The Story Team will Troll the Night Elves

Mawthorne. Buddy. Friend.

We are Horde.

We never settle.


I didnt say Id stop eating people… just that Id stop blaming them.

The trolls in the audience feel me.


Also, why is the gathering on that list? We are forsaken. We’ve been killing defectors since vanilla.

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But it wasn’t just defectors. Sylvanas also killed loyal Forsaken just because their living relatives accepted them, and gaslighted the Forsaken who were rejected by them (going all “no one loves you like I do”).

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That wasn’t why, and you know it.

No, I do know it. At The Gathering;

  • Some Forsaken were rejected by their living relatives. These Forsaken left The Gathering disgruntled and Sylvanas used her wiles on them.
  • Sylvanas later blew a horn that meant the Forsaken had to end The Gathering and return to her (any who didn’t would look like/be traitors). But Sylvanas and her Dark Rangers killed all the Forsaken who wasn’t rejected by their living relatives, regardless of whether they returned to her or not).

She killed them because their living relatives accepted them… and that was a problem because, in her mind, it threatened her control of the Forsaken.

Yes that’s why they CONSTANTLY KEPT REMINDING US OF IT. especially if you played the Ardenweald story.

And the Menethil that snuck in who basically tried to pull an impromptu coup had nothing to do with it I’m sure.

She killed them because she felt threatened. Not because they were accepted. You’re skipping a step just to make it sound worse.

Gonna be honest here, both make her sound worse.


My problem is not with Sylvanas killing Calia (to a degree), because she was eliminating someone actively sought to undermine her rule.

My problem is not with Sylvanas killing the Forsaken who tried to defect or forsake (heh) her, because that is punishing traitors.

My problem is with Sylvanas killing the Forsaken who stayed loyal to her just because they might have relationships with their living relatives while serving her; Sylvanas was being like a girlfriend/boyfriend who tries to kill any other woman/man their partner interacts with.

Look, I’m not really looking to defend the story because if I’m remembering it was Golden who wrote that one, and she really butchered the forsaken in that book (that is from the same one where she decided there were like book burnings in UC and such right?) Plus the story is such a mess who knows what is real.

But if there was logic involved, I would think it was more about quashing a potential challenge to her rule, and coldly wiping out any witnesses who could have relayed the info about Calia back to the the rest of the Forsaken.

Tyrande isnt back to normal, dunno where people get that. she is just the avatar of Mother Moon now, not the Nightwarrior. Her voice still has the spooky reverberation thing.

The book sort of touches on how spiteful she is about the idea of others getting a good relationship with the living when her family is so broken. She has a petty streak to her, and even when alive was prone to snapping and being rash.


With the hints of a Dragon Expansion and Elune’s ties to the Tides with the mention of “The fall of Night reveals her true face” I’m starting to suspect Blizzard had an old script(Afrasiabi before he was fired stated that Shadowlands was something that Blizzard had been wanting to do for a while so one would think the Expansion planned after that was that script) that was reappropriated by the Devs that moved to ArenaNet that ended up being used for both Guild Wars 2 and especially the End of Dragons Expansion.

In otherwords I suspect the whole Dragons not appearing anywhere except Azeroth and Shadowmoon Valley according to Broker Writer in the Grimoire of the Shadowlands Book may infact be a hint to Elune being a Dragon Goddess of Water and blessing Azeroth with Dragons.

Incidentally the ArenaNet Devs that were taken from WoW happen to be D&D Devs so who knows if the whole Dragon Goddess of Water thing started with ArenaNet, WoW or D&D.

In otherwords either Elune is going to be offed or going to get beaten up thrice to get rid of the Void before being healed by the Winter Queen. The Night Elf Fans would be furious!

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She was eliminating witnesses. Stopping a dangerous story dead in it’s tracks.

Well yeah, it was a situation explicitly designed to make readers hate her. It doesn’t need to be made worse.

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Worse but in a better sort of way. Sylvanas making leadership decisions because of a very human flaw is better Sylvanas.

So I just want to bring this up. Elune didn’t know the night elf souls were even sent to the Maw, so her stopping Tyrande from killing Sylvanas so Sylvanas could bring the souls she sent there out, wasn’t even the reason Elune stopped Tyrande.

I know Tyrande says she thinks that why Elune stopped her or something in the epilogue, but that is negated by Elune telling the winter queen she didn’t even know the souls were sent to the maw. Maybe the writers think that is the reason Elune stopped her, but they already made it clear Elune had no idea about the souls being sent to the maw in 9.1.


She stopped Tyrande literally to save her life.

She understands that Tyrande is key to the Night Elves having a future.

The Banshee’s penance will save countless lost soul. A fate that would not have come to pass had I slain her in Ardenweld. Perhaps that is why mother moon stayed my hand

Is what Tyrande says after her merciful judgement. We know Elune is kind of incompetent and useless now after they threw her under the bus for Sylvanas, so her reason for saving Tyrande would probably only be because she liked Tyrande, not really for anything in the future because she doesn’t seem to be any kind of prophetic goddess.

It gives me another idea in that Tyrande doesn’t even consider Elune saving her life, because Elune never seems to talk to her directly to explain anything, Tyrande just says “I heard her voice and it was beautiful”, she just thinks she was sparing Sylvanas to rescue the souls that Elune didn’t even know she sent to the maw. It might be unintentional but Tyrande is written as very selfless, while Sylvanas is written as entirely selfish especially in the book.

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