Looking for a Sin'dorei guild for me Sin'dorei Paladin

Any Blood Knight guild still around or anything else for Quel’Thalas


Other than a Blood Knight focus (I’m afraid I’m not aware of any Blood Knight-specific guilds that are currently active), are there specific themes you’re seeking for this character? Some specifics on that, and/or a quick description of the character’s goals and personality, might help if any recruiting GMs browse through this thread.


Sunfury Battalion would be one I would look into, for something closely related to it. Other than that, I don’t think there are any active guilds on WrA that solely focus on Blood Knights.

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sunfurybattalion . com
PVPRP guild focused on wreckin enemies of Quel’thalas. Whether they be demon, undead or Alliance

Also The Sunreavers are worth checking out.


Thanks for the shoutout!

Indeed, we are not Blood Knight focused, but we do have a few former Blood Knights in our ranks. Its my dream to have a group of paladins form their own sub-unit within our Guild.

One day!

Check us out on our Master Thread!

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Yeh, a lot of the old Blood Knight centered guilds went kaput post-BfA…and honestly? Good riddance. Most of them were packed to the brim with chuds.

I’ve heard that. I wonder what it is about the Blood Knight guilds that attracted that sort of of person? Was it just bad leadership?

Bad leadership that preyed on desires to live out harmful, deluded power fantasies. Doesn’t help that a lot of those guilds muddied the lore waters with bass-ackwards interpretations of the knights as some sort of Roman-era praetorian guard. I honestly look at any guild or character with a vaguely latin name and can only think disdainful things about them.


Its a shame, because they ARE a huge part of blood elf lore and society, and with Liadrin becoming more and more important, there is a need for that type of blood elf roleplay environment.

But it has to be done right. Its all about the environment, and that begins with strong leadership that doesnt allow anyone to pollute guild climate.