The Story Team will Troll the Night Elves

…by making Sylvanus save all the souls left in the Maw, which (gasp) is why Elune wouldn’t let Tyrande kill her.

Then Ysera can grow a new tree off the coast of the Dragon Isles


EDIT: I was right


I think their goal is going to be more frantically trying to leave the Night Warrior and Burning stuff behind and pretend it never existed. I mean, Tyrande is quite literally back to normal, Night Warrior pretty much gone. I doubt it will ever be referenced again after the expansion is done, they were already trying really hard to brush the War of Thorns under the rug for a good chunk of BfA, but people were understandably peeved about that.


Then maybe they need to reverse the Zidormi effect over at Darkshore and make the updated version to one Zidormi hides unless you request it.

If you want to pretend it didn’t happen, erase it from the game. Much like a lot of Afrasiabi’s stuff seems to be falling prey to lately.

It has been at the forefront for two x-pacs already and the Horde, especially Saurfang and Sylvanas will be forever tied to it.


Um no, the writers showed their disrespect towards Night Elves by killing most of them off, torturing them in the maw and having the player character save a small fraction of them from the maw while the vast majority of the Night Elf Souls ended up being obliterated in the maw.
They even had us go through a quest where we had to kill off some Night Elf Souls ourselves.

The writers don’t want to revert any of this because they don’t want to give the Night Elves any positive development, that’s why they refused to let the player (or Tyrande) free the remaining Night Elf souls from the maw and had Elune abandon Tyrande to protect Sylvanas.
None of this makes sense, but the only purpose of the story was to be as hostile as possible to Night Elf fans, and now they’ll make Tyrande forget about everything that happened so that she can forgive Sylvanas and allow her to search for Nathanos in the maw.
The story is designed to appeal to Sylvanas while making the Night Elves suffer never ending tragedy, abuse, torture and humiliation.

Now nothing is left of the Night Elves except those few that are rotting on the streets of Stormwind, not even their souls exist anymore since the writers had them obliterated in the maw when there was a perfect opportunity to let us free them.

Making Sylvanas free the Night Elf Souls would at this point be something positive for Night Elves (because they would finally get out of the maw), but the writers went ahead with the Night Elf Souls being obliterated instead and just lets Sylvanas search for Nathanos in the maw.


That’s a very dramatic headcanon you have going on there. We don’t have any hard numbers for how many souls are still in the maw vs. obliterated, so this is 90% speculation. Since it is all a made-up story I will wait for them to definitively define how many Night Elves are left and how many souls were saved (while acknowledging that they will probably make it up as they go along, like they did with the supposedly near-extinct Blood Elves)


I feel that Ysera won’t be leaving Ardenweald. The winterqueen did say she was bound to it and would share its fate.


I mean, the Maw is meant to be a place you don’t want to be - even by players. So if you’d choose Tyrande to remain there saving her people, or Sylvanas … Pretty sure even the Night Elf fans would want Tyrande to remain consistent in Azeroth, than say the character they butchered then forced down our throats. Also it’d mean we’d be dealing with less Sylvanas in the future … :man_shrugging:

They can’t simply “pretend” it doesn’t exist and at very least they are conscious of it. They did mention the next .5 patch might have an epilogue of sorts and the reactions of the night elves to whatever in SL might be explored but who knows.

Should I tell Ikaar that censoring inappropriate language, even self censoring is against the CoC? I’ve been given a forum vacation for doing such things in the past.

Inappropriate Language

This category includes language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Bypass the Mature Language filter

Ah an anti-vaxxer who believes that Microsoft needs to inject a microchip into you via a vaccine to track your every move.

That explains a lot actually.


Tell, me did you think I was joking about the rest of my sentance but am suddenly serious about that certain part?

I think you subconsciously want a microchip implanted in you so they can give you a hard reset, and clean out some of that salt grinding up the works.

The Alliance has been doing it over time.

Camp Taurajo, the Purge of Dalaran, Stormheim - and no consequences. At the most, a “stern rebuke” from Anduin for Genn…

You cant have my crochety undead Sira!


I genuinly think Danuser and the rest of his team hate Tyrande and the Night Elves as much as they like Sylvanas and Andiun.


really??? whaaaat? the scale is not even CLOSE…what are you talking, have you lost your mind?

I mean, ikaars pov isn´t a healthy one in regard to a story but…your point is insufferable.

Camp Taurajo - the horde got revenge and killed the alliance general and any responsibly member where was part of it.

compare this to …southshore for example?

HustTheramoreHust Forgotten, eh?

stormheim is the only grey area you mentiod here.


I knew when I only saw a short reply, that you would quickly edit it, and add more.

Just because I knew you had more to say about it lol.

I was thinking: “huh? Is that all? He must add more…”

All I want to add is…



Never forget Silverwind.

People pretend Garrosh’s brutal invasion of Ashenvale didn’t exist just because at this point, it is so overshadowed by Theramore and Teldrassil.


Let me tell you the story of a largely civilian hunting encampment that couldn’t be taken by conventional means, so an unethical commander used an uncontrollable force to take them by surprise and massacre the defenders.

The other one.


They were not. Honestly, just going on with warcraft as usual and not focusing on making Sylvanas pay for her horrible sin of winning, would have made Teldrassil littlw more than motivation for continued faction conflict. No one swept anything under the rug. They intentionally made one of the most unpopular events in WoW history, central to two expansions.

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kekw, sure

Camp Taurajo was worse than the burning of Teldrassil?
