s Reach on Quel’Danas, where they would help supply the ship and attend the Expedition Launch Party.