Moonguardian LF an Adventure!

Oh man “Moonguardian looking for an adventure” must have been received pretty controversially on the general forum! I bet their minds all went straight to Goldshire lol.

On topic though, there’s loads of racial guilds here, and I’m sure I won’t remember all of them :sweat_smile:. I admit I’m a little out of the loop at the moment as I’ve been unsubbed for several months. There are a few Alliance racial guilds but I gather you’re looking for something Hordeside? I did find a few in fairly recent guild posts:

Duskwatch Saberguard (Nightborne RP)

The Wolfmane Tribe (Tauren RP)

The Shadowtusk Clan (Troll RP)

The Sunreavers (Blood Elf RP - Dalaran Focused)

That’s just what I found active in the last few weeks. There may be some guilds I’ve missed. Good luck adventurer! May you find what you seek :slight_smile: