From the Ashes…
The current unit of Sunreavers was founded in Silvermoon City by Magister Axiann Sungazer following the Purge of Dalaran. Silvermoon served as the unit’s first base, as the Sunreavers were added to Quel’Thalas’ defense forces.
Invasion by the Burning Legion
Shortly after the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth, some members of the unit were ordered to report to the Horde Fleet and depart for the Broken Shore. The mission was a failure and ended with the deaths of Horde Warchief Vol’jin and the Alliance High King Varian Wrynn. The Legion then began assaulting areas around Azeroth, and several Sunreavers were sent to defend the northern gates of Orgrimmar.
Upon being readmitted into the Kirin Tor, Archmage Aethas Sunreaver relocated his followers back to Dalaran. The Sunreavers then aided in the efforts to aid citizens of Suramar and liberate the city from Legion forces.
Following the successful campaign, the Sunreavers focus on rebuilding their presence in Dalaran. Their new routine is soon disturbed by the uncovering of a plot by a fanatical former Kirin Tor Archmage bent on transporting Dalaran back to its crater and removing all Horde citizens from its streets once more. This plot is successfully foiled and Dalaran remains secure.
The Fourth War
When the Fourth War began, the Sunreavers were recalled back to Quel’Thalas in order to help strengthen the defenses against possible Alliance attack from the south.
The Sunreavers then returned to the Broken Isles and boarded the Sunreaver flagship Dawn’s Light and set sail for Zandalar, in search of Silvermoon’s Pride, the flagship of Quel’Thalas, which had been stolen by Amani Trolls.
Both vessels are eventually lost in a naval battle off the coast of Kul’Tiras, shipwrecking the Sunreavers in hostile territory. A few days pass and the unit are able to disable the fetishes that prevent portal magic and escape to the safety of Dalaran.
Relics of Madness
The Sunreavers are then asked to investigate villages in Quel’Thalas that seem to be succumbing to violent madness. Entire villages are quarantined and it is discovered the madness is caused by relics that were sold all over Azeroth. A coven of drust witches and warlocks are eventually discovered to be using the madness-induced violence as a way to generate souls to power a ritual to bring down the barrier between the worlds of life and death.
The Sunreaver's Betrayal
What came next was a dark chapter for the Sunreavers as it was discovered that of the Archmage’s own Magisters, Hathorel, had defected to the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner and pledged his Sunreavers to her side.
Magister Sungazer leads his people through the dangerous streets of Orgrimmar only to discover that Hathorel has charmed one of his very own, Initiate Jaidin, who seems to regret his choices once confronted by his old colleagues and friends.
A magical battle ensues and Jaidin eventually asks his former comrades to kill him, knowing that death will be the only way out of his new unit. The Sunreavers attack the former initiate with all they have, and his body is overcome with arcane energies circulating inside his body. Jaidin falls in a coma and is returned to Dalaran, where no way to revive him safely is found for years.
The Highkeeper's Eye
The Sunreavers are called to Uldum where they investigate a brutal attack on an archaeological dig. They uncover writings describing a legendary Chaos Stone, and clues to four parts of an amulet: the Highkeeper’s Eye.
The Chaos Stone, rumoured to be locked behind a gate in the Temple of Origination, is said to nullify arcane energy, allowing the Void to completely overpower the powers of the Titans and their Keepers. With the Old God threat growing in the area, the Sunreavers needed to find the Chaos Stone before the forces of the void did.
Luckily the amulet proves not to be only a key, but a sentient being, tasked with ensuring the Chaos Stone remains locked in a pocket realm for all of time. The Eye vanishes, never to be seen again.
The Dark Riders
The Sunreavers learn of the Mysterious Dark Riders, cursed charlatans tasked with collecting relics for Karazhan, now seemingly raiding small towns in the Arathi Highlands. The investigation leads to Karazhan, where the Riders manage to break into the Tower and steal tomes relating to ancient sacrificial magics.
Following information from all over the countryside, the Sunreavers board their vessel and follow the Dark Riders to Icecrown, in Northrend, where they discover hordes of Dark Rangers and Riders. At each of the three gates of Icecrown, the Sunreavers watch, helpless, as the Rangers and Riders complete a dark ritual with mass suicide, empowering the mysterious runes that cover the walls.
The Year of the Scourge…
Prologue: November and December 2020
At Icecrown Citadel, Sylvanas Windrunner, now a fugitive from the Horde and the Alliance, defeats Lich King Bolvar Fordragon and destroys the Helm of Domination, shattering the veil between the realms of life and death. In the following hours, many leaders of the Horde and the Alliance vanished, and the world was plunged into peril.
The Argent Crusade sounded the alarm and heroes were called to Northrend to help quell the threat of feral scourge becoming aggressive. While the campaign took weeks, it was eventually deemed successful. Argents remained on site to maintain a watch while most champions returned to their homelands.
Chapter 1: January to March 2021
Soon thereafter, Scourge found their way to all major continents of Azeroth and began attacking and infiltrating the major cities. Heroes from all walks of life came together to help liberate the cities and secure them for the refugees fleeing the countryside.
An official coalition was formed, endorsed by the Kirin Tor by proxy of The Sunreavers, and the Argent Crusade (Redemption and Resurgence). The coalition was formed by heroes from many guilds and homelands.
Chapter 2: April to June 2021
For months, they sought out the Scourge in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms and sought to foil their plans, even preventing them from tainting Ashenvale Forest and turning it into another Plaguelands.
Chapter 3: July to September 2021
The campaign then made its way to Pandaria, where tainted ale was being used to turn Pandaren into mindless Scourge, and the Broken Isles where leylines were being diverted to empower a spell.
Chapter 4: October to December 2021
Eventually, our heroes found themselves in Northrend, making their way to Icecrown Citadel to end the three Scourge commanders responsible and ending the terrible Year of the Scourge.

From the desk of Magister Sungazer…

Summary and Mission Orders:
Reports from the Citadel indicate dangers on the roads just outside the borders of Quel’Thalas, and with Blood Knights and Farstriders occupied chasing feral scourge around Everson Woods and the Gostlands, the Magisters of Silvermoon have requested aid in investigating whether the scourge have returned to the area.

The Sunreavers campaign into the Plaguelands:
January 21st: Silvermoon City
The Sunreavers arrived in Silvermoon City via portal from Dalaran, and spent the night before beginning on their travels.
January 22nd and 23rd: Fairbreeze Village
After a day of traveling, the Sunreavers arrive in Fairbreeze Village. Their first night is spent investigating and ending a demon attack on Saletheril’s Haven, and they spend the second day enjoying the gratitude and hospitality of the locals.
January 26th: Elrendar River Crossing
After two more days of travel, the Sunreavers arrive at the Elrendar River, marking the southermost border of the Eversong Woods. They make camp for the night, taking advantage of the Farstrider Waystation to spare themselves a night of sleeping in tents. The group enjoy a nice lynx stew before retiring for the night.
January 28th-30th: Tranquillien (Ghostlands)
The Sunreavers reach Tranquillien and look forward to spending a few days replenishing their resources and having a good rest. While there, they are called to aid the Farstriders and local Guardians when the Scourge launch a persistent attack on the Sanctums of the Moon and the Sun. They are revealed to be controlled by Amani Eagle riders. The attack was repelled, but the new Amani threat is concerning.
February 4th to 6th: Northpass Tower (Eastern Plaguelands)
The Sunreavers have reached the Northpass Tower.
This post will be updated periodically.