The Story Team will Troll the Night Elves

I hope Elune can still be saved from the tragedy of bad story that is SL.


Yeah, I’m really upset with how they handled Elune. Should have just kept her mysterious, but everyone is getting sacrificed on the alter for Sylvanas this expansion, it’s sick.


Elune can be saved. To be exact, it won’t be easy, but maybe the aspect of the night warrior has a downside for the goddess, too, which is why she can’t perceive everything as usual.

It’s still stupid somewhere, but it would explain her partial blindness toward the events in sl. It is hard to look at the events from the distance when you are a omnipresently being and you experiencing the momentum from the point of view of a single mortal bearer of the blessing, and become a part of their expirience , for a limited time.

And as i explained here, even the night elves can be solved…it will need time and effort, but it is possible. i don´t beliefe it will happen, but it is possible.


Didn’t Elune send the night elf souls to the maw before the night warrior ritual took place? I’m sure you could explain Elune here as being weakened because of maybe the barrier between life and death is almost broken, maybe that could be a reason for it. I could see the night warrior power being a reason she doesn’t intervene afterwards, because that’s her wrath, but before the night warrior ritual takes place?

It could explain why when her power was being used in the SL she had no idea about the night elf souls, but then you would have to answer how she was able to take the power away from Tyrande to save Sylvanas, she has to have some connection to to the night warrior and control over that power.

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The arbiter went offline a few weeks before the WOT, the drought did not start immediately. You must remember, Legion in its entirety lasted exactly one year, BFA as well. When Elune sent the souls away, no drought was likely yet, but the arbiter was already offline and the manifestation of it started to establish itself.

in my own mind, this could explain it, the drought didn´t manifest, but the arbiter was offline and the sl crisis started to ettablish itself. The night elves were the first big push for the maw…so it was likely shortly after the Arbiter went offline and no one knows what was going on.

Yeah I guess I can see what you’re saying here, that the souls were sent after the Night Warrior thing because that’s when the drought would be happening. That could explain it, but would it really explain the night elves getting raised and working for their victimizers, but it could help.

Not quite. The souls were sent before the drought manifest itself, before the crisis broke out. Because the drought did not happen instantaneously after the arbiter went offline, that took some time to develop. In the chaos - where only the Oribos guys knew anything - the WOT happened. Even the WQ, nor Bastion nor Maldraxxus already knew something. Only Revendreht because of…yes, well, Denathrius.

The numbers of souls seen in the quest mean nothing. Nothing Blizzard does has any sense of scale.

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Well what you are saying is it needs to hinge on the night warrior draining some kind of power or consciousness from Elune. So for that to work Elune sending the souls to the maw would have to be taking place sometime after Tyrande gets the power in 8.1 and the night elves that are raised and serve the people that murdered them.

No, just not. Elune sent the souls away after the WOT, convinced that the arbiter is not damaged. That the Arbiter is damaged, nobody knew at that time except the bad ones. So no Winterqueen, no Bastion-Heini, no Primus, absolutely nobody, only the bad guys and well, honestly, the Oribosgang.

And Elune’s power is affected by the Night Warrior, but I don’t think in the sense of “she loses so much power” but in the sense that her own distance to look at the events of the universe from “above”…when creating a Night Warrior changes drastically and she is forced - by the Blessing itself - to see the events through the eyes of the Blessed. She was in Tyrande to an extend after the Blessing, the entire time period.

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They would have had to send out their “cries for aid” as in the drought was manifesting at the time she sent them out, and elune would have heard those and sent the “cascade of souls” so there was a problem at the time of the sending, they didn’t know what though. And if she was in Tyrande (and was able to stop the night warrior power) she would have known that the souls got sent to the maw, so condemning them to the maw wouldn’t have been news to her.

The night warrior is just one of the faces of elune, not elune herself. It would actually just make the night warrior power even worse if that was elune, tyrande and malfurion failing to stop nathanos.

okay…thats true…you´re right, i forgot about this part

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I’m pretty sure everything re: Tyrande and Elune are desperate knee-jerk attempts to placate the Night Elf community who are extra spicy about the story taking a dump on them. It honestly feels like a meta conversation happening, every new scene attempting to explain the plot holes in the previous.


Witnesses to what?

If she had to kill witnesses, more likely than not she did it cover up wrondoing on her part.

Oh yeah, that is what I felt it was since 8.1, they even changed 8.1 on the PTR because they were surprised by the backlash of how bad it was. Then obviously their “Tyrande got her revenge for the night elves” in 8.1 tells me they had no actual plans for the night elves after the warfront so they just shoehorned Tyrande into shadowlands and she serves basically no purpose and doesn’t impact the story, other than in the prologue she gives Sylvanas an extremely merciful penance.

But yeah it seems like it was there to kind of placate night elf fans while really just making it worse for them and they were trying to react on the fly instead of actually planning anything out for this.


Is misspelling Sylvanas like that a meme I don’t know about? I see it a lot. :woozy_face:

I’m also a huuuge fan of these deific entities being omniscient and prescient until they conveniently aren’t.

Elune didn’t know what was going on in Ardenweald but she stopped Tyrande to spare Sylvanas because the souls she didn’t know were in the Maw could be rescued by Sylvanas and to save Tyrande who was going to die if the Winter Queen didn’t happen to intervene. It all makes so much sense!


Sylvannas did not want stories of reconciliation to flow back to the Undercity. She did not want her people raising hopes of reconciliation with the Alliance. That would lead to doubts of the Forsaken’s loyalty to the Horde and she believed the only thing that would lead to would be the isolation of the Forsaken from both factions and a swift decimation of her people by the Alliance.

lmao yep, they hope that people don’t think about it while they have the characters talking slowly with inspirational music playing while the characters make sad expressions to try to lead you into believing the scene is powerful or makes sense, rather than having the story make sense.

It just feels like they haven’t cared about consistency for a long time. It’s like the idea of the new lore always trumping the old lore because they like to retcon so much they can’t really be bothered to think too hard before implementing something, so it’s like “just because Elune didn’t know the souls were sent to the maw doesn’t mean she didn’t save Sylvanas so she could recover the souls from the maw!”. It doesn’t matter what happened before, the only thing that matter is what the writers are saying now.


Yeah. I think the art and cinematic and music department could use a break from doing all the heavy lifting for so long. It boggles the mind that they supposedly concept these expansions years in advance but still have to play it by ear.